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Morimoto D2S projector retrofit with AL/Bosch Retro-Quik brackets

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    Morimoto D2S projector retrofit with AL/Bosch Retro-Quik brackets

    Anyone here retrofit Morimoto D2S projector into their headlights using the AL/Bosch Retro-quick brackets? If anyone has a DIY or tips that would be great.
    Last edited by xpme46m3; 04-19-2020, 11:10 PM.

    nm. Im not sure how I missed this DIY on youtube.... very informative if anyone tackling this project.


      Read the title and reminded me when I lived in NYC and would go to Masaharu Morimoto's (one of Iron Chefs) restaurant. But I digress. 👍
      Youtube DIYs and more

      All jobs done as diy - clutch, rod bearings, rear subframe rebush, vanos, headers, cooling, suspension, etc.

      PM for help in NorCal. Have a lot of specialty tools - vanos, pilot bearing puller, bushing press kit, valve adjustment, fcab, wheel bearing, engine support bar, etc.


        Originally posted by mrgizmo04 View Post
        Read the title and reminded me when I lived in NYC and would go to Masaharu Morimoto's (one of Iron Chefs) restaurant. But I digress. 👍
        LOL. I updated the title


          Will watch the video for sure. I have a pair of these I bought for the wagon over a year ago and never got around to installing.

          2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
          2012 LMB/Black 128i
          2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


            His artsy shallow depth of field is really detrimental to the watchability of the video.

            2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
            2012 LMB/Black 128i
            2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


              I actually bought this exact set and installed about 4 or 5 months ago. Light output is great and cut off is so much sharper.

              Here is a word of caution - you will have to grind the OEM housing to get the projectors to line up straight. This actually takes trial and error to get it perfect. I was rushing and worried that i was grinding off too much so i went with it and epoxied the shrouds on to the projectors... well now my left headlight is perfectly level, but the passenger side is slightly rotated clockwise.... my OCD kills me everytime I can see the cut off but it will be way too much of a pain to correct it. Learn from my mistake and take your time to ensure both projectors are level before reinstalling and gluing the shrouds on!

              Also, if you have angel eyes and want to keep them, you must really grind the housing a lot to get the projectors to sit as deep as the oem ones did. I did not do this and had to remove my angel eyes upon reinstall because they were hitting the black cover.

              Good luck and enjoy the mod!!!


                Originally posted by Johnvu View Post
                I did not do this and had to remove my angel eyes upon reinstall because they were hitting the black cover.

                Good luck and enjoy the mod!!!
                just to jump in here...maybe not the same issue, but when i installed my angel eyes, my black cover was pinching/blocking the lower portion of the AE's. reaching out to the manufacturer, he told me to take the black housing and instead of clipping hte bottom portion where it's supposed to clip, move the clip below that...almost like stretching the black cover. that fixed the problem 100% and hte black cover went in and did not hit the AE's. i'm attaching a picture of my issue and where we had to move it. by pushing that clip down, it cleared the AE's.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	80742814_1031936977199108_2679570164000751616_n.jpg
Views:	458
Size:	44.9 KB
ID:	14620
                '06 Carbon Black
                Sabelt, Brey Krause, MCS 2-way, SuperSprint, Karbonius, Epic, Volk


                  Originally posted by MarcoPolo View Post

                  just to jump in here...maybe not the same issue, but when i installed my angel eyes, my black cover was pinching/blocking the lower portion of the AE's. reaching out to the manufacturer, he told me to take the black housing and instead of clipping hte bottom portion where it's supposed to clip, move the clip below that...almost like stretching the black cover. that fixed the problem 100% and hte black cover went in and did not hit the AE's. i'm attaching a picture of my issue and where we had to move it. by pushing that clip down, it cleared the AE's.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	80742814_1031936977199108_2679570164000751616_n.jpg
Views:	458
Size:	44.9 KB
ID:	14620
                  If I remember correctly, i had to do something similar when I installed the AEs on the OEM projectors lol. I believe this may be a separate issue because when you do the retrofit and don't grind down the bosses enough, the projector sticks out another half an inch or so.

