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My 2005 Imola Red M3 6MT Build Journal

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    Originally posted by Inizes View Post
    Back in M3F, I talked to Tyler/ Tbonem3 about what he decided was “the best shifter feel for under $100.” This included the E21 transmission mounts I had previously completed. The rest of it was rebuilding the shifter with new bushings.

    ... The really amazing thing was the shifter feel. It is night and day better than before I did the refresh. Thank you Tyler for the recommendation.[/FONT][/COLOR]
    You're welcome! It's oe, but tighter, and with a weighted knob, smoother too!
    DD: /// 2011.5 Jerez/bamboo E90 M3 · DCT · Slicktop · Instagram
    /// 2004 Silvergrey M3 · Coupe · 6spd · Slicktop · zero options
    More info:


      Originally posted by Tbonem3 View Post

      You're welcome! It's oe, but tighter, and with a weighted knob, smoother too!
      Interesting. So you recommend E21 3-series trans mounts, rebuilding the shifter back to OE and adding a weighted knob? What makes the E21 mounts so special?

      EDIT: I found the link you shared. Nevermind!
      Click image for larger version

Name:	tenor.png
Views:	1049
Size:	158.2 KB
ID:	27142
      Last edited by Albino09; 05-21-2020, 04:16 PM.
      2002 M3 Coupe | 1988 320i Touring


        Ya or just get Rogue Engineering if you don't want to do any permanent modifications to the tranny/tranny brace mounts. E21s are just so cheap and beefy though, hard to resist!
        DD: /// 2011.5 Jerez/bamboo E90 M3 · DCT · Slicktop · Instagram
        /// 2004 Silvergrey M3 · Coupe · 6spd · Slicktop · zero options
        More info:


          With the weather warming back up, I spent the last month or so focusing primarily on the interior. The first thing I wanted to do was clean up the leather. The seats and wheel looked greasy and could use it, so I went with the trusty Leatherique. I have had good results with it in the past and once again it did wonders. I really wish I remembered to take photos for a before and an after. Trust me, it was dirty. The photo below is just from cleaning the passenger seat.

          The seats all now have a matte finish and feel great. The steering wheel was also disgusting, but after cleaning I presented myself with a new issue. There was prior wear damage from 15 years of use at the 1 o’clock position. Cleaning all of the dirt and grease that had packed itself into the damage allowed the leather to begin breaking loose from the wheel. So my cleaning made 95% of the wheel look better, but made the damaged part worse. I reached out to Coby Wheel and ordered a nappa leather replacement. I was torn in between having the OEM style grains or the nappa - ultimately I chose nappa because of the finish and feel. Below is the OEM wheel on the left with the new nappa covered wheel on the right.

          With the wheel being out of commission, I also took advantage of refinishing the slightly damaged lower steering wheel trim and the tired shifter bezel. Again, I neglected to take before photos. Texaz3 killed it and they look amazing. Would absolutely recommend him and may be sending some more trim pieces to him in the future.

          I am extremely satisfied with how everything turned out! Car is starting to look new again and I love it.

          I did run into one small issue and I am willing to share my failures. When I put the shift knob on, I hit the knob too hard. When I went out for my test drive I noticed the shifter was vibrating terribly in second gear. I immediately knew that I had popped the rear carrier bearing out of its spot. After getting under the car I confirmed my failure, luckily it only cost me about an hour of time.

          For my (hopefully) last piece of maintenance and Inspection II, I needed to change the spark plugs. They were last changed at 71k miles, or roughly 32k miles ago. Everything looked pretty normal to me! Photo below of all of the old plugs, with cylinder 6 on the left and cylinder 1 on the right.

          And here is a comparison to new…

          In the future I will be changing the coil packs as they are getting up there in age and are due. For now I am content though.
          Last edited by Inizes; 10-27-2020, 08:25 AM.
          2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

          Build Thread



            Click image for larger version  Name:	855B43F5-C111-4CF6-B50C-224CA4ACBE4C.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	233.8 KB ID:	42737 It’s been a bit since I have updated this but I haven’t been up to too much. Fun car budget has gone down a bit due to buying an engagement ring. Wife-mod (hopefully) soon to come 😊

            I took advantage of the FCP Euro clearance sale this week and bought brand new OEM A and C pillars to replace the ones I fixed earlier this year. It was hard to pass up — brand new and a lifetime warranty for when they eventually peel again. Didn’t snap a picture of those however.

            I ventured outdoors to a cars and coffee this last weekend. Ended up making friends with an E39 owner. He also owns an E92 and an E46 ZHP so we chatted about that for a bit. Not many E46 M3 friends around Columbus that I’ve met so I’m happy to have someone to have a conversation with haha. Also got a decent photo of it. Really happy with how the car looks. It’s come quite a ways since I picked it up 7 months ago.

            Car is prepped and ready for a 1,200 or so mile weekend to Deals Gap in early August for the Tail of the Dragon. Should get some good photos and lasting memories - definitely excited.
            Last edited by Inizes; 11-10-2020, 03:42 PM.
            2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

            Build Thread




              Just finished up a weekend in the Tennessee mountains and it was a great trip. Weather was perfect and the M3 performed flawlessly. With COVID going on, I don’t know if there was a better mini vacation to take than being in a secluded cabin in the mountains and driving some fun mountain roads.

              The trip down to the cabin was about 6 hours from Columbus. I met up with my group of friends in Northern Kentucky to caravan down together. The drive was rather uneventful until the last ¼ mile where I came around the last corner before our cabin and came within a few feet of hitting a black bear walking across the road. Honestly they’re smaller than I thought, or I just found an adolescent bear.

              The morning views from the cabin were second to none.

              We spent most of Friday driving the Tail and the surrounding roads knowing that the road would be packed with traffic on Saturday. The Tennessee State Troopers were out so we didn’t have free reign over the roads like we were hoping for, but it was still fun.

              We also took a little adventure over to the Fontana Dam. Views were also great there. Every time I come I make a trip to the bottom, but I have only been to the top once. I decided to make this trip a bit more memorable and drive over it as well. The speed bumps definitely are not low car friendly over the dam. My friend in his lowered Audi hit his subframe on the bumps if he went at more than a snail’s pace.

              Saturday we spent only a few hours at the tail. With all of the traffic, we decided to park on one of the pull offs to spectate while enjoying some lunch.

              Sunday morning we felt the cabin shaking a little bit. Sure enough it was North Carolina’s strongest earthquake in 94 years. The epicenter was about 150 miles away and registered a 5.1. Nothing crazy but still rather rare for the area - just adding to the memories of the trip. The trip ended with just under 105k of the odometer. All in all it was just about 1000 miles from start to finish and I enjoyed every moment of it.
              2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

              Build Thread



                Your new wheel looks great. How much was your OE Coby wheel with the tri-color stitch? $295?


                  Originally posted by 8000RPM View Post
                  Your new wheel looks great. How much was your OE Coby wheel with the tri-color stitch? $295?
                  I paid $323 for everything. So sounds correct + tax and shipping.
                  2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

                  Build Thread



                    How does it look in person? Would you rebuy again?


                      Originally posted by 8000RPM View Post
                      How does it look in person? Would you rebuy again?
                      I guess it’s pretty solid. I have a little bit of wrinkling on under the right spoke, stitching isn’t 100% oem. At the price it’s good. I would probably do Ledermanns or a new oem wheel if I had to do it again.
                      2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

                      Build Thread



                        Cool, thanks!


                          Nice touch on the floor mats, never seen anyone go that length


                            Subbed! Love these restoration journals
                            Rich | 2001 E46 M3 | Alpinweiss & Imolarot | 6MT


                              Originally posted by Bimmerchop View Post
                              Subbed! Love these restoration journals
                              Thanks! I appreciate it. Currently gathering parts for a full rod bearing service. Going to throw in new pulleys and belts, engine mounts, and debating about some of the from control arm and suspension components.

                              Originally posted by BoomTastic View Post
                              Nice touch on the floor mats, never seen anyone go that length
                              Hey thanks! It was a lot of work for a bit of a reward but not much. I’m not sure if I mentioned it or not, but I did end up replacing with brand new oem from FCPEuro. Main reason was the felt wasn’t as grippy as I was hoping which made for some dangerous driving conditions since the drivers floor mat was moving up near the gas/brake pedal.
                              2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

                              Build Thread



                                Still cleaning it so it’s a work in progress... here’s a teaser though.

                                2005 ///M3 6MT Coupe Imola/M-Texture

                                Build Thread


