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Door arm rest won't come apart

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    Door arm rest won't come apart

    I'm trying to replace the trim on my door arm rests. I have some aftermarket real CF trim with clearcoat however it has yellowed over the years. I already replaced the dash trim with a vinyl CF wrapped one but stuck on the arm rests.

    From what I can found online, I should be able to reach in an pop out some tabs to separate the two halves. But my artm rest seems to be molded one piece, I can't even see any tabs.

    I don't wanna hack it up, is my only option to find a used lower arm rest piece somewhere?
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    Last edited by Amos; 02-20-2023, 10:58 AM.

    Someone has bonded those together, that is not stock.

    I don't think you'll be able to separate them without destroying them.


      Thanks, that's what I figured. I don't want to destroy them, they are pretty nice pieces.

      I'll have to figure something else out and drive around with mismatched trim for now. Grrrrr.


        Looks like they were fabbed as a single piece.

