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LSB / Cloth on BaT — Mileage / Interior Discrepancy

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    Originally posted by skristedja View Post

    I even made a comment on that auction stating the potential legal implications of selling this car with an advertised 72k miles. And it was my first comment ever so someone at BaT had to review it. If I practiced in NJ, I'd probably take this case just for fun. The most obvious giveaway to me is that the front air duct is all jacked up from the supercharger kit and the scrapes all over the shock tower. No car would have that much damage unless ALOT of (careless) work went on in that engine bay ie. the installation and removal of a supercharger. Whatever dealer that did that PPI for the current owner did a shite job
    Yup, agree. I also made a comment how looking at the engine bay pictures, its almost guaranteed the same car.
    BMW / E46M Interior & Trim Restoration.


      The M-track light in the cluster is a dead giveaway the cluster is from a post 2003.5 car as well.

      I feel bad for the current owner but I have been enjoying watching the community tie the two listings together to prove it’s the same car.

      I feel bad for the current owner, but I don’t see how you can buy a car without at least googling the vin. Must of had those LSB blinders on.
      2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

      Build Thread



        Originally posted by Inizes View Post
        The M-track light in the cluster is a dead giveaway the cluster is from a post 2003.5 car as well.

        I feel bad for the current owner but I have been enjoying watching the community tie the two listings together to prove it’s the same car.

        I feel bad for the current owner, but I don’t see how you can buy a car without at least googling the vin. Must of had those LSB blinders on.
        Sidenote, I have an 03 pre LCI, but has MK60 DSC, and I have M-Track mode on my cluster with an "S" under the arrow.


        1997 BMW M3 - Boston Green/Modena
        2003 BMW M3 · Coupe · 6MT - Alpine White/M-Texture Alcantara


          Originally posted by Inizes View Post

          I feel bad for the current owner, but I don’t see how you can buy a car without at least googling the vin. Must of had those LSB blinders on.
          Don't forget, not only did the current owner never Google the VIN, apparently no one at BAT did either during the listing process.

          It reminds me of my first decade in IT, I was the only person to just Google things before I opened my mouth, and people would be amazed at all the stuff I knew.


            Since the current owner relied on carfax and dealer PPI for the green light to buy the car instead of googling the VIN (easy to say in hindsight, but how many cars have you bought without googling the vin?), I he could hold carfax too their guarantee.


              I don’t remember the exact wording on it but I don’t think the car fax guarantee worked in this situation.
              2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

              Build Thread



                Carfax guarantee only works when they missed something that was reported to the DMV. It's not a guarantee that previous owners didn't rollback and misrepresent the mileage to the DMV. The seller's only likely recourse is to sue the previous owner, though I don't think he is the one responsible for the rollback either. From the looks of it, spookm3 (or some other sketchy character) bought the car from the first owner with 200k miles, but never registered the car and then sold it to the next owner using the original pink slip from the first owner after doing the rollback. This is why you verify that the owner on the pink slip is the same as the person selling you the car- otherwise the chain of custody of the title is lost and carfax can't do anything for you.
                Last edited by skristedja; 10-08-2020, 12:05 PM.


                  Just some old shitty cars.


                    The carfax shows 3 owners. I ran the vin on my account and the original owner stopped going to service facilities after 2004 (49K) so the mileage wasn't recorded for a few years. The original owner sold it advertising 200k miles. The second owner in GA must have ran the carfax and saw that the mileage wasn't recorded since 49k miles and decided to roll them back, remove the supercharger, and sell the car at a premium. Owner 3 (the current seller) Had nothing to do with the mileage tampering and was a victim of owner #2's crime.


                      Originally posted by DropTopKingM3 View Post
                      The carfax shows 3 owners. I ran the vin on my account and the original owner stopped going to service facilities after 2004 (49K) so the mileage wasn't recorded for a few years. The original owner sold it advertising 200k miles. The second owner in GA must have ran the carfax and saw that the mileage wasn't recorded since 49k miles and decided to roll them back, remove the supercharger, and sell the car at a premium. Owner 3 (the current seller) Had nothing to do with the mileage tampering and was a victim of owner #2's crime.
                      But good on BaT and the seller doing the right thing. The scumbag that did this to the seller should be hang by the balls.
                      BMW / E46M Interior & Trim Restoration.


                        Originally posted by TexaZ3 View Post

                        But good on BaT and the seller doing the right thing. The scumbag that did this to the seller should be hang by the balls.
                        The asshole sold an e92 on the forums claiming it had 20k miles. I feel bad for whoever bought it.
                        Feeler.. 2010 BMW E92 M3 AW/Black CF Roof Alcantara Headliner DCT 20k Ext Warranty


                          Originally posted by DropTopKingM3 View Post

                          The asshole sold an e92 on the forums claiming it had 20k miles. I feel bad for whoever bought it.
                          it would be funny if this exact car ended up at EAG and resold “rejuvenated”.
                          Last edited by 02_lsb; 10-08-2020, 04:40 PM.
                          Just some old shitty cars.


                            Found my car to be a repo back in 2015. I had suspected it but I just found it 100% today. You never know what you'll find sometimes. It also confirms that my theory of it sitting for a few years which caused goop in the engine.

                            "EMERALD TRANSPORTATION CORP. gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 01/14/2015, 10:00 am at 4000 N. POWERLINE ROAD DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33073, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. EMERALD TRANSPORTATION CORP. reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids."

                            There was a list of VINs and mine was on it.
                            This is my Unbuild Journal and why we need an oil thread

                            "Do it right once or do it twice"

