Driving along, ~75% throttle at ~4500rpm, (quarter tank of gas), then BAM limp mode.
Pulled codes, and have...
Lambdasondenhzg. 1 nach Kat (lambda sensor heater 1 after cat)
Lambdasondenhzg. 2 nach Kat (lambda sensor heater 2 after cat)
KAT-Schutz aktiv bei leerem Tank (CAT protection active when the tank is empty)
Lambdasondenhzq. 1 vor Kat (lambda sensor hzq. 1 before cat)
Lambdasondenhzq. 2 vor Kat (lambda sensor hzq. 2 before cat)
Seems exceedingly unlikely to me that all my 02 sensors failed at the same time. Anyone seen this before/have any idea what could be causing this?
Reset codes and it all came back next drive.
edit: resolution in post #5
Pulled codes, and have...
Lambdasondenhzg. 1 nach Kat (lambda sensor heater 1 after cat)
Lambdasondenhzg. 2 nach Kat (lambda sensor heater 2 after cat)
KAT-Schutz aktiv bei leerem Tank (CAT protection active when the tank is empty)
Lambdasondenhzq. 1 vor Kat (lambda sensor hzq. 1 before cat)
Lambdasondenhzq. 2 vor Kat (lambda sensor hzq. 2 before cat)
Seems exceedingly unlikely to me that all my 02 sensors failed at the same time. Anyone seen this before/have any idea what could be causing this?
Reset codes and it all came back next drive.
edit: resolution in post #5