Hey guys, need some help troubleshooting the A/C. Long story short, replaced a lot of the smaller bits (expansion valve, dryer, o rings) and tried to recharge the system. I even replaced the heater valve under the intake manifold.
1 - Pulled vacuum for 2 hours and gauges hold vacuum overnight, so no leaks.
2 - Put 1 can (340grams) of refrigerant in while car is off. PSI was around 70 on both low and high side.
3 - Turn car on and run AC full blast while can 2 is hooked up. Very little refrigerant is being drawn, low side PSI continues to climb near 100psi and high side barely reaches 125psi.
Compressor clutch is engaged and spinning, but the PSI differential between low and high is minimal. Compressor doesn't cycle and runs 100% of the time (with AC on, it does stop if I press the snowflake). My feeling is the compressor is shot, even though spinning it by hand doesn't produce any noticeable bad noise. I also don't understand how maybe 400grams of r134 is causing such high PSI readings on a system that can hold 740grams of r134.
Also, in INPA what is the 'additional heater' referencing?
1 - Pulled vacuum for 2 hours and gauges hold vacuum overnight, so no leaks.
2 - Put 1 can (340grams) of refrigerant in while car is off. PSI was around 70 on both low and high side.
3 - Turn car on and run AC full blast while can 2 is hooked up. Very little refrigerant is being drawn, low side PSI continues to climb near 100psi and high side barely reaches 125psi.
Compressor clutch is engaged and spinning, but the PSI differential between low and high is minimal. Compressor doesn't cycle and runs 100% of the time (with AC on, it does stop if I press the snowflake). My feeling is the compressor is shot, even though spinning it by hand doesn't produce any noticeable bad noise. I also don't understand how maybe 400grams of r134 is causing such high PSI readings on a system that can hold 740grams of r134.
Also, in INPA what is the 'additional heater' referencing?