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Understanding adaptions

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    Understanding adaptions

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Name:	IMG_7405.jpg
Views:	269
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ID:	277230

    Hi, I’m trying to understand and make sense of the adaption figures using ECUWorx DME Utility Tool.

    Am I right the positive numbers on the figures ignition means advance timing of the ignition which is a good thing?

    The Inlet and Exhaust VANOS figures are ok as long it’s within -/+ 8degrees?

    Should the Short Term and Long Term Fuel Trim be showing some numbers?

    Any help is much appreciated

    Just guessing from the screenshot I would say you have a really bad tune (or general problem with fuel or spark). Near all cylinders at the ignition retard limit (2.00=bad!) and LTFT 1.00 is also very unlikely, 99% sure it's deactived.

    i would immediately flash stock software, reset adaptions and see how it drives and in what direction the adaption is going.

    ps. Seeing the software version, I think I have a guess who made it. If you want, you can can post a readout here to check the tune if it's stock or (bad) modified.
    …under construction.


      I thought a positive 2.00 on all cylinders are a sign of advanced ignition and negative figures indicate ignition retard limits.

      I’m now told that the figures for both STFT and LTFT are very likely been disabled as it happens with Alpha N tunes.

      Reason I posted this, I am chasing an idle hunting issue at cold starts.

      My car idle hunts ONLY during cold starts. Idles perfectly afterwards and when warm.

      The colder the outdoor temperature, the engine will sometime stall when starting it from cold unless I feather the throttle pedal. Warmer the outdoor temps, the better it starts up and idles on its own.

      I've tested for coolant temp readings and it matches the outdoor temps when cold.​

      Yes the car has a custom Alpha N tune: Karbonius airbox, stock engine, stock exhaust. How can you tell who made the tune?

      P.S. I’m debating whether to flash a stock CSL tune to see if that makes a difference

