Update: 9/11/17 Polished Vanos and Polished Dip Stick
I finally took a stab at polishing my vanos. The results aren't bad considering I didn't put in much time and did it on the car without removing anything. I ran out of pads so I'll attempt to give it another shot later but it's much better than before.
I also purchased a polished dip stick to go along with my polished oil filter cap and polished vanos. Crappy potato pics for now, still need to give it a good wipe down but I'm satisfied for now.
In process picture gives you a perspective of the difference.
I finally took a stab at polishing my vanos. The results aren't bad considering I didn't put in much time and did it on the car without removing anything. I ran out of pads so I'll attempt to give it another shot later but it's much better than before.
I also purchased a polished dip stick to go along with my polished oil filter cap and polished vanos. Crappy potato pics for now, still need to give it a good wipe down but I'm satisfied for now.
In process picture gives you a perspective of the difference.