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Coding advice after SMG-2 GPS and tranny spring replacement

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    Coding advice after SMG-2 GPS and tranny spring replacement

    Am I on the right track? I am missing anything before I start on this job?
    Symptoms: Cog warning light. Only gears 2,5,6 when the car get hot (August in South FL). Recently total GPS failure. Only 2,5,6 even when cold. The car starts and runs. It is my DD so I am running it 24miles a day. I'm not in limp mode power wise, but I take it easy.

    Parts on hand:
    Used GPS in working condition from a well rated Ebay seller.
    From ECS Tuning: Tranny springs 23311228397 and 23311228405. (The two on the drivers side) One Blind Plug 23317545771
    Amazon: Set of small pry bars to remove the blind plug. Slim magnet on flexible extension to remove the old springs.
    Amazon: 4mm Allen key bent and cut (modified) as per this DIY SMG GPS and tranny spring replacement Guide

    Cable and software
    D-CAN USB cable. The Silver one with a switch.

    Software on two DVD-R's(not loaded yet on my HP Win 10)
    INPA, DIS, SSS Program, NCS Expert, WinKPF, Navcoder TIS Workshop Repair Manual

    My car:2005 vert SMG 2 with 110K miles. New Salmon relay(did not help) . The SMG 12V pump motor removed and cleaned from carbon at 90K miles

    What do I do when all the hardware is replaced? INPA? DIS? Do I bleed the clutch then run the tranny adaptations? Talk to me like a total NOOB. I am fairly computer literate. But, ZERO coding experience. Zero BMW software experience.

    I am a total cherry when it comes to coding. I want to learn and get GOOD at it. I eventually want to improve the shift times of my SMG. I will settle right now to get all my gears back.

    Do I need to manually do a reset too? You know, the drive 40mph and pull BOTH paddles when coasting in neutral...
    I have been doing that like crazy hoping to reset my GPS. No such luck. I even disconnect the battery. That did help once. But now, my GPS is totally fried from heat and age.
    I Cant believe those frackers are $850 new!!
    Last edited by BigDave; 08-27-2022, 11:26 PM.

    Originally posted by BigDave View Post
    From ECS Tuning: Tranny springs 23311228397 and 23311228405. (The two on the drivers side) One Blind Plug 23317545771
    I can't tell what are these springs without spending more time to look them up; I know the blind plug is for the main shift rod detent roller and spring. The GPS on the SMG is the position sensor on the rear actuator (for shifting the gears), and on the manual tranny the GPS is under the blind plug or hex bolt. which one you're talking about?
    Last edited by sapote; 10-12-2022, 06:05 PM.


      I think I have the mechanical items sorted out. See the attached schematic of an SMG Tranny from I bought items 5,6 and 9 from ECS Tuning. I think that is good enough for now.

      I think all my springs are intact. Its just a good idea to replace the two you can reach on the drivers side. They get VERY hot and age after 17 years. They don't cost much. I'll replace more items when I pull the tranny for a clutch and flywheel job next year.
      BTW, This link is awesome. I just found it:

      No, my questions are about all the coding one MUST do after a GPS replacement. I have zero experience with that.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by BigDave; 08-28-2022, 12:52 AM.


        In INPA, I think you may just need to run the SMG adaptation procedure. I know some INPA versions do not carry it.


          Use INPA from Mike's Easy BMW Tools. Works for me. Newer versions from BimmerGeeks do not work:


            Originally posted by BigDave View Post
            I bought items 5,6 and 9 from ECS Tuning. I think that is good enough for now..
            Why need new Blind plug? It's metal and if anything it's the aluminum hole that worn and not the plug.
            Also, #7 is the roller pin that worn and broke more often than spring 6 and plug 5.


              Originally posted by sapote View Post
              Why need new Blind plug? It's metal and if anything it's the aluminum hole that worn and not the plug.
              Also, #7 is the roller pin that worn and broke more often than spring 6 and plug 5.
              IDK. Someone recommended getting all three items. Unfortunately, I did NOT get the roller pin. I was feeling poor. It was something like $50. I will go ahead and buy that on your recommendation. Thanks.

              I HAVE heard of springs being broken.
              But from my symptoms, my main issue seems to be the GPS. HEAT and humidity trigger failure. But as long as I am in there I should replace some of the old springs and roller pin.

              We had some cooler weather...85 and below. So, for the last week my SMG has been working flawlessly. Like brand new!!
              Tonight, the temp was 88 F. Sure enough, the GPS failed and after 11 of my 12 mile commute(I work nights), the SMG went into default mode: gears 2,5, and 6 only. Cog light on. But not in limp mode where the power is cut.


                Originally posted by eacmen View Post
                Use INPA from Mike's Easy BMW Tools. Works for me. Newer versions from BimmerGeeks do not work:

                Best EZ software download I have seen. I did not know about that. THANKS!!!


                  Did you ever change the parts and do the adaptions?

                  I am about to tackle a clutch job and will change springs and GPS just in case also and wondering what needs to be run afterwards.

                  I saw this when using Mike's download, F4 might be what I need to run?

                  Click image for larger version

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