My insurer had reduced the agreed value of my M3 to the point that it was insured for less than half of what it would cost to replace.
Given these cars are over 15 years old now and I don't use it as a daily I was able to get classic car insurance with double the agreed value for the same price! Classic car policies usually come with very restrictive mileage conditions, but the one I chose only restricted the average frequency of use to 3 days a week (I have no idea how they can track that tho unless they have me under surveillance
Given these cars are over 15 years old now and I don't use it as a daily I was able to get classic car insurance with double the agreed value for the same price! Classic car policies usually come with very restrictive mileage conditions, but the one I chose only restricted the average frequency of use to 3 days a week (I have no idea how they can track that tho unless they have me under surveillance
