So took my car in to get an alignment this week and they discovered that they could not get the turner camber plates to adjust any further. Upon further inspection they discovered the shop that installed my camber plates and coilovers ground the f out of my shock towers. Also note the bent and messed up metal on the top and the markings on the camber plates all done by that same offending shop. Might not show up well in the pictures but they basically marked and scratched up the brand new camber plates when it was installed. Insert wtf here...
In the middle of resolving this with the original shop, and it is not going the way I had hoped. They claim they installed "correctly". On what f'ing planet is that right? Depending how it is resolved I'll be putting out a PSA not to go to this shop. There are a group of us that no longer take our cars there due to various reasons. Honestly it is ridiculous when things like this are done. Mistakes happen, in my opinion this should have never been done especially without asking first, but it is also how it is handled after the fact. My response would of been f no you are not doing that if they had asked first. The shop that found this figures they did not understand how to adjust the turned plates and just started grinding away and scratching, bending the shit out of the camber plates to adjust it. Stuff like this is so disappointing.
Who else has a story like this? Maybe we can turn this into a wtf did you do to my car thread as some sort of group therapy lol.
In the middle of resolving this with the original shop, and it is not going the way I had hoped. They claim they installed "correctly". On what f'ing planet is that right? Depending how it is resolved I'll be putting out a PSA not to go to this shop. There are a group of us that no longer take our cars there due to various reasons. Honestly it is ridiculous when things like this are done. Mistakes happen, in my opinion this should have never been done especially without asking first, but it is also how it is handled after the fact. My response would of been f no you are not doing that if they had asked first. The shop that found this figures they did not understand how to adjust the turned plates and just started grinding away and scratching, bending the shit out of the camber plates to adjust it. Stuff like this is so disappointing.
Who else has a story like this? Maybe we can turn this into a wtf did you do to my car thread as some sort of group therapy lol.