sold my car so selling some parts that were leftover. located in the bay area, hoping to sell to forum members first, local pickup preferred
Recaro Podium - asking $3200
- installed briefly, essentially new
- full back carbon is PPFd, front shell top and bottom are PPFd
- size Medium (thicker pads than size L)
- driver side seat (recaro emblem on upper pad is on the right side)
driver side mounts for Recaro Podium (or Pole Position) COMPLETE SETUP - asking $250
- BK side mounts
- OE sliders
- slider switch installed and wired
- OE seatbelt receptacle and pretensioner installed ready to plug in
Recaro Sportser CS Leather - asking $800
- used, inner bottom cushion a bit discolored/faded
- passenger side seat (seat fold down lever is on the right side)
passenger side mounts for Recaro Sportser CS COMPLETE SETUP - asking $SOLD
- BK bottom mounts
- OE sliders
- slider switch installed and wired
- OE seatbelt receptacle and pretensioner installed ready to plug in
Slon Triangulating Bar setup COMPLETE - asking $4200
- brand new, never installed
- anodized black end caps, carbon bar is matte but wrapped in gloss PPF
- i do not have the box/padding for the bar, shipping will be very expensive i suspect
here's a stock pic of how it's completely setup
Supersprint Oversized twin pipe resonated Section 2 - asking $700
- brand new, still in packaging
- no box, i suspect shipping will be cost prohibitive
Recaro Podium - asking $3200
- installed briefly, essentially new
- full back carbon is PPFd, front shell top and bottom are PPFd
- size Medium (thicker pads than size L)
- driver side seat (recaro emblem on upper pad is on the right side)
driver side mounts for Recaro Podium (or Pole Position) COMPLETE SETUP - asking $250
- BK side mounts
- OE sliders
- slider switch installed and wired
- OE seatbelt receptacle and pretensioner installed ready to plug in
Recaro Sportser CS Leather - asking $800
- used, inner bottom cushion a bit discolored/faded
- passenger side seat (seat fold down lever is on the right side)
passenger side mounts for Recaro Sportser CS COMPLETE SETUP - asking $SOLD
- BK bottom mounts
- OE sliders
- slider switch installed and wired
- OE seatbelt receptacle and pretensioner installed ready to plug in
Slon Triangulating Bar setup COMPLETE - asking $4200
- brand new, never installed
- anodized black end caps, carbon bar is matte but wrapped in gloss PPF
- i do not have the box/padding for the bar, shipping will be very expensive i suspect
here's a stock pic of how it's completely setup
Supersprint Oversized twin pipe resonated Section 2 - asking $700
- brand new, still in packaging
- no box, i suspect shipping will be cost prohibitive