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Karbonius airbox issue, fix myself or ship back?

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    Karbonius airbox issue, fix myself or ship back?

    I've been lazy about taking care of this ever since I noticed it years ago, but this winter action needs to be taken.

    The issue (which I posted about a few years back) is that in the back bottom portion of my airbox there is a gap that lets debris in past the filter.

    The debris usually collects between the front of the airbox lip and the back of the air filter itself but last time I opened the box there was sand sized and larger pieces of gravel in the box, some debris right next to the oil drain line in the box, not cool.

    My temporary fix has been to stuff the gap with a strip I cut from an ITG CSL foam air filter, but that isn't working well enough apparently as things are still getting past the filter.

    Karbonius has agreed to fix the box, which from what I understand is going to be using epoxy to glue in a carbon fiber or plastic piece to fill the gap.

    They want me to pay for shipping there, I understand that but also kind of don't want to pay for that, may push a bit harder for shipping both ways as this is kind of big design flaw in my opinion.

    My airbox was made in 12/2019 and from my conversations with Karbonius this "gap" was fixed very shortly thereafter, maybe a month or two.

    Comparing my box to other's on here, I see not only it the gap has been fixed but the "lip" the air filter rests on has been made much higher.

    I am thinking of either sending it off, likely paying $200+ to ship, OR fixing it myself.
    The airbox is comming out soon either way.

    If anyone has any suggestions on epoxies or materials used to fix this that would be nice as I may take a stab at this myself.

    My box is the first photo which problem area circled in red, the next airbox is another member's.

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    2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
    Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
    Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

    OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
    RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

    2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG

    A piece of ABS plastic in similar shape, something to scuff the surface and JB Weld Plastic Bonder 50139 should get the same result as Karb's solution.


      Originally posted by Slideways View Post
      A piece of ABS plastic in similar shape, something to scuff the surface and JB Weld Plastic Bonder 50139 should get the same result as Karb's solution.
      Thats kind of the fix I planned on, you mentioned that fix in my previous post on the subject, may just go for it.

      Another separate issue may very well be the lip height as well which I can't imagine they would be fixing, could they, likely, but at that point a newer airbox may enter the picture which I don't think is happening, who knows as I haven't asked.

      I wonder about the lip as I feel as though the foam air filter piece I use to fill the current gap should be sealing as well or possibly better than what the fix would be.

      But that is another thing I'll have to ask them about, they made a change on the lip height for a reason I imagine.
      2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
      Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
      Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

      OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
      RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

      2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


        Well, is a bummer you would need to pay for the shipping as it is a bit expensive. If you decide to fix it yourself, you can use this epoxy.

        The problem with it out of the box is that it is gray, but I found that you can mix a bit of paint and make it black for a stealthy fix. I found this epoxy in this youtube video:

        When I previously tried to "refurb" my prior CSL style Karb box, a 2018 item, they also said they could fix it if I shipped it absorbing the cost of the round trip.

        I ended up fixing the issue on that box myself, which was the lower pins to locate the unfiltered section had broken off.


          Fixing it yourself may grant Karb. to deny you warranty if something was to happen to the box in the future.

          you should get something in writing from karbonius before attempting to fix it.


            If this were me, I'd sell the one you have on FB, and then pay the difference for a brand new one. It will probably end up costing you less than paying for int'l shipping to Spain both ways or one way. Only thing that sucks about this method is time...probably take you the longest time to do all this and get another one fab'd for you. Last thing I need is trying to fix an issue to avoid having dirt and crap getting sucked in, only to have the piece I epoxied on flying off later and getting sucked in any way.

            I highly doubt this is your only winters in Nebraska I hear aren't very the winter should probably have been your window for this. That being said, I am getting my Karb intake in this week, I placed my order right before Thanksgiving.
            /// 2004 SG/IR - Build Thread


              So Karbonious absolutely will not pay for shipping ($500 w/proper insurance) so I'm fixing it myself.

              Would this be a good place to start?

              2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
              Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
              Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

              OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
              RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

              2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


                Can you post a pic of the what the gap looks like with the filter installed?


                  I would do the same thing as Karbonius - backfill hole with adhesive and lay/bond a flat piece of ABS, instead of carbon, on top to cover the hole. Test fit ABS cover piece with filter before using adhesive.

                  Trying to mill a block of ABS would be more work. I guess you could take a mold of the hole with some putty and form the block of ABS down to the right shape to plug the hole.


                    Originally posted by Slideways View Post
                    I would do the same thing as Karbonius - backfill hole with adhesive and lay/bond a flat piece of ABS, instead of carbon, on top to cover the hole. Test fit ABS cover piece with filter before using adhesive.

                    Trying to mill a block of ABS would be more work. I guess you could take a mold of the hole with some putty and form the block of ABS down to the right shape to plug the hole.
                    I'm not understanding where the gap is. He just needs a flat piece of ABS?


                      Originally posted by bigjae46 View Post

                      I'm not understanding where the gap is. He just needs a flat piece of ABS?
                      The gap is where the read circled area is, this area is not flat compared to the picture of another airbox below the picture of mine.

                      It is a bit hard to see but the area in red is not flat, but has multiple angles converging into a point.

                      They made an update literally a month later, you can see where they have filled the red circled area with a piece of plastic or carbon.

                      Also they made the lip that the filter rests around taller, that Karbonious was going to "update" for me as well as I understand via email.

                      I have my airbox all packed up and made one last ditch effort to see if they will pay shipping, if not, I'll get it out, and post some more detailed photos with the filter installed.
                      Last edited by Cubieman; 02-11-2024, 12:46 PM.
                      2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
                      Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
                      Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

                      OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
                      RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

                      2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


                        As others mentioned, you can use ABS and make a patch panel. You’d have to scuff the area and use panel bond or some type of urethane adhesive.

                        You can also use a piece of carbon if it’s flat or L shaped and want to keep it nicer looking. Pretty easy to find that stuff pre-made. Same thing, a urethane adhesive works best. Especially if it sees any heat which it would in that spot.

                        Or maybe 3D scan it and make a part. There’s an app for that. Not sure how much of a pain it would be.

                        Let me know if you need a small flat piece of carbon, I have some laying around. Might not be the same weave/fiber density.


                          Is there a specific type of plastic I should be using?

                          Do I need to get PBI ($$$) or something that withstands high temps or is ABS ok?
                          I see ABS can start to soften around the 200° mark, not sure how hot that area gets.
                          2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
                          Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
                          Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

                          OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
                          RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

                          2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


                            Originally posted by Cubieman View Post
                            Is there a specific type of plastic I should be using?

                            Do I need to get PBI ($$$) or something that withstands high temps or is ABS ok?
                            I see ABS can start to soften around the 200° mark, not sure how hot that area gets.
                            Basic ABS plastis should be OK. Most sheets will come one side textured which will work great for bonding.


                              Was this air box delivered brand new to you with that gap?

