I have a replica Gruppe M for sale. I've had it for nearly 5 years and 27k miles.
Even though it is a rep, it only weighs only 11.8 lbs compared to the OEM muffler at 55 lbs
The serial plate fell off (Replica Plate) and could be welded back on but it never bothered me.
There are some scratches on the underside of the tips from exiting a steep driveway but they're not noticeable once mounted.
Asking $1250. Open to shipping.
Even though it is a rep, it only weighs only 11.8 lbs compared to the OEM muffler at 55 lbs
The serial plate fell off (Replica Plate) and could be welded back on but it never bothered me.
There are some scratches on the underside of the tips from exiting a steep driveway but they're not noticeable once mounted.
Asking $1250. Open to shipping.