Well, after years of holding back on doing a member journal I decided to finally make it happen. A little back story first. The E46 M3 has always been one of my favorite cars and it was something I knew I wanted to get eventually. A few weeks after I sold my first car (March 2019), I came across this Tiag/Imola SMG M3 with 116k miles. Owner said it needed an SMG pump (big surprise haha) and most everything was pretty much clean. I went to check it out, put a deposit down that day and went and picked it up later that week.
The day I went to go see it.
Oh my my my.
Brought the car home and I was the proud owner of an M3 at the young age of 16. Car sat in my garage for about a month since I was busy with school and then finally came the day we replaced the SMG pump and also did the fuel pump as well, with the help of one of my good friend. Car started right up and ran great, gears engaged really well and it pulled strong.
About a year later, right after the first lockdown was lifted, I dropped the car off at a really reputable shop to have the rod bearings done. Been collecting the parts for a few weeks so I saved some money by just paying for labor. Glad I did it when I did because oh man did they need it bad. A few months later, November 2020, I took on the challenge of tackling the subframe thanks to my friend letting me borrow his lift and garage space. Parts included Clownshoe Motorsports Plates (epoxied in), AKG Subframe Bushings, E36 Diff Bushings, Syncro Design Works RTABs, along with a bunch of other stuff. Very minimal cracking thankfully which I had welded by a mobile welder. Got the car down after a few days and it drove amazing with all the new parts. Those were pretty much my big milestone moments and jobs I had done with the car but obviously there were many smaller upgrades and repairs that i took care of in between. This car had come a long way with me, and I babied it a lot. It was my daily driver for pretty much my last 2.5 years of HS and my first semester of college. Fast forward to the end of my first semester and I sell my other car so I have a decent amount of money saved up, so I put out a WTB for a new project and I was presented with what would end up being my new car.
The day I went to go see it.
Oh my my my.
Brought the car home and I was the proud owner of an M3 at the young age of 16. Car sat in my garage for about a month since I was busy with school and then finally came the day we replaced the SMG pump and also did the fuel pump as well, with the help of one of my good friend. Car started right up and ran great, gears engaged really well and it pulled strong.
About a year later, right after the first lockdown was lifted, I dropped the car off at a really reputable shop to have the rod bearings done. Been collecting the parts for a few weeks so I saved some money by just paying for labor. Glad I did it when I did because oh man did they need it bad. A few months later, November 2020, I took on the challenge of tackling the subframe thanks to my friend letting me borrow his lift and garage space. Parts included Clownshoe Motorsports Plates (epoxied in), AKG Subframe Bushings, E36 Diff Bushings, Syncro Design Works RTABs, along with a bunch of other stuff. Very minimal cracking thankfully which I had welded by a mobile welder. Got the car down after a few days and it drove amazing with all the new parts. Those were pretty much my big milestone moments and jobs I had done with the car but obviously there were many smaller upgrades and repairs that i took care of in between. This car had come a long way with me, and I babied it a lot. It was my daily driver for pretty much my last 2.5 years of HS and my first semester of college. Fast forward to the end of my first semester and I sell my other car so I have a decent amount of money saved up, so I put out a WTB for a new project and I was presented with what would end up being my new car.