Originally posted by 0-60motorsports
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I was at the track a few weekends ago with this frustrating overheating problem. As I vented my problems to a BMW sepcialist shop owner who had plenty of customer cars out running that day, he said overheating S54 cars on track is common. He has seen them overheat from running lean due to old o2 sensors and old MAF sensors. I suggested my aggressive 93 octane tune might be too much for Colorado's 91 octane fuel, so I put a 1/2 tank of 100 unleaded in the car and the overheating took twice as long to develop!
His solution to overheating S54's is everything I've done (new OEM everything, CSF rad/oil cooler if the customer wants) Plus new engine input/output sensors, headers to remove the heat of the cats so close to the engine and venting the hood. Venting the hood also helps reduce front end lift.