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M3 E46 CSL Clone with Intake manifold pressure fault - 0000DF

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    M3 E46 CSL Clone with Intake manifold pressure fault - 0000DF

    Hi all!

    Trying to find a solution for my ECU/fault codes on my 2003 M3. I installed Karbonious CSL intake and modified my ECU to a full MSS54HP CSL clone version. When engine is running i get the fault code "Switch chain , frictional connection" sporadicly and nothing about MAP sensor fault.

    As soon as i turn engine off, and key position in nr 2 the fault "Intake manifold pressure" shows?

    (Car used to be SMG but is converted to manual)

    I tested the following:

    1. Disconnect MAP sensor while engine is running and "Intake manifold pressure" fault shows. So i guess the MAP sensor works

    2. MAP sensor PIN 1=Pin 7 at ECU, PIN 2= Pin 17 at ECU, PIN 3= Pin 18 at ECU (And all in ECU X60003 slot)

    3. 2 different MAP sensor tested with same result

    4. 2 different ECU tested with same result.

    5. Wirings and pins checked at least 20 times just to make sure and there is connection.

    And i just installed the CSL intake so its not possible to take it out on the road (Live in Sweden) for a testride either.

    Got the conversion kit from Germany and the company have good reputation and done this to many cars, but it feels like something is missing in the ECU? Hardware or software? I´m really out of ideas and i have a lot of experience working with cars. But when it comes to converting a ECU its outside my knowledge.

    Company i bought it from is trying to help me but i would like more thoughts/opinions on this issue from as many as possible.


    So there are two map sensors that you're dealing with. One is the internal onboard map sensor and then there's the external one bar map sensor for the CSL tune.

    On the clone DME conversions, one of the steps is that you have to change the scaling of the onboard map sensor in the tune file because the non-HP DMEs have a different on board map sensor than the HP DMEs.

    Possible they did not change that scaling.


      Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post
      So there are two map sensors that you're dealing with. One is the internal onboard map sensor and then there's the external one bar map sensor for the CSL tune.

      On the clone DME conversions, one of the steps is that you have to change the scaling of the onboard map sensor in the tune file because the non-HP DMEs have a different on board map sensor than the HP DMEs.

      Possible they did not change that scaling.

      Thanks, i will ask if this is done, been reading about the scaling on forums but dont now how to check it. Is this something that can be done remotely? (I have all the necessary tools for coding/programmin etc )


        Originally posted by Jeppe1976 View Post

        Thanks, i will ask if this is done, been reading about the scaling on forums but dont now how to check it. Is this something that can be done remotely? (I have all the necessary tools for coding/programmin etc )
        If you pull your tune file from your DME and email it to me, I can check it for you


          Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post

          If you pull your tune file from your DME and email it to me, I can check it for you
          I have 2 slave tuning tools (Autotuner and KessV2 ) but also INPA ,but cant remember if i ever i have pulled software from ECU and how its done?


            I don't know much about the MAP sensor, but the other fault I am familiar with.

            "Switch chain, frictional connection" is a fault that you get on a poorly executed SMG to manual conversion, frictional connection simply meens "clutch".
            "Switch chain" refers to the clutch switch and the GPS in the gearbox being chained together, they operate as one.

            If you don't solve this error the car will sometimes stall when coming to a stop.

            There are 2 ways to solve it:
            1. Add a GPS to the gearbox and wire it as originally intended, where the signal passes thru both the clutch switch and the GPS.
            2. What you have probably done is wire the clutch switch directly to the DME, if that is the case you need to code the clutch switch to the Z3M configuration, where there's no GPS present.
            E46 ///M3 • 12/2002 • phönix-gelb • 6MT
            E39 ///M5 • 12/1998 • avus-blau • 6MT
            E60 ///M5 • 11/2006 • saphir-schwarz • 6MT


              Originally posted by bmwfnatic View Post
              I don't know much about the MAP sensor, but the other fault I am familiar with.

              "Switch chain, frictional connection" is a fault that you get on a poorly executed SMG to manual conversion, frictional connection simply meens "clutch".
              "Switch chain" refers to the clutch switch and the GPS in the gearbox being chained together, they operate as one.

              If you don't solve this error the car will sometimes stall when coming to a stop.

              There are 2 ways to solve it:
              1. Add a GPS to the gearbox and wire it as originally intended, where the signal passes thru both the clutch switch and the GPS.
              2. What you have probably done is wire the clutch switch directly to the DME, if that is the case you need to code the clutch switch to the Z3M configuration, where there's no GPS present.
              Thanks, thats good info. Yes the clutch switch is connected directly to the DME and before my DME was converted to a HP version i never had these issues with it. I can do some coding in INPA/NCS Expert but where do change it to Z3M configuration and how?


                Originally posted by Jeppe1976 View Post

                Thanks, thats good info. Yes the clutch switch is connected directly to the DME and before my DME was converted to a HP version i never had these issues with it. I can do some coding in INPA/NCS Expert but where do change it to Z3M configuration and how?
                It’s inside the DME tune, so sadly no NCS Expert, you can use the ecuworx too to easily apply it to your tune.
                E46 ///M3 • 12/2002 • phönix-gelb • 6MT
                E39 ///M5 • 12/1998 • avus-blau • 6MT
                E60 ///M5 • 11/2006 • saphir-schwarz • 6MT


                  Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post

                  If you pull your tune file from your DME and email it to me, I can check it for you
                  should i download MSS5x Binary Modification & Remap Tool for E39 M5 & E46 M3 / M3 CSL​ from EcuWorx and send the file to you?​


                    Originally posted by Jeppe1976 View Post

                    should i download MSS5x Binary Modification & Remap Tool for E39 M5 & E46 M3 / M3 CSL​ from EcuWorx and send the file to you?​
                    At the point at which you have figured out how to pull your bin file and have downloaded the ECUWORX binary modification tool you are so very close to doing it yourself.

                    But if you are not comfortable doing this stuff just figure out how to read the bin and send it off to someone willing to help.

                    Just read the how to section on the ECUWORX website and it tells you how to read your bin file, load it into the binary modification tool, make modifications then load the modified bin file to your DME.
                    2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
                    Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
                    Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

                    OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
                    RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

                    2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


                      Ecuworx doesn't pull files. You need to download MS. Flasher but that requires paying for a license

                      Can also download a free program called BMW flash. That's free and it works


                        Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post
                        Ecuworx doesn't pull files. You need to download MS. Flasher but that requires paying for a license

                        Can also download a free program called BMW flash. That's free and it works
                        Understood, my post wasn't very clear on that.

                        I just figured if he was potentially going to pay for the binmod tool he clould/should read the how-to that tells you how to get/use BMW Flasher, which I find perfect for this application.
                        2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
                        Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
                        Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

                        OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
                        RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

                        2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


                          Thanx guys, i will give it a try and let you know. You were pretty clear before, i wasn´t thinking straight


                            So how does this look? Do you se anything strange? nextelbuddy Cubieman bmwfnatic
                            Last edited by Jeppe1976; 01-03-2024, 06:39 AM.


                              Originally posted by Jeppe1976 View Post
                              So how does this look? Do you se anything strange? nextelbuddy Cubieman bmwfnatic
                              I'm not super familiar with the SMG so double check that as far as settings go w/others. Looks like you read a bin, pretty close to being done, that program sure is handy.
                              2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
                              Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
                              Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

                              OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
                              RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

                              2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG

