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Project TurnicornM3-- Turner motorsports s65 e46 M3 swap

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    Project TurnicornM3-- Turner motorsports s65 e46 M3 swap

    2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
    2012 LMB/Black 128i
    2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan

    Still think that if one must engine-swap an E46 M3 (which I'd almost argue one must not), it's gotta be an S65.
    2008 M3 Sedan 6MT
    Slicktop, no iDrive | Öhlins by 3DM Motorsport | Autosolutions | SPL

    2012 Mazda5 6MT
    A few Volvo parts


      Originally posted by IamFODI View Post
      Still think that if one must engine-swap an E46 M3 (which I'd almost argue one must not), it's gotta be an S65.
      Even though I love the S65, I'd almost go towards the S62 since it was originally in the GTR, GTR Street and the Hartge car


        Originally posted by pb_e46 View Post

        Even though I love the S65, I'd almost go towards the S62 since it was originally in the GTR, GTR Street and the Hartge car
        GTR engine has no real relation to any production BMW engine. Conceptually it's closer to the S65 than S62.


          I like the TurnerMS company and this build, but they need another production company making these videos. It has a reality TV show vibe with a bunch of cringe heavy moments.

          What would be cool is if they made a P62 style CF plenum with its CSL filters for the S65. That would look period correct M3 GTR lol


            Originally posted by terra View Post

            GTR engine has no real relation to any production BMW engine. Conceptually it's closer to the S65 than S62.
            Yeah true that.. after looking into it some more haha. Then S65 it is. My game plan for a few years from now is to make a 1M clone with an S65 swap. That's the dream S65 swap.

            Then one day....... S85 into an E46 LOL. But the level of reinforcements needed to run that too.. don't even want to think about it. Prob won't happen


              any updates?


                They just give up on this?
                Last edited by robgill; 11-10-2020, 10:29 AM.


                  Hopefully not, shamelessly ripped off a couple of their ideas for my swap, loved to see their progress.




                      Nice to see they finished it but was hoping for more detail on how they finalized the fabrication of headers, steering etc...


                        Originally posted by robgill View Post
                        Nice to see they finished it but was hoping for more detail on how they finalized the fabrication of headers, steering etc...
                        Yeah, they could have done a better job with filming the build. That most recent video seems slapped together.


                          No updates for 8 months, then a ton of stuff missing update. Clearly at some point they decided the youtube videos weren't worth it.

                          2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
                          2012 LMB/Black 128i
                          2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


                            Just saw these were also posted two weeks ago. What a reality show lol


                              They finished it! Missed this last video and came across it today digging through my subscriptions. Very cool series from Turner but wow they missed the boat on the whole YouTube algorithm thing... If they made a kit I would 100% buy it and take this type of build on!

