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EGS_0x32 on ISTA+ after coding (E46 M3 Manual conversion)

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    EGS_0x32 on ISTA+ after coding (E46 M3 Manual conversion)


    I have a 2003 E46 M3 model converted from SMG to manual transmission.

    I have completed the coding and wiring work, and the cruise control and rear parking sensors are functioning properly.​

    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_4051.jpg
Views:	609
Size:	107.5 KB
ID:	225137

    I coded DME as a manual transmission vehicle,
    but when I connect to ISTA+, DME seems to be looking for EGS.

    Shouldn't dme no longer be looking for EGS after coding?
    Is there anything else that needs to be coded additionally?​

    Please help me.
    I want to know the correct answer!

    You didn't code the ike/cluster and lsz/LCM to update the VO and remove the smg code.

    Ista is loading the VO from the ike and lsz which is looking for egs still



      I apologize for the delayed response.

      Is coding possible with this module using Tool32?
      As a beginner in coding, I still have many questions.

      If it's not possible with Tool32, what program should I use instead?​


        You can use NCS Expert to edit the VO


          ac427, nextelbuddy

          Thank you for the advice.

          I used NCS Expert to confirm that VO '$793' does not exist in the cluster and light control module (it was requested to be deleted during conversion).

          However, I'm having an issue where the diagnostic tool keeps searching for the module only when ISTA connected.

          I would like to resolve this.​ ;(


            Once you have deleted it from FA/VO you still need to write the adjusted FA/VO to the IKE/KOMBI and LCM.
            were you normally select a job (codierdaten_lesen / SG_Codieren) you select FA_WRITE and then execute the job. Do this for both IKE/KOMBI and LCM.


              I have also ran into this problem. I wrote the new vehicle order to the LCM and KOMBI, and when loading NCS expert from either module it doesn’t show the SMG option in the VO. Everything works perfectly other than the no communication fault in Ista.

              Could this be related to converting an SMG DME file to a manual one using the mss54 binary modification tool?


                MSS54HP is not a coding ECU. SMG or Manual is done by ECU file: CHARACTERISTIK cfg_m.getriebetyp


                  Anyone else have any ideas on what this could be?

                  So far I’ve:

                  - Checked that the VO does not have $793 in both the kombi and lcm. It does not show up on NCS expert or the ISTA VO list.
                  - After putting my DME bin in a hex editor I verified that the locations that identify whether it’s for an smg or manual car are set to manual.
                  - Checked that binary modification tool says my dme is for a manual. ISTA also says the car is a manual, yet still tries to connect to the egs module.

                  Everything works perfect, I’d just like to get rid of that when scanning the car with Ista. Could there be some coding option in another module that is triggering it to connect? I default coded the ews, cluster, and dsc modules.



                    You have to code KOMB after You wrote VO


                      Originally posted by ppm008 View Post
                      You have to code KOMB after You wrote VO
                      I did. The vehicle order is correct and I default coded the kombi, dsc, and ews. Ista is still trying to connect to the smg dme.


                        Might be related to the ADFG code in KOMBI/EWS.
                        I know a racing company switching EWS units (from SMG car) to make sure ISTA would connect to the SMG unit in case it didn't.

