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Full engine rebuild timeline?

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    Full engine rebuild timeline?

    Hey all,

    So I’ve got a bit of a situation here, and I just wanted to gather some information from the masses to see if what I’m experiencing is normal.

    Right now, I am in the process of having my entire motor rebuilt. I took the motor out myself, took the head and block apart and dropped it off at a very well know shop around the los angeles area(for now, I’m going to leave out the name of the shop.). I dropped it off on June 1st to have the both head and block fully dissembled and cleaned, block maintenance to include: polished crank journals, new main bearing and rod bearings, and cp pistons( stock cr). After they clean and hone the block, they will reinstall the above stated parts in the short block. As for the head, they are doing their entry service, which is a clean, resurface, valve job, and reassembly of rocker assembly.

    Here is where I’m beginning to have issues…

    I was originally told by the owner of the business, turnaround time would be about 4 weeks, I wasnt going to hold him exactly to that time line, because I wasn’t really in a rush. After 4 and a half weeks of not hearing anything from them, I called just to get a status update, at which point all they had done was disassemble the block and head, and was told maybe another 3 weeks. A little surprised it took that long, but i kept my feelings to myself and just went along with my day. Fast forward, 3 weeks, still no word from them, so I again called. They state, “we just dropped of the block and head last week”. Again, I kept my mouth shut, and didnt express any disappointment. After another 2 weeks, I received no updates, so I gave another friendly call. They had received the block back, and were waiting on the head. Cool, I thought, we are getting somewhere now! After a brief convo, I also asked if he could send me a picture of my old rod bearings which were sitting right in front of him, can you guess what they never sent me??(shocker). Another 2 weeks go by, still no calls, I call again. This time they say they have received the head, and have started working on main bearing clearances. I asked how long until everything might be done, this was monday, August 30th. He said maybe by middle of next week. No issues here. I spent labor day weekend in Vegas, came back Tuesday and gave them a call to see if it would be ready for pick up this week, he said to call back later in the week for a check up.
    finally, here we are, Friday morning, September 10th. I call to ask if its ready, he said the block is all done, still waiting on the head. I live in san diego, so i asked if I was to plan my trip towards 5pm arrival(when they close) if it would be ready. He said he would ask he machinist if that was possible and get back with me. 3 hours pass, no phone call. I give them a call back, and the gentleman tell me my head is still at the machine shop waiting to be worked on!!
    At this point, I finally questioned why there are so many hold ups, and why every step of this process has taken so excruciatingly long. Its been at the machine shop since July 15th, and it has been over 3 months since I gave them the motor. When I expressed this to him over the phone, he said unfortunately “your motor never got put in the que, so nobody got to it until they had some free time”. Pretty inexcusable if you ask me, especially after I prepaid the $5k for the service.

    my question for M3forum:
    1: Is this a normal timeline for a rebuild?
    2: do machine shops actually take this long?
    3: considering their builder works part time, would it actually take 2-3 to build a bottom end, when all the parts are already available?
    4: which shops did yall take your motors or cars to for similar work, and what was your overall experience with the customer service?

    Essentially, I’m just trying to figure out if I’m being rational about this situation or not. This is my first time building a motor, so ive never been through anything like this before. I also weighed my options between well known shops that people talk alot about on instagram and this forum, and I made my decision accordingly.

    thank you in advance!
    Last edited by Chanman1029; 09-10-2021, 03:51 PM.

    Could it be Lang? 😄

    Honestly, I don't trust no one! I don't know how you can get an engine rebuild or a respray with any confidence it's going to be done timely and correctly anymore. You gotta stay on their ass, but then increase the odds that you piss them off and the work suffers.

    Hang in there. Don't take no shit. Also, there's a difference between customer service and timeliness of work. They might be running behind/busy which isn't fun, but not the end of the world, but they can still stay in touch and give honest expectations/timeframes.
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      Originally posted by Tbonem3 View Post
      Could it be Lang? 😄

      Honestly, I don't trust no one! I don't know how you can get an engine rebuild or a respray with any confidence it's going to be done timely and correctly anymore. You gotta stay on their ass, but then increase the odds that you piss them off and the work suffers.

      Hang in there. Don't take no shit. Also, there's a difference between customer service and timeliness of work. They might be running behind/busy which isn't fun, but not the end of the world, but they can still stay in touch and give honest expectations/timeframes.
      That’s exactly how I feel! Thats why I’ve been silent for this whole time! Do I think they would do something shady? Probably not, but would I put it past them? Absolutely not.

      for now, I’m going to keep the shops name out until I receive more feedback from everyone. I also dont know if this shop has activity in the forums.


        You have my sympathy man. I have been dealing with a VERY similar problem, but not related to car/engine work. Instead it's construction work. What should have been a 4 week project has dragged on for 4 months, still with no resolution.

        I don't have an answer for you, other than I agree it's unacceptable. You should share their name so no one else gets screwed over. It's not slander, it's the right thing to do. They don't deserve the business if they can't treat the customer right. Seems like there are far too many businesses out there that act like the customers are a burden because they're "so busy". That's not how it works!

        My only advice would be to give them a "drop dead" date. Get the project done by this date, or you're picking up the parts and they're not getting paid a dime. It's the only way to add some sort of repercussion.

        edit: Regarding the timeline, I think 3-6 weeks is probably reasonable depending on the size of the shop. What matters more is that they stick to their commitment instead of dragging it on forever. I'd rather a shop tell me it was going to be 10 weeks but actually deliver a perfect project at 10 weeks than tell me it's 4 weeks and drag it along for 14.
        Last edited by cobra; 09-10-2021, 04:26 PM.


          First mistake…giving them an eternity. Tell them you want the engine back in 30 days and get it in writing.

          But your experience isn’t out of the norm. Most machine shops are slow and it’s hard to find a good one. The amount of money you’re throwing at them makes a difference.

          Which is why I still use a machine shop in Wichita, KS even though I’ve moved to Houston. This shop is on time or ahead of schedule. I give them a head, it’s rebuilt in 2 weeks. I give them parts to hot tank, done in 3 days. Quality work, fair price and on time. That’s a professional.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            Tbh this is a pretty normal experience unfortunately. All in all my motor rebuild took 6 months, simply because (at least in my area) good engine builders are in high demand atm. Just gotta stay on their ass and hold them accountable for deadlines.


              Originally posted by cobra View Post
              You have my sympathy man. I have been dealing with a VERY similar problem, but not related to car/engine work. Instead it's construction work. What should have been a 4 week project has dragged on for 4 months, still with no resolution.

              I don't have an answer for you, other than I agree it's unacceptable. You should share their name so no one else gets screwed over. It's not slander, it's the right thing to do. They don't deserve the business if they can't treat the customer right. Seems like there are far too many businesses out there that act like the customers are a burden because they're "so busy". That's not how it works!

              My only advice would be to give them a "drop dead" date. Get the project done by this date, or you're picking up the parts and they're not getting paid a dime. It's the only way to add some sort of repercussion.

              edit: Regarding the timeline, I think 3-6 weeks is probably reasonable depending on the size of the shop. What matters more is that they stick to their commitment instead of dragging it on forever. I'd rather a shop tell me it was going to be 10 weeks but actually deliver a perfect project at 10 weeks than tell me it's 4 weeks and drag it along for 14.
              This might be a little hard for me to do, especially since I’ve already paid them. maybe that was one of my mistakes, but they already have the block finished, but the head is still at the machine shop, it would be quite an expense of energy to go to LA area, get my block, then fo to whatever machine shop its at to get the head. I just wish they would keep me in the loop, they have not one time reached out to me to tell me an update, its always been me that called after 2-3 weeks to ask.


                It's understandable stuff takes longer than normal and taking longer than that now that everyone is backed up. I am a reasonable fellow but this shit drives me mad. Don't make promises you can't keep, be upfront and mention it might take longer or do what I do in my business, quote them a realistic deadline however long that may be. Too many people bs to get business up front then screw the consumer.


                  Did they get the full amount up front? If so, then there is not much pressure to get it done in a timely manner. A partial deposit is more reasonable and at this point, they probably should prioritize it since it sounds like they are dragging their feet.


                    Originally posted by Slideways View Post
                    Did they get the full amount up front? If so, then there is not much pressure to get it done in a timely manner. A partial deposit is more reasonable and at this point, they probably should prioritize it since it sounds like they are dragging their feet.
                    Yeah, I paid the full amount up front. Since then, like an additional $200 is owed for some extra stuff. I didn’t have to pay them at all, I just did because I figured it would get the motivation


                      That's the exact opposite method of motivating.


                        Originally posted by jet_dogg View Post
                        That's the exact opposite method of motivating.
                        to be fair, I could see it going both ways. But I completely understand how it can be perceived as “why do I need to do anything I’m already paid.”


                          I wanna hear though what are some shops that y’all have been to in the LA area?


                            I think it's normal for delays like these, majority of these shops outsource work to 3rd party specialists and therein lies some of the problem, logistics.

                            In my experience, I never have hard dates set for this sort of thing. I would have a daily driver and whatever car is under the knife isn't complete until it's done right. I give shops all the time they need, I don't want something back that is problematic because said shop felt pressure from my end.

                            Of course I pay 1/2 up front and 1/2 when the work is complete, you'd think paying up front you're a priority but it's not usually the case with machinists.

                            Stay positive man, you're in the final stretch.

                            Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk


                              I wouldn't even pay half up front. They have the car, it's not like a contractor in your house.
                              DD: /// 2011.5 Jerez/bamboo E90 M3 · DCT · Slicktop · Instagram
                              /// 2004 Silvergrey M3 · Coupe · 6spd · Slicktop · zero options
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