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How to BDM MSS54/HP with FGtech Galletto 4

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    How to BDM MSS54/HP with FGtech Galletto 4

    Since I just did this after upgrading my MSS54 to MSS54HP, I figured I’d do a little write up to get this info on the new site. I ended up flashing CSL software

    1. Set up Galletto 4 software – This took the longest time for me. I used a Galletto 4 clone, and the provided software wouldn’t work correctly on Windows 10 64-bit. Installing Windows 7 32-bit fixed the issue (more about that issue in step 9), but getting it to install on a newer laptop without a CD drive required me to slipstream the correct USB drivers as well as some hotfixes into the installation media. For those with similar issues, this link helped me a lot: The required driver/hotfixes may be different depending on your chipset.

    2. Remove the DME from your car – This is bench flash only, as you must solder in header pins for BDM.

    3. Open up your DME - There are 6 bolts. Admire the glory.

    4. Solder in your header pins – There are two EEPROMs in the MSS54/HP: one slave and one master. With the connector facing you and the EEPROMs facing up, the slave EEPROM is on the left side and the master EEPROM is on the right side, as labeled in Figure 1. Next to each EEPROM there are pads to solder header pins, also marked in Figure 1. Each set of pads requires 10 position header pins with about 1.25 mm pitch and 2.5 mm row spacing. Alternatively, you can use two 5 position header pin rows. My Galletto kit came with two 5 position header pin rows with the right pitch, so I just reused those for the slave EEPROM after flashing the master EEPROM.
    Click image for larger version

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    5. Connect your Galletto 4 to the DME – Your Galletto 4 kit should come with a ribbon cable and header pin adapter labeled “Siemens”, shown in Figure 2 and 2a. The header pin socket is on the other side of the adapter (not shown). These adapters just route the signal lines to different pin configurations. In order to connect the adapter in the correct orientation, you must identify Pin 1 on the DME header pins and match it to Pin 1 on the adapter. Pin 1 on the adapter, for me, is indicated by the square through-hole, as shown in Figure 2a. Pin 1 on the DME can be identified by inspection or with the help of a multimeter. For our case, Pin 1 is next to the two BDM ground pins, as shown in Figure 1. Since the two ground pins are shorted together, inspecting the lines in the PCB reveals their location. Alternatively, you can use a multimeter to find which headers pins are shorted together. Figure 1 shows the location of Pin 1 for the slave and master sides. The Galletto 4 documentation also explains how to find Pin 1 in general cases. Connect the adapter to the header pins such that Pin 1 of the adapter is connected to Pin 1 of the DME header pins. The ribbon cable plugs into the large socket.
    Click image for larger version

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    6. Power up the Galletto 4 – Plug the ribbon cable from your DME into the Galetto 4, the USB cable from the Galletto 4 into your computer, and the Galletto 4 power cable into your wall receptacle.

    7. Power up your DME – The DME needs to be powered so that the Galletto can access the EEPROMs. Figure 3 illustrates the necessary power connections. What I found to work is 12 V to Pin 1 and Pin 7 and ground to Pin 4, 5, or 6 (they’re all shorted together, so it shouldn’t matter) on the X60001 connector of the DME. I used a generic 12 V, 3 A wall power supply with screw terminal end connections from Amazon and made a harness to clip onto the DME pins. More info on the pinout can be found here:
    Click image for larger version

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    8. Start your Galletto software – There's an attachment limit for posts, so the rest of this how-to won't have any pictures, but it should be really straight forward.

    9. Select the correct BDM driver – Click “Select Driver” -> click “BDM/JTAG” -> select “BDM/JTAG mode” -> select “BDM MC32xxx” -> select “MC32xxx” -> click “OK” at bottom right . Note: The problem I had on Win 10 64-bit was when I got to this step, after clicking “OK”, the software would crash. As mentioned previously, running the software on Win 7 32-bit fixed the issue.

    10. Set BDM voltage to 5 V – The AMD EEPROMs in our DMEs are 5 V read/write, so set this accordingly.

    11. Connect to DME – Click “CONNECT” at top left. Your EEPROM info should show up under “ECU data” field.

    12. Flash EEPROM – Click “Write Ext Flash” (it will be enabled once you’re connected to the EEPROM) and select your slave or master bin file depending on which EEPROM is connected. I flashed slave, then master, but the order shouldn't matter. It will take a couple minutes to flash.

    13. Flash other EEPROM – Follow the Galletto software instructions after flashing the first EEPROM.

    14. Have a beer, you deserve it! (Optional: one beer per EEPROM)

    Thanks a lot for the detailed DIY, having this about a week and a half ago would have saved me tons of headaches! You covered everything, but here's a couple issues I ran into that might help others in the same position in the future.

    Originally posted by Anders93 View Post
    I used a Galletto 4 clone, and the provided software wouldn’t work correctly on Windows 10 64-bit. Installing Windows 7 32-bit fixed the issue
    I just went through this as well and had a terrible time getting the Galletto software to work. I ended up using bootcamp to install Windows 7 64 bit on a MacBook Pro (you need to downgrade to at least Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra for bootcamp to let you install Windows 7) since the Galletto software will not install in a virtual machine. I managed to get the software to run using these instructions. No other version of the software that I found online worked and I only got it working with the download that includes "FGTech Galletto Edited v1.exe". I won't link to a download of this since that's probably against forum rules, but a quick search will yield many results.

    Originally posted by Anders93 View Post
    Your Galletto 4 kit should come with a ribbon cable and header pin adapter labeled “Siemens”
    Other online instructions I found suggested that the pin reversal board was required for the MSS54/HP, but just like you, the Galletto unit I used did not need this extra board, connecting the Siements header pin adapter directly to the device worked.

    Originally posted by Anders93 View Post
    The DME needs to be powered so that the Galletto can access the EEPROMs.
    Providing power to the DME might be sufficient, but when I flashed mine I did this as well as providing the ignition signal: +12 V on Pin 26 in the X6004 connector, also shown here:

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    Once again, not entirely sure if necessary, but if anyone is having trouble communicating with the DME, try this.
    2002 Topasblau M3 - Coupe - 6MT - Karbonius CSL Airbox - MSS54HP Conversion - Kassel MAP - SSV1 - HJS - PCS Tune - Beisan - MK60 Swap - ZCP Rack - Nogaros - AutoSolutions - 996 Brembos - Slon - CMP - VinceBar - Koni - Eibach - BlueBus - Journal

    2012 Alpinweiss 128i - Coupe - 6AT - Slicktop - Manual Seats - Daily - Journal


      Thanks for the additional info! That's a good point about the pin reversal board. Verifying that the Galletto pinout and MSS54/HP header pins match up with a DMM would be good practice.


        I've only ever needed the X60001 power connections.


          Does anyone have any idea on how to get it to work correctly with an MSS54HP and ST chips in BDM mode?

          The eeproms are ST M29F400BB, however it is recognized as AMD 29F800BT in the FGTech BDM software.
          In fact, running "Read Ext Flash" extracts 1024 kb of bin file. With this file, if I try "write Ext Flash" again, there seems to be no problem connecting to BDM because the flash seems to be working properly.
          Looking closely at the file, 0x00000 -> 0x7FFFF section and 0x80000 -> 0xFFFFF section have the same binary.

          Of course in these setup I can't write a 512 kb CSL master/slave binary. Click image for larger version

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            Originally posted by horoto View Post
            Does anyone have any idea on how to get it to work correctly with an MSS54HP and ST chips in BDM mode?

            The eeproms are ST M29F400BB, however it is recognized as AMD 29F800BT in the FGTech BDM software.
            In fact, running "Read Ext Flash" extracts 1024 kb of bin file. With this file, if I try "write Ext Flash" again, there seems to be no problem connecting to BDM because the flash seems to be working properly.
            Looking closely at the file, 0x00000 -> 0x7FFFF section and 0x80000 -> 0xFFFFF section have the same binary.

            Of course in these setup I can't write a 512 kb CSL master/slave binary.
            FGtech doesn't support the ST chips.


              I'm thinking of doing this but just from a DIY bench using a cable and the following schematic:

              Any reason to think this wouldn't work?


                Originally posted by skristedja View Post
                I'm thinking of doing this but just from a DIY bench using a cable and the following schematic:

                Any reason to think this wouldn't work?
                It'll work fine
                2002 Topasblau M3 - Coupe - 6MT - Karbonius CSL Airbox - MSS54HP Conversion - Kassel MAP - SSV1 - HJS - PCS Tune - Beisan - MK60 Swap - ZCP Rack - Nogaros - AutoSolutions - 996 Brembos - Slon - CMP - VinceBar - Koni - Eibach - BlueBus - Journal

                2012 Alpinweiss 128i - Coupe - 6AT - Slicktop - Manual Seats - Daily - Journal


                  Originally posted by heinzboehmer View Post

                  It'll work fine
                  Thank you! I'll give it a shot and be sure to document my efforts on the forum


                    Had someone problems with AM29F400BB 55SI chips from china? Fgtech doesn‘t find the flash after soldering (both chips). Soldering is very nice and clean. Same orientation as before.
                    …under construction.


                      Did you blank the chip on a chip reader before soldering onto the board? Lot of these chips will have random data written over it to check and it will stop them from being read via bdm.


                        Thanks for the Input! Unfortunately not, i don’t have a suitable eepromreader here. Can you recommend a cheap and reliable one?
                        …under construction.


                          Thanks for sticking up this DIY 😀

                          I've successfully read both chips using this guide on my CSL converted HP DME. I wish to flash the full CSL software to it however I only have the full 1024b .bin to hand. How would I obtain the correct master/slave files to flash over?



                            Originally posted by HARBER07 View Post
                            Thanks for sticking up this DIY 😀

                            I've successfully read both chips using this guide on my CSL converted HP DME. I wish to flash the full CSL software to it however I only have the full 1024b .bin to hand. How would I obtain the correct master/slave files to flash over?

                            Split the file in half in HexEdit or similar.


                              I have now tried exactly that, but when it comes to flashing the Galetto tool states the checksum doesn't match. Is there anything else that needs to be done or can I ignore the warning and continue?.

