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BMW Motorsport Inconel S54 Headers

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    BMW Motorsport Inconel S54 Headers

    Saw these headers listed on FB marketplace, was wondering if anyone could shed some more light on them. The seller claims they’re an OE BMW Motorsports product—mostly wondering what application these would have been used on from factory?

    I’ve never seen these headers before. Inconel is incredibly cool, really well designed collector + V-Band flanges. Very tempted to purchase these for when I eventually build an S54.


    I sow these for sale as well.

    These headers are for all out S54
    if you plan of doing the std combo
    288/280 and the rest is stock or very
    close to stock these will not be the
    perfect match for you.



      Originally posted by Anri View Post

      I sow these for sale as well.

      These headers are for all out S54
      if you plan of doing the std combo
      288/280 and the rest is stock or very
      close to stock these will not be the
      perfect match for you.

      Thanks Anri,

      Very good to know. I intend on lighter weight pistons/rods, bump up the compression, 288 cams + upgraded valves, stems, springs. Ideally I’d like to retain VANOS, but not opposed to running a bigger cam and deleting it. Not sure if that would be enough to warrant these headers, I’m just a sucker for OE Motorsports parts—an OE Die Wethje airbox is also on my short list.

      Really nothing set in stone yet. I’m at 165k miles and plan to do the new motor at 200k.


        Originally posted by cornerbalanced View Post

        Thanks Anri,

        Very good to know. I intend on lighter weight pistons/rods, bump up the compression, 288 cams + upgraded valves, stems, springs. Ideally I’d like to retain VANOS, but not opposed to running a bigger cam and deleting it. Not sure if that would be enough to warrant these headers, I’m just a sucker for OE Motorsports parts—an OE Die Wethje airbox is also on my short list.

        Really nothing set in stone yet. I’m at 165k miles and plan to do the new motor at 200k.

        Sound good but few of your parts
        are pointless..which will not bring you
        food on the table for not all out S54

        I have measured personally the cams
        288 Schrick, CatCams and have some very
        valuable data...and concept.

        Common mistake is people load the engine
        with tons of performance and not necessary parts
        for hot rodded street engine.

        Please get rid of the Internet-Myth of deleting the Vanos
        using larger cams!!! It's a myth again and again!!!!!

        The Vanos is deleted for absolutely other

        When I spent tons of time and money to flow
        parts I certainly operate with different concept
        ones I got the data in my hands.

        Last edited by Anri; 01-07-2024, 01:30 PM.


          Lose a lot of low end torque with these as well so like anri said if you don't have an all out S54 these don't have much benefit.


            Originally posted by Anri View Post


            Sound good but few of your parts
            are pointless..which will not bring you
            food on the table for not all out S54

            I have measured personally the cams
            288 Schrick, CatCams and have some very
            valuable data...and concept.

            Common mistake is people load the engine
            with tons of performance and not necessary parts
            for hot rodded street engine.

            Please get rid of the Internet-Myth of deleting the Vanos
            using larger cams!!! It's a myth again and again!!!!!

            The Vanos is deleted for absolutely other

            When I spent tons of time and money to flow
            parts I certainly operate with different concept
            ones I got the data in my hands.

            When it comes time for me to build the engine I’ll have to hire you as a consultant to help setup a list. I’ve known a lot of people who have just thrown parts at S54s (also in the Porsche world) and the end product wasn’t all that great. Hoping to do it once, and never again.


              Originally posted by cornerbalanced View Post
              I’ve known a lot of people who have just thrown parts at S54s
              If one understand the Engineering behind its very clear.

              Tuning NA engine is difficult, suggestion I always give
              to those who reach out to me is "power under the curve"
              far important vs Instagram post on how much my engine
              made at peak.

              A small example..on the market out there is a single 3.5"exhaust which
              suppose to be bad ass...people buy them all the time if one understand
              how the exhaust system works one will never go to single 3.5' on
              NA engine. FI is different story.

              Last edited by Anri; 01-08-2024, 05:00 AM.



                These are not the headers you are looking for


                  Originally posted by digger View Post
                  These are not the headers you are looking for
                  Curious as to why that’s the case.

                  Next to zero information is available out there about these headers. P54 headers seem to look a bit different, unless these are just a different iteration.


                    11k new, so not terrible lol

                    Part numbers are for the P54.


                      Originally posted by Anri View Post

                      I sow these for sale as well.

                      These headers are for all out S54
                      if you plan of doing the std combo
                      288/280 and the rest is stock or very
                      close to stock these will not be the
                      perfect match for you.

                      Hi, Anri. Can you (and others) provide some context as to what attributes (collectors, diameter, length, etc.) about these headers make them only optimal for a full NA build?


                        Originally posted by bimmerfan08 View Post

                        Hi, Anri. Can you (and others) provide some context as to what attributes (collectors, diameter, length, etc.) about these headers make them only optimal for a full NA build?
                        They are going to be for an all out build because that's why they were designed. The primaries off the head are pretty big and for anything on the street stepped is going to be the best bet for the broadest powerband and responsiveness. Primaries appear slightly shorter which tunes in at higher rpm. The secondaries are super crtical and without the rest of the exhaust you may not even realise the benefits that led to this design but you will almost certainly be sub optimal.


                          Originally posted by Anri View Post
                          Please get rid of the Internet-Myth of deleting the Vanos
                          using larger cams!!! It's a myth again and again!!!!!

                          The Vanos is deleted for absolutely other
                          VAC markets a VANOS delete for race engines. For those that assume VAC doesn't have their head shoved up their ass...this leads people to believe there's a benefit.

                          Maybe, just maybe it would make sense for an S54 built with a ridiculously high redline.

                          At that point I'd rather just go all in and get a Judd V8


                            LOL I drove a car with a high compression B series with VTEC killer cams once. Thing fucking ripped shit but it's definitely not the kind of power delivery you want if your car sees street use. I imagine an S54 with VANOS deleted is a similar type of experience. I would for sure not do that.

                            These headers are cool but I think that also falls into the same category of nice flex, but not really useful for anything but a pure racing engine.
                            '99 M3, Hellrot/Sand Beige, slicktop
                            '01 M3, Imola/black


                              Originally posted by digger View Post

                              They are going to be for an all out build because that's why they were designed. The primaries off the head are pretty big and for anything on the street stepped is going to be the best bet for the broadest powerband and responsiveness. Primaries appear slightly shorter which tunes in at higher rpm. The secondaries are super crtical and without the rest of the exhaust you may not even realise the benefits that led to this design but you will almost certainly be sub optimal.
                              Do you have any real test data or calculations to prove this though? TONS of statements on this site saying "X makes more power than Y" or "X part looses midrange" but even in the dyno thread there isn't much a/b comparison or info and calculations about ideal exhaust design for these engines. It's almost entirely anecdotal.

                              ​​​​​​These are obviously designed for a race engine but the primaries are no shorter than euro headers and we don't even know the diameters. They don't even look that short to me. Tubing looks large but no numbers to prove/disprove anything.
                              Last edited by discoelk; 01-09-2024, 03:53 AM.

