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The Official Bring A Trailer (BaT) Thread

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  • oceansize
    I'd love to drive this one. LS7 swap with a Tremec T56 transmission.

    Bid for the chance to own a LS7-Powered 2002 BMW M3 Coupe 6-Speed at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online. Lot #148,564.

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  • Nate047
    Originally posted by Slideways View Post

    That is frustrating OP. Do BaT keep those fees? If so, they really should work something out with you and the 2nd highest bidder.

    Does BaT edit their results graph eventually? The car is marked as sold at the final price.

    Another sub-50k IB went for 65k, so I would imagine your's would be around that when you account for the high quality aftermarket parts and the history.
    I think in cases like this they will connect the seller and the second highest bidder and let them work it out.

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  • Nate047
    Originally posted by Maxxfish View Post

    Man, people suck. The "winner" placed 13 bids, was he drunk?! Sorry you have to deal with that, hopefully it will be an easy sale.
    He probably literally was drunk. People are stupid. Maybe he has a gambling problem.

    Either way that's super annoying as the seller, BAT will likely ban him. Not based on the user name but on his actual billing name on the credit card supplied.

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  • Slideways
    Originally posted by repoman89 View Post

    It’s all good. People are definitely crazy. I’d think really hard before spending $3300 and this guy threw it away.

    It’s got me reconsidering keeping the car though, painting and installing my Mile End bumper, etc. so maybe it’s a good thing. Doesn’t really seriously move the needle either way.
    That is frustrating OP. Do BaT keep those fees? If so, they really should work something out with you and the 2nd highest bidder.

    Does BaT edit their results graph eventually? The car is marked as sold at the final price.

    Another sub-50k IB went for 65k, so I would imagine your's would be around that when you account for the high quality aftermarket parts and the history.
    Last edited by Slideways; 05-22-2024, 05:36 PM.

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  • stephen
    Originally posted by repoman89 View Post

    Thank you sir, but don't count it as a sale until payment happens. The winning bidder cancelled on me because he can't afford the car due to family medical bills. Leaves me wondering why he was bidding in the first place and willing to throw away $3300 on the BAT fee. Oh well. I wasn't expecting it to go that high anyway and will pursue a sale elsewhere (or to the second bidder).

    I had a bad feeling when a May 2024 reg date, 0 comment, 0 bid user won so can't say I'm surprised or disappointed
    That’s really scummy on his part. IMO the car is worth at least what the high bid went to. It’d be impossible to replicate for that price and the base is a low mileage interlagos ZCP.

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  • repoman89
    Originally posted by Maxxfish View Post

    Man, people suck. The "winner" placed 13 bids, was he drunk?! Sorry you have to deal with that, hopefully it will be an easy sale.
    It’s all good. People are definitely crazy. I’d think really hard before spending $3300 and this guy threw it away.

    It’s got me reconsidering keeping the car though, painting and installing my Mile End bumper, etc. so maybe it’s a good thing. Doesn’t really seriously move the needle either way.

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  • Maxxfish
    Originally posted by repoman89 View Post

    Thank you sir, but don't count it as a sale until payment happens. The winning bidder cancelled on me because he can't afford the car due to family medical bills. Leaves me wondering why he was bidding in the first place and willing to throw away $3300 on the BAT fee. Oh well. I wasn't expecting it to go that high anyway and will pursue a sale elsewhere (or to the second bidder).

    I had a bad feeling when a May 2024 reg date, 0 comment, 0 bid user won so can't say I'm surprised or disappointed
    Man, people suck. The "winner" placed 13 bids, was he drunk?! Sorry you have to deal with that, hopefully it will be an easy sale.

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  • Duck360198
    Originally posted by oceansize View Post
    That is a good point on social media, I still fail to take into account what they do to the market. The e46 m3 is a popular click bait car.
    Well, they're bidding and winning top tier condition vehicles because those are the ones attracting most of the attention, so it definitely has an impact on that market. I don't think they necessarily have an impact on the 8 owner, accident history, tranny swap market though. If the car will generate followers, likes, and subscribers after the fact, then they can recoup some of the cash on their platform and even take a hit when they sell the car. Hence why it all feels a bit fake. But they all talk to each other and have crazy connections. It's a different environment and it feels like it's only the beginning of the changes we may see. If I'm being honest, it makes me wonder what kind of interest my Canadian low mileage car would generate.

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  • repoman89
    Originally posted by stephen View Post
    Thank you sir, but don't count it as a sale until payment happens. The winning bidder cancelled on me because he can't afford the car due to family medical bills. Leaves me wondering why he was bidding in the first place and willing to throw away $3300 on the BAT fee. Oh well. I wasn't expecting it to go that high anyway and will pursue a sale elsewhere (or to the second bidder).

    I had a bad feeling when a May 2024 reg date, 0 comment, 0 bid user won so can't say I'm surprised or disappointed

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  • maw1124
    It's all fake / meme driven, and a lot of it is crypto money with nowhere else to go (spoken as someone who "works" in the space).

    It's not even about the car or knowledge of it. It's a meme just like everything else.

    Then there's us on the real side of life.


    EDIT... not "all" literally, but too much to be taken too seriously

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  • oceansize
    That is a good point on social media, I still fail to take into account what they do to the market. The e46 m3 is a popular click bait car.

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  • Duck360198
    Originally posted by bavarian3 View Post

    could also sadly be another dealer like eag that just lists it for another 50k on top of whatever it auctions for
    The YouTubers, Instagram Dealers, Podcasters, Content Creators, etc. all want a piece of the pie. I mean hell, someone commented yesterday on the LSB auction that they want to see bidder "miamimiles" content with the car if they win. It's non-stop. The dealers know they can find a buyer regardless of price because of all the connections. The content creators seem like they're more excited about breaking records and then they can just write the expense off. It's such a bizarre time to me and the market feels a bit fake. But man there's a lot of money being thrown around.

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  • oceansize
    Originally posted by Duck360198 View Post
    Lots of great points in these past few pages. Having experienced several M cars and having owned 8 E46 M3's, I can honestly say that the E46 M3 has always been my favorite. There are two ZCP E46's in the garage right now with about 8K miles between the two. Got one in 2013 off the old M3 Forum, which was 98% dream spec for me. Got another from Canada in 2022. A couple hundred miles a year is accurate. They're exercised, they're serviced, and they're enjoyed....albeit maybe a bit differently than what many on here would consider "enjoyed." I find time capsules amazing. When the Canadian one showed up and was being sold by the original owner with the original rubber on it and all documentation, even if it was a more pedestrian spec, I was completely blown away and had to pursue.

    I will also say that I don't wrench on my own cars. Not that I don't "want" to, I just don't feel I'm mechanically inclined and I'm not one that will just dive right in. I do know the E46 on paper, but I'll never pretend to know more than I actually do. I don't contribute at all because I feel I have nothing to contribute other than my opinion (who cares?!), but the wealth of knowledge is amazing and certainly appreciated. Yes, my preference is to have the cleanest possible example and let someone else maintain it. That makes ownership enjoyable to me. Yes, having a dedicated daily does take away from putting more mileage on the cars, but getting out of the daily simply makes the E46 driving experience even better even if it's not thousands of miles per year.

    I consider myself an enthusiast. Others may not based on their definition, and that's fine. I certainly wouldn't call myself a collector. Again, others may disagree. Fact is, all the cars that have gone through the garage have simply appreciated naturally and not one was bought saying "I'm going to hold onto this and watch it skyrocket." I don't know, I feel like maybe the natural appreciation simply validated my initial desire to own each car in the first place.

    I don't know who will end up with the LSB/Cinnamon. Could be an enthusiast. Could be a collector. But it's amazing to watch it all unfold. Sorry for the long post.
    You're an enthusiast duck, by any measure. Long time owner and your enthusiasm over the platform is noticeable. liam821 was correct when he mentioned how many of us have multiple cars which has the effect of diminishing mileage accrued on any one particular car. My original post should've been more clear in that I'm referencing those who own the car and know next to nothing about the car. I mentioned the following in a post a few years ago about my neighbor, just a few houses down from me, who bought an e46 m3, I was so excited, lol. I was like sweet, having a neighbor to talk about some e46 m3 stuff will be nice and if he needs a hand I can pitch in and vice versa. Nope. Dude was weird, but eventually I realized he bought the car simply to have it and hold it. He knew nothing, absolutely nothing, about the car. He actually resented me talking about the car. Ohhh well, that is a collector. I think he has sold it, but man, I don't like him.

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  • Kevin2772
    Originally posted by bavarian3 View Post

    could also sadly be another dealer like eag that just lists it for another 50k on top of whatever it auctions for
    I'm curious to see the future of EAG now that they have been sold. The previous owner kept a lot of the EAG collection as well. They sniped a neighbors 2004 Black/Black 36K mile 1 owner 6 speed vert for 28.5 last summer/fall. Had it listed for POR on site and was gone within a week or two. The neighbor saw me washing mine and walked over with his dog and told me the story. It took everything in me not to cry, when I asked to buy that car from him time and time again.

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  • bavarian3
    Originally posted by Duck360198 View Post
    Lots of great points in these past few pages. Having experienced several M cars and having owned 8 E46 M3's, I can honestly say that the E46 M3 has always been my favorite. There are two ZCP E46's in the garage right now with about 8K miles between the two. Got one in 2013 off the old M3 Forum, which was 98% dream spec for me. Got another from Canada in 2022. A couple hundred miles a year is accurate. They're exercised, they're serviced, and they're enjoyed....albeit maybe a bit differently than what many on here would consider "enjoyed." I find time capsules amazing. When the Canadian one showed up and was being sold by the original owner with the original rubber on it and all documentation, even if it was a more pedestrian spec, I was completely blown away and had to pursue.

    I will also say that I don't wrench on my own cars. Not that I don't "want" to, I just don't feel I'm mechanically inclined and I'm not one that will just dive right in. I do know the E46 on paper, but I'll never pretend to know more than I actually do. I don't contribute at all because I feel I have nothing to contribute other than my opinion (who cares?!), but the wealth of knowledge is amazing and certainly appreciated. Yes, my preference is to have the cleanest possible example and let someone else maintain it. That makes ownership enjoyable to me. Yes, having a dedicated daily does take away from putting more mileage on the cars, but getting out of the daily simply makes the E46 driving experience even better even if it's not thousands of miles per year.

    I consider myself an enthusiast. Others may not based on their definition, and that's fine. I certainly wouldn't call myself a collector. Again, others may disagree. Fact is, all the cars that have gone through the garage have simply appreciated naturally and not one was bought saying "I'm going to hold onto this and watch it skyrocket." I don't know, I feel like maybe the natural appreciation simply validated my initial desire to own each car in the first place.

    I don't know who will end up with the LSB/Cinnamon. Could be an enthusiast. Could be a collector. But it's amazing to watch it all unfold. Sorry for the long post.
    could also sadly be another dealer like eag that just lists it for another 50k on top of whatever it auctions for

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