Over the winter I stockpiled a bunch of parts including headers with new gaskets, studs, o2 sensors etc. My car is tuned to have the post cat o2 sensors turned off, so naturally, I bought pre-cat 750mm and 840mm o2 sensors.
750mm - https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw...z3-bosch-13952
840mm - https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw...z3-bosch-13949
Now that I'm fitting everything up, I'm noticing that the 750mm long sensor just isn't long enough. So I hop onto realoem and see that BMW uses same 840mm for cylinders 1-3, but uses a 935mm sensor for cylinders 4-6.
935mm - https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw...z4-bosch-13951
Conveniently, this part cross references to the post cat o2 sensor for cylinders 4-6 on US spec cars.
I've heard that installing o2 sensor backwards will upset can put the car in limp mode, or throw check engine lights. If I hook up 1 pre-cat o2 and the opposite bank post-cat 02, to me, this seems like a recipe for a pissed off DME. What solutions have others come up with?
750mm - https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw...z3-bosch-13952
840mm - https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw...z3-bosch-13949
Now that I'm fitting everything up, I'm noticing that the 750mm long sensor just isn't long enough. So I hop onto realoem and see that BMW uses same 840mm for cylinders 1-3, but uses a 935mm sensor for cylinders 4-6.
935mm - https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw...z4-bosch-13951
Conveniently, this part cross references to the post cat o2 sensor for cylinders 4-6 on US spec cars.
I've heard that installing o2 sensor backwards will upset can put the car in limp mode, or throw check engine lights. If I hook up 1 pre-cat o2 and the opposite bank post-cat 02, to me, this seems like a recipe for a pissed off DME. What solutions have others come up with?