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GB: Supersprint Exhaust Systems Part 2 by MpowerMotorsports

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    Just wanted to say I waited 2-4 months for my orders, but it did end up saving me over $1k just on SS headers for my E39. So roughly $250-300/month was saved by waiting.

    I would say there's 2 real options and paths here: either you pay full retail price and get it in 1-4 weeks, or you wait a few months to save what may amount to a very decent amount of dough. I already had to spend a shitload getting everything together for my E46 and E39 builds over the last few months, so saving thousands by waiting for these group buy orders and Black Friday specials was worth it for me.

    If you're paying full retail, you're paying for the cost of convenience. If you're paying a discounted rate along with dozens and dozens of other people in a big group buy, I'd say as a rule of thumb you're going to wait a while for the group buy to finish, product to be received, sorted, and sent out. It's just the nature of the beast. M Power did reach out several times to me, and I did go into this knowing I'd have to wait a while.

    I would highly recommend reaching out to them, Abdul and Majdi have great customer service and are very easy to reach. I always got ahold of them as soon as I gave them a ring, and I would advise giving them a call to discuss your order.
    Last edited by EthanolTurbo; 12-11-2022, 02:00 PM.
    Instagram: @logicalconclusion


      Originally posted by Wernd View Post
      I've got tracking for my order as well.

      The process hasn't been rough or complex but it's become the 2nd longest relationship I've had in my life........ And I'm on my 2nd marriage lol
      I sincerely laughed my ass off at this one - you couldn't be more right.

      Originally posted by Under_Pressure View Post

      There was never supposed to be a second batch to begin with. When the group buy came out the website stated June-July as estimated delivery. Then the Italian holiday thing happened then the delay in shipping then the delay in the last mile now the delay in Mpower shipping out the orders. This group buy has not been a great experience. One can voice their displeasure with it and not be told go buy it somewhere else. The money was giving in April and then you think it’s okay that you just get your money back months later when you’re told it’s going to take longer than expected for them to fulfill your order? You obviously have low standards of service and only care for the cost of things.
      There was always a second batch. Abdul from MPower pre-ordered specific SKUs prior to me even talking to him about a GB as he did an E39 GB by himself. He had about 25x 044001, 044002, a few mid sections and 3x of each rear sections. He wanted to further our relationship.

      I thought the SKU selection was off, hence why the GB was opened up to more SKUs and catless possibilities. The GB bolstered those numbers by 3-4x fold.

      The real mess up was their complete inexperience in international logistics and repackaging. They have been better on batch 2: brokerage was smooth, shipping was on time, last mile delivery guys were a few days late - and most orders have shipped by now. A few remain to be shipped.

      The ones that haven't had orders completely fulfilled due to lack of quantities are not being forgotten, SS has been slow to response per Majdi but they are working on getting ETAs for them.

      As Jared said, refunds remain available, and they've been good on this promise.

      Originally posted by Under_Pressure View Post

      It does not matter if I bought a tin can or a lug nut when someone gives you a date for delivery you as a customer should expect it around that time not 5 months later! I’m in no rush for the parts but I was planning on having it installed a while ago. This is not a must have item for me I don’t drive the car but I still expected some timeframe. And what’s the problem now? M power received the parts over a week ago and we were again told it would ship out by the end of this last week and guess what it hasn’t. I’m now waiting for a part to arrive and may not be home for the holidays to inspect it prior.

      This is a totally unrealistic expectation for a group buy - and I would recommend you stick to buying in stock products at retail.

      The very spirit of group buys is to sacrifice individual service by communicating to a group and using some economies of scale to save on shipping and raw materials. I try to derisk the process by testing the products myself first and skipping the forum lists by using a few bits of tech to aggregate groups that go beyond NAM3.

      Originally posted by Under_Pressure View Post
      And let’s get something straight Matt is not doing something nice for you, it’s a business made for profits. You can continue with your laid back approach for your orders but I’ll continue to expect great service when I buy things.
      When group buys go sideways, it's absolutely hell. I have had to put in 10x the amount of time needed as well, for a lot less along with taking the credibility hit. I also dealt with a dented rear section replacement.

      This has been taking away from the little time I have to launch other innovative products.

      I'm not looking for any pity - this is a risk I take running these. You should however understand this isn't cut and dry.​

      This is a side hustle for me. This "business" doesn't pay the bills, neither does it turn a EBITDA profit. It pays for my M car hoonigan-ery.
      Last edited by Epoustouflant; 12-12-2022, 01:11 PM.


        Called today to cancel my order and was told that it’s shipping out today and they don’t know if they can hold the package prior to it being picked up and to call later today… at this point I don’t want it and it seems like I’m going to have to keep it. It doesn’t matter to me that it’s almost here I did not like the process or the reply I received in regards to my issue. This has left an impression on future purchases with Euroconnex to say the least.


          Originally posted by Under_Pressure View Post
          Called today to cancel my order and was told that it’s shipping out today and they don’t know if they can hold the package prior to it being picked up and to call later today… at this point I don’t want it and it seems like I’m going to have to keep it. It doesn’t matter to me that it’s almost here I did not like the process or the reply I received in regards to my issue. This has left an impression on future purchases with Euroconnex to say the least.
          Resell it and make a profit.



            This GB has gotten ridiculous with complaints. Matt has gone to some length to secure these at rates no one can match let alone SS didn't even offer 50% discounts direct from their website this year. If you're honestly not happy with saving 10-30% more then the average holiday discounts due to increased cost material and shortages then yeah you should buy retail. No one ever expected to see 50% off SS ever again from when ECS did it, let alone two that were back to back.

            If not for the second GB I would have missed this opportunity due to my deployment. Under_Pressure what did you purchase out of curiosity? I may be interested to take something off your hands at what it cost you plus shipping.
            Last edited by Cronenberged; 12-14-2022, 09:02 AM. Reason: Grammer


              Yea.. it’s been a long stretch here but everything past Covid has been. We’ve all been waiting but personally see no reason to back out at the last leg here. Granted it’s your money and your car, not ours, but seems silly to me.

              they’re doing what they can, hasn’t been smooth but hasn’t been that ridiculous either.

              just got my tracking today, says 2day shipping, should get mine Friday.

              **side note**
              I purchased the full headers all the way to sec 3.
              what other items do I need or does it come with for install? Example do I need to purchase gaskets for the headers? Thanks in advance
              Last edited by FCD46; 12-14-2022, 10:27 AM.
              2006 ILB | M-Texture


                Originally posted by FCD46 View Post
                Yea.. it’s been a long stretch here but everything past Covid has been. We’ve all been waiting but personally see no reason to back out at the last leg here. Granted it’s your money and your car, not ours, but seems silly to me.

                they’re doing what they can, hasn’t been smooth but hasn’t been that ridiculous either.

                just got my tracking today, says 2day shipping, should get mine Friday.

                **side note**
                I purchased the full headers all the way to sec 3.
                what other items do I need or does it come with for install? Example do I need to purchase gaskets for the headers? Thanks in advance
                You will want to buy hardware for your headers, gaskets for Sec. 1>2 as well as gaskets from 2>3. I would see the condition of your hardware and decide from there what really needs to get replaced.

                I can't recommend enough to get all new factory header gaskets/nuts, also might not hurt to get a few extra studs as if some back out it can be a bitch to get the nuts off/studs back into the head if they are a bit rusty.

                If studs do come out of the head N54 studs have an Etorx head that makes threaded them in east, but the N54 studs are longer than OEM and make installing V1 headers a bitch. I would try to stick to factory stuff.

                If you need to re-thread the factory studs you can use the beauty cover nuts (on top of valve cover) to helpt out instead of using the double nut method.
                Credit to Slideways on that.

                Get on Realoem and just look what all HW is used and check against your car for what really needs replacing.
                2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
                Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
                Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

                OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
                RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

                2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


                  I ordered about $240 worth of gaskets and hardware from FCP an hour ago. That was hella painful.
                  E46 M3 TiAg/Black - Journal​, IG: sharkmar
                  981 Cayman GTS Racing Yellow/Black
                  C43 AMG Diamond Silver/Red​


                    Originally posted by SQ13 View Post
                    I ordered about $240 worth of gaskets and hardware from FCP an hour ago. That was hella painful.
                    Can you send me the parts list, I’ll likely order the same
                    2006 ILB | M-Texture


                      Originally posted by FCD46 View Post

                      Can you send me the parts list, I’ll likely order the same
                      This is for the full V1 kit. The bolts and nuts for sec 2 to muffler are fine, so I’ll be reusing those.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	50DC86E7-046B-4D74-9F48-CF31F699D0CC.png
Views:	180
Size:	182.3 KB
ID:	196498
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	87C3BA8C-3865-4B90-B787-F9BF84D819A2.png
Views:	189
Size:	195.2 KB
ID:	196497
                      Attached Files
                      E46 M3 TiAg/Black - Journal​, IG: sharkmar
                      981 Cayman GTS Racing Yellow/Black
                      C43 AMG Diamond Silver/Red​


                        What a waste of $

                        At least you got the kit with some OEM parts like elring gaskets and hjs donut rings.
                        DD: /// 2011.5 Jerez/bamboo E90 M3 · DCT · Slicktop · Instagram
                        /// 2004 Silvergrey M3 · Coupe · 6spd · Slicktop · zero options
                        More info:


                          I too ordered all new hardware, probably have some extra stuff since the SS parts appear to have hardware. I'm planning on going the inconel Torx bolt route that Obioban recommended for S1 to S2 to S3 connections. Also bought all new gaskets, nuts, hangers, and O2 sensors / EGT sensor. I did not get new manifold studs though, I'll let my indy shop work that out.

                          On a side note, I've completely received my full order (full catted race system) and looking forward to the install. Thanks MPower / Matt for putting this together!


                            Originally posted by PSUEng View Post
                            I too ordered all new hardware, probably have some extra stuff since the SS parts appear to have hardware. I'm planning on going the inconel Torx bolt route that Obioban recommended for S1 to S2 to S3 connections. Also bought all new gaskets, nuts, hangers, and O2 sensors / EGT sensor. I did not get new manifold studs though, I'll let my indy shop work that out.

                            On a side note, I've completely received my full order (full catted race system) and looking forward to the install. Thanks MPower / Matt for putting this together!
                            You're welcome.

                            As of today, all orders have been shipped from batch 2.

                            Majdi is sending over the overstock list shortly that I will re-assign to backorders with priority given to those with multiple SKUs in their orders.


                              Originally posted by Epoustouflant View Post

                              You're welcome.

                              As of today, all orders have been shipped from batch 2.

                              Majdi is sending over the overstock list shortly that I will re-assign to backorders with priority given to those with multiple SKUs in their orders.
                              My replacement muffler hasn’t shipped..
                              E46 M3 TiAg/Black - Journal​, IG: sharkmar
                              981 Cayman GTS Racing Yellow/Black
                              C43 AMG Diamond Silver/Red​


                                Originally posted by SQ13 View Post

                                My replacement muffler hasn’t shipped..
                                If it's a sport section, it was the last units to be shipped.

