Hey folks,
I recently offered to help out the Boston BMW CCA chapter with their Instagram account. Whether you're a chapter member, a member of a different BMW CCA chapter, not a member but considering it, or just a fan of BMW's, I highly suggest you give us a follow. We'll be posting various things, such as member (and non-member) features, driving events, social events, and more! And be sure to DM or tag us @BBMWCCA/#BBMWCCA for a feature on our page.
And here is my personal/BMW Instagram for anyone interested:
Thanks for the support!

I recently offered to help out the Boston BMW CCA chapter with their Instagram account. Whether you're a chapter member, a member of a different BMW CCA chapter, not a member but considering it, or just a fan of BMW's, I highly suggest you give us a follow. We'll be posting various things, such as member (and non-member) features, driving events, social events, and more! And be sure to DM or tag us @BBMWCCA/#BBMWCCA for a feature on our page.
And here is my personal/BMW Instagram for anyone interested:
Thanks for the support!