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BlazenXLT build thread - 2002 M3

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    BlazenXLT build thread - 2002 M3

    Place holder for build thread. Hoping I can salvage some of the old one...

    Here's my old cooling system DIY, successfully saved by bimmer and Shonky
    Credit to original author: BlazenXLT ( Link to the cached version I was able to save from m3forums before it disappeared. It's on my OneDrive until the forum allows me to attach files. Unfortunately pics were already busted from
    Last edited by blazenXLT; 04-28-2021, 03:29 PM.
    RIP M3F
    2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco

    Well, I've been slacking on this one big time. Too bad the old M3F journal can't be copied, there goes several hundred posts and I think like 250k views...

    Prior to COVID ruining everything we'd made the decision to sell our home and build a new one. The plan was to sell in the early spring with the new place finishing up around late Oct, so we'd rent a small place for 6 months. My in-laws were kind enough to let me use their garage for the M3, so it got cleaned up and covered, while it's old spot was a mess of packing. I also got my bronco running again after replacing most of the front, just in time for it to get put in storage as well.

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    Summer had ups and downs - it turned into a bit of a nightmare to sell the old house, but at least building the new one was a welcome distraction. Here's a few shots of the build.
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    Once we were moved in work slowly progressed. The garage was used a staging area for other projects, so organizing took a back seat for a bit. Once things were cleared out, I started with getting tire storage up (I have another rack that needs to be put up), then started building some work benches. I've always wanted one with a butcher block top, so I ordered a big one and got it built. I built a second bench with a flip top so I can keep the grinder in the garage, but out of the way most of the time. Everything is on casters to keep them easy to move. For wall storage I used 3/4 inch ply - I hate pegboard.

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    Last edited by blazenXLT; 04-29-2021, 04:08 AM.
    RIP M3F
    2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


      After 10+ months in storage the M3 was finally brought back
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      Good timing too as it was back to the track for the first time since July 2019. Had a good time and the M ran just fine. The dunlops are starting to get a bit old, but everything else felt fine even if I felt rusty. I had a student in a e46 330ci. He was on a totally stock set-up and totally vaporized his brakes. When ended going off at turn 5, but there's a big grassy area there so it was as uneventful as an off can be. He was able to get some extra parts and since I feel like I could do e46 brakes blindfolded, we tackled the job and got him back out.

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      I wasn't home too long before I decided to fix my tire concerns - 6 new RS4's showed up soon after. This will be my first time on a non-dunlop, but they seem to have great reviews and are a bit cheaper in fact. I'm making the trek to VIR next month and that will be the last go round for the star specs.

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      RIP M3F
      2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


        Always makes me feel warm and fuzzy when OG M3F members start up their threads again

        Photos aren't working on the first post btw! Good to see this resurrected, even if a few hundred posts smaller LOL


          Originally posted by Str8f4c3 View Post
          Always makes me feel warm and fuzzy when OG M3F members start up their threads again

          Photos aren't working on the first post btw! Good to see this resurrected, even if a few hundred posts smaller LOL
          Hmmm, photos are showing for me, although I did get an error message when I first tried to post them up.
          RIP M3F
          2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


            Originally posted by blazenXLT View Post

            Hmmm, photos are showing for me, although I did get an error message when I first tried to post them up.
            I can see post #3 photo's but not post #2!


              ok, they should work now
              RIP M3F
              2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


                Looks like it's time for a rebuild, 2 weeks to VIR. Parts are ordered and on the way.

                Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

                RIP M3F
                2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


                  Parts are in! Any pro tips on caliper rebuild? I've never done it. Should I disconnect the brake line at the caliper, or at the hard line? Is there an easy way to keep too much fluid flowing out while I work?

                  Also saying goodbye to the jelly jar, tubing, duct tape setup I've been using for bleeding brakes too.

                  Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

                  RIP M3F
                  2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


                    Did some Stoptech stainless lines for a buddy a couple weeks back... They included these little rubber stoppers that slip over the flare at the end of the hardline, that keeps the fluid from draining. If you could get ahold of those that would probably help a ton.


                      Seal was in really bad shape once I got it out. Rebuild is going smoothly though, should have everything back together this weekend

                      Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

                      RIP M3F
                      2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


                        Second caliper all done, just need to bleed the system. This second one was just as bad as first, even though you couldn't tell when it was mounted. Seal was completely ripped. Really glad I bought new pistons.

                        Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

                        RIP M3F
                        2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


                          Long time with no posting, so here we go.

                          At my next track event after rebuilding my calipers my brake warning light come on as I was leaving. Made me a little nervous, but it turned out that my zip tied brake wear sensor broke loose and got torn off.
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                          Rented a garage spot for my VIR trip, worth it.
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                          Also got in one last weekend at Summit point in Sept
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                          Now that we're in 2022, the M3 is all grown up
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                          I've got quite a big list of to do items on both the wagon and the M3 so I finally picked up a quick jack. I'll post details of that work when it happens - it may even include a clutch job if I decide to DIY it.
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                          And here's the garage as it sits today
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                          Last edited by blazenXLT; 04-04-2022, 05:54 AM.
                          RIP M3F
                          2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


                            Got some work done on the wagon this weekend. Confirmed that my valve cover gasket is leaking, so I'll have to order those parts. I had a strange misfire on cylinder 2 about two weeks ago. It's been fine since then, but I swapped the position of the 1 and 2 coils, so if it happens again I can have a better idea of the issue. I assumed that it used the same version as the M3, but of course they're different. Having the quick jack is really awesome.
                            I also pulled the DISA and use a rebuild kit to repair it. It actually wasn't broken as they usually are, but there was a strange chuck of hose jammed in it. Not sure how that got there, but it's 100% now.

                            Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk

                            RIP M3F
                            2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco


                              I spent the last few weekends getting a few other jobs done on both the BMWs. After the wagons DISA rebuild, I made the move to handle a few more items I’ve been putting off. Firstly, I pulled the valve cover off to replace a leaky gasket that’s been bothering me. Not a terrible job, but not that fun either. All went well though and it’s not leaking any more. The old gasket only had about 30k miles old but was clearly ready to be replace, it was really hard and easy to crack. A new cabin air filter and engine air filter were thrown in also.
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                              The following weekend I put the wagon back on the lift and replaced the CCV components and several vacuum lines. This involves pulling the intake manifold off which is not the easiest task. Apparently, folks can replace their CCV hoses without pulling it out, but I have no idea how you’d do it. It also looked like a mouse had been living in my engine too – the area under the manifold was full of little nut shells and other crap. I spent a long time cleaning it out so junk didn’t fall into the engine.
                              In any case, the hoses were replaced along with rubber vacuum lines. Most of the vacuum lines crumbled to dust in my hands, so I’m glad to have those fresh. Major pro tip – use silicon spray to remove/install the lines. It’s safe for rubber and makes it 10x easier then dealing with them dry.

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                              Next up was the M3 which got a big batch of maintenance completed.
                              Oil and filter change, replaced the VANOS hardline, new transmission fluid with new plugs, fresh diff fluid and new plugs, fresh coolant/water, replaced all wheel studs, new engine and cabin air filters. For years I’ve had a rasp terminator on the car and with the quick jack lifts, I finally had an easy way to swap the OE section back in. It was a shockingly easy job and it’s nice to have a little rasp back, I forgot how good it sounds. Pro-tip here – replace the hardware with the OE parts. I know they are expensive, but they always fit and you’ll thank yourself the next time you have to mess with it.

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                              List completed
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                              RIP M3F
                              2002 M3 - 2002 325iT - 1994 Bronco

