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The new engine is in, crank no start

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    I wasn't able to do it today because I want to have fuel when I do this. The wife took her car to work and my mini is down from a nail in the tire(thanks Orlando). Checked the battery and it's at 12.47V so I think it's on its way out. My instructors emphasized on not using the screw driver method but I can do what I can with what I got if the pump needs to come out.
    Last edited by Arith2; 04-18-2020, 06:35 PM.
    This is my Unbuild Journal and why we need an oil thread

    "Do it right once or do it twice"


      Who's instructing you?
      Youtube DIYs and more

      All jobs done as diy - clutch, rod bearings, rear subframe rebush, vanos, headers, cooling, suspension, etc.

      PM for help in NorCal. Have a lot of specialty tools - vanos, pilot bearing puller, bushing press kit, valve adjustment, fcab, wheel bearing, engine support bar, etc.


        Old trick to see if it’s a fuel related issue is to spray carb cleaner through the intake while cranking


          Originally posted by mrgizmo04 View Post
          Who's instructing you?
          I go to UTI which seems to be one of the more preferred schools. My instructors seem competent for the most part. My instructor, before corona, was a BMW Master Tech for 17 years and he'd currently be my instructor if everything wasn't shut down and I would ask him at lot of questions before I even got the engine. When I did my engine, it was at the shop I used to work at with two more Master Techs. It really was hard for me to mess up stuff because if I was 99% sure, I would ask.
          This is my Unbuild Journal and why we need an oil thread

          "Do it right once or do it twice"


            Originally posted by Arith2 View Post

            I go to UTI which seems to be one of the more preferred schools. My instructors seem competent for the most part. My instructor, before corona, was a BMW Master Tech for 17 years and he'd currently be my instructor if everything wasn't shut down and I would ask him at lot of questions before I even got the engine. When I did my engine, it was at the shop I used to work at with two more Master Techs. It really was hard for me to mess up stuff because if I was 99% sure, I would ask.
            I would have to say your instructors are NOT competent as they would have told you to check TWO things before you start asking 'no start' questions:

            1, Check fuel pressure at the rail

            2. Check for spark.

            No fuel, no spark, no start. It doesn't sound like you have checked either one of those things.


              Originally posted by chicane View Post

              I would have to say your instructors are NOT competent as they would have told you to check TWO things before you start asking 'no start' questions:

              1, Check fuel pressure at the rail

              2. Check for spark.

              No fuel, no spark, no start. It doesn't sound like you have checked either one of those things.
              I was getting a very small amount of fuel and there no reason for it not to spark. I inspected coils plugs, and all the cables. Everything was perfectly fine. The battery was weak so I replaced it with an AGM in case it goes through another deep cycle. New one at 12.7V, which is absolutely perfect. I plugged it in and get a more hardy crank but still the same combustion in one cylinder occasionally.

              That's because only cylinder one injector was plugged in.
              I did the 'ole touch everything test. Turns out I had never re-plugged in my injectors. There was an issue with the plastic cover so I had to remove the harness and fix it. I didn't push down on it enough because injector one was plugged in but the rest were just right before the click.

              So the fuel was the problem... Or lack there of. I was ruling out simple fixes and things that maybe have actually been a problem. My instructors weren't incompetent, I just didn't think to do the obvious right off the bat. Touch stuff. I caused the problem over something stupid.

              It started immediately. No Check engine light and no low oil light. Just have some tire pressure, which 32 down to 26psi after 10 months isn't bad. I also had it on stands so the tires wouldn't get flat spots.

              This is my Unbuild Journal and why we need an oil thread

              "Do it right once or do it twice"


                Originally posted by Arith2 View Post

                There was an issue with the plastic cover so I had to remove the harness and fix it. I didn't push down on it enough because injector one was plugged in but the rest were just right before the click.
                So the fuel was the problem...
                In other words, always start with the basics first, especially with a no start condition.FORGET about codes. Something like that you need a spark tester and a fuel pressure tester. And FORGET about INPA. INPA is a garbage sack created for setting basic settings at the factory. For true diagnostics you need to get a copy of ISTA+. Run diagnostics, set test plans, TIS, etc.


                  How would injectors not be plugged in and no codes thrown?
                  '05 M3 Convertible 6MT, CB/Cinnamon, CSL Airbox&Flap, PCSTuning, Beisan, Schrick 288/280, SS V1's & 2.5" System, RE Stg 1&SMF, KW V2, CB PS, Apex EC-7R


                    Originally posted by jbfrancis3 View Post
                    How would injectors not be plugged in and no codes thrown?
                    I have no idea. Maybe it's not looking for them until after the engine starts. No idea why it would be that way. Either way, it's fixed. The car starts and that's what matters. Oh man does it sound good too. All of my neighbors definitely heard it. I'm going to finish the clutch adaptation tomorrow along with an oil change. We'll see how much CSL software hates lightweight flywheels.
                    This is my Unbuild Journal and why we need an oil thread

                    "Do it right once or do it twice"

