Hey all... So this isn't my first rodeo with NCS Expert or coding/programming BMWs in general, but this one is throwing me for on a goose chase and I wanted some feedback on what you all think the issue may be.
Long story short, I have two spare 04+ GM5s on hand and am trying to swap one of them into my friend 02 (09/01 build) M3 who's gm5 is on the fritz. Process should be fairly straightforward where you just plug in the new module and recode the new module with a blank man file so NCS sets the module to defaults based on your car's VO. I did this exact process on my car a few years ago and it was effortless. Trying the exact process on my friend's car tonight yielded a failed effort. I kept getting the error message below where NCS reports that it can't write to the module. It can read no problem so we know the module is connected correctly. Also confirmed the uncoded module allows windows, wipers, central locking, etc to work prior to the recode.
Error: COAPI 2060
I looked up the code recommended disconnecting the battery for 15 min then retrying but nothing changed. Any ideas what could be happening here? Do I have a bad GM5 and just need to try another one, or is this potentially an issue with daten files?

Long story short, I have two spare 04+ GM5s on hand and am trying to swap one of them into my friend 02 (09/01 build) M3 who's gm5 is on the fritz. Process should be fairly straightforward where you just plug in the new module and recode the new module with a blank man file so NCS sets the module to defaults based on your car's VO. I did this exact process on my car a few years ago and it was effortless. Trying the exact process on my friend's car tonight yielded a failed effort. I kept getting the error message below where NCS reports that it can't write to the module. It can read no problem so we know the module is connected correctly. Also confirmed the uncoded module allows windows, wipers, central locking, etc to work prior to the recode.
Error: COAPI 2060
I looked up the code recommended disconnecting the battery for 15 min then retrying but nothing changed. Any ideas what could be happening here? Do I have a bad GM5 and just need to try another one, or is this potentially an issue with daten files?