Hope all is well and everyone’s safe and sound. Originally had a problem with the trans where it wasn’t catching gears all of a sudden. Literally went bad in one day and wouldn’t catch gears anymore, especially 3rd and 4th. Got to a point where wouldn’t go into reverse or first at all until i caught it at the right rpm range. Figured it was a sloppy shifter bushing so I changed the lower shifter bushing white cup thing. Nothing.
I got a used trans bc thought it was synchros, clutch was pretty bad, flywheel meh so I changed all three out. Still getting that car not catching gear/throwing me out when shifting. Now it happens mainly in 6th gear, sometimes when i downshift to 4th, but best way to describe it is I’ll be going highway speeds in 5th then shift to 6th and it just doesn’t catch and then I’ll end up revving the engine. I have to really bang it into gear for it to catch almost like I’m tracking the car but I’m going normal highway speeds. Feels like I’m going to break something. Happens when trying to go into first at stop light too, sometimes doesn’t go into the gear and I have to continuously work it until it goes in while everyone’s honking behind me. 3rd and 5th haven’t given me any issues.
Hoping it isn’t a synchro problem with the “new” trans but when I’m going highway speeds and I miss that 6th, rpms drop as usual, and then I catch 6th and it raises rpms and smoothly shifts into 6th so synchros seem fine. Somethings just wrong with the catch/physical shifting into the gear itself. Any ideas on what that might be? Maybe something with the shifter/fork? Maybe I’m doing something wrong since it’s a new clutch and I have to get used to it but I’ve honestly never had a problem with shifting the car. Car has a UUC SSK and DSSR. Appreciate any help and taking the time to read this.