this forum about cars, which we all loves - best we can do here, to fight about tuning tips, or after all, color choice for respraying
i love my work, i think even more correct to say - my life's work. so, better to talk about this.
we are shipping about 4-5 postages worldwide every week, 80% of them to US. shipping still works directly from our workshop. same as previous pandemic years, little bit unstable with delivery time - some of the shipments took month, some 10-12 days (last 2 months statistic). really depends on luck
we have plan B of course, if direct delivery would be closed totally - shipping thru transit points, like armenia, kazakhstan or UAE. additional 7-10days, but 100% works.

i love my work, i think even more correct to say - my life's work. so, better to talk about this.
Originally posted by Maxhouse97
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we have plan B of course, if direct delivery would be closed totally - shipping thru transit points, like armenia, kazakhstan or UAE. additional 7-10days, but 100% works.