Edit: Code update in post #5
In a recent post I alluded to bringing my M3 back to life that has sat neglected for years. I have a backlog of maintenance to take care of as well as some parts that I know need to be replaced. Before any of that, I thought a good place to start would be hooking up the battery for the first time in a few years and connecting to INPA.
For reference, the last time the car was running, it started idling very rough and died. After that it would crank, but no start. As I was attempting to figure it out the issue got worse, or this is just a separate issue, but the car will not crank. With that and various other small maintenance items piling up, the big three undone, and the fear of impending SMG failure, I put the car in storage.
When I hooked the car up yesterday, I verified it still will not crank and I pulled the following unsurprisingly long list of codes. I’ve also attached the INPA PDF reports.
Worth noting:
I pulled the engine error codes twice, once before attempting to crank and once after. The only code that increased in frequency was the 107 code which from what I've gathered has to do with the throttle position sensors.
The rough idle can probably be explained by the misfires in cylinder 5, I'm hoping that is just a failed coil.
The entire time I had the car I used the valet key, while it was out of commission I purchased and attempted to pair an actual key with fob. I was not successful and wonder if both keys are now unpaired. I think this is something I can check and correct with INPA.
The SMG light is on, but the pump was activating and priming. When I activated it through INPA the pressure was 80 bar and the pump switched off at 85 bar.
I'm not looking for an answer to a specific question, more so hoping for input from anyone who has a better understanding of these codes and the INPA logs.
In a recent post I alluded to bringing my M3 back to life that has sat neglected for years. I have a backlog of maintenance to take care of as well as some parts that I know need to be replaced. Before any of that, I thought a good place to start would be hooking up the battery for the first time in a few years and connecting to INPA.
For reference, the last time the car was running, it started idling very rough and died. After that it would crank, but no start. As I was attempting to figure it out the issue got worse, or this is just a separate issue, but the car will not crank. With that and various other small maintenance items piling up, the big three undone, and the fear of impending SMG failure, I put the car in storage.
When I hooked the car up yesterday, I verified it still will not crank and I pulled the following unsurprisingly long list of codes. I’ve also attached the INPA PDF reports.
Worth noting:
I pulled the engine error codes twice, once before attempting to crank and once after. The only code that increased in frequency was the 107 code which from what I've gathered has to do with the throttle position sensors.
The rough idle can probably be explained by the misfires in cylinder 5, I'm hoping that is just a failed coil.
The entire time I had the car I used the valet key, while it was out of commission I purchased and attempted to pair an actual key with fob. I was not successful and wonder if both keys are now unpaired. I think this is something I can check and correct with INPA.
The SMG light is on, but the pump was activating and priming. When I activated it through INPA the pressure was 80 bar and the pump switched off at 85 bar.
I'm not looking for an answer to a specific question, more so hoping for input from anyone who has a better understanding of these codes and the INPA logs.