I noticed a bunch of oil on my vanos pressure canister a while back and was led by you fine folks to change out the vanos gasket and timing chain tensioner seal as possible culprits. Fast forward to this weekend and I noticed more oil on the canister, around the block adjacent to the vanos line, and on the lower part of the block leading backwards. I was going to change the vanos pressure line but decided to look around some more for other clues. I also saw some oil on the drain plug, on the passenger side area where the tranny meets the block, and even some drops on the oil pan bolt that you can see looking into the access holes on the bellhousing (upper bolt not lower). I don't see a ton of oil when I look up into the bellhousing and the cpv is bone dry. The car is tilted up on front jack stands only.
I am still guessing the vanos line or vanos gasket may be still leaking so I am going to change the line. The leak further back and along the oil pan is confusing. Could it be just one big oil pan leak and now that the car is tilted back on jack stands some oil is leaking out of the back and showing on the upper bolt? Or is this a rear main seal leak? I am letting it just sit a day or two to see if it continues to show some drops. I figure it must be the oil pan if it is just seeping sitting still like that. Any guesses?
I am still guessing the vanos line or vanos gasket may be still leaking so I am going to change the line. The leak further back and along the oil pan is confusing. Could it be just one big oil pan leak and now that the car is tilted back on jack stands some oil is leaking out of the back and showing on the upper bolt? Or is this a rear main seal leak? I am letting it just sit a day or two to see if it continues to show some drops. I figure it must be the oil pan if it is just seeping sitting still like that. Any guesses?