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The Official Bring A Trailer (BaT) Thread

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  • PetrolM3

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  • nextelbuddy
    Originally posted by EthanolTurbo View Post

    Just a tactic to get you to post it and advertise your services in this thread. 😇 I thought that wagon was for personal use though so I am a bit surprised.
    Lol Yes it's all personal, I don't build for business.

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  • nextelbuddy
    Originally posted by puma1824 View Post

    Now that the BaT auction has ended, here is my build as a comparison. My conversion was done by the guy in Europe I believe you are referencing. His name is Attila owner/operator of M3Projekts out of Hungary. Note I have not kept up with as many post updates as I would like. I have over 2000 pictures w/videos as well from the builder during the entire build. I did post many more pics, but not all 2000 pics, in my dedicated IG profile for this car.

    Yet another e46 M3 Touring conversion but with a slight twist which I believe is a little unique in the approach. I decided to transport two cars, a 2003 BMW e46 325iT Touring and a 2003 BMW e46 M3 Convertible from the USA to Europe to get an e46 M3 Touring conversion done. The goal, like many others before this one, build an
    Yours is an excellent example, Attila does great work for sure. He had good ethics

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  • EthanolTurbo
    Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post

    I thought you knew me 😢

    15K Followers, 1,663 Following, 2,249 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Shawn Robertson (@shawnrphotography)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	PXL_20240820_215443755.jpg Views:	3 Size:	149.2 KB ID:	276102

    Click image for larger version  Name:	DJI_20240818133239_0081_D_exported_119285.jpg Views:	3 Size:	166.9 KB ID:	276103
    Just a tactic to get you to post it and advertise your services in this thread. 😇 I thought that wagon was for personal use though so I am a bit surprised.

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  • nextelbuddy
    Originally posted by EthanolTurbo View Post

    Post your IG up bro 😅 I didn't know you were in the business of wagon conversions.
    I thought you knew me 😢

    15K Followers, 1,663 Following, 2,249 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Shawn Robertson (@shawnrphotography)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	PXL_20240820_215443755.jpg
Views:	615
Size:	149.2 KB
ID:	276102

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DJI_20240818133239_0081_D_exported_119285.jpg
Views:	614
Size:	166.9 KB
ID:	276103

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  • Interlagos
    Originally posted by oceansize View Post
    Well the wagon didn't hit reserve. Bid to $59,250. The market has spoken, not as valuable as the owner thinks it is.
    😂 I called this on IG but the wagon builder in Europe ended up deleting my comments and the owner’s snooty replies to me… I said this wouldn’t even hit $60k when they were all calling $120k (lol). Looks like the market agrees this car isn't nearly as well built as the owner wanted everyone to believe.

    That video the owner posted on the auction of the underside/backside of the rear fenderwells was absolutely awful looking — seriously shoddy looking work for the price.

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  • puma1824
    Originally posted by Duck360198 View Post

    I 100% agree with the underbody, steering wheel, the fact it wasn't properly cleaned up. Wheels don't bother me much, but do agree ZCP's would be much better. The wrap that was on before and the lights, agreed, wasn't a fan. Felt like a sponsor show car. But all of those things can be taken care of quite easily. I'm more concerned about the execution of it all from an engine, transmission, wiring, etc. standpoint. From my perspective, it seemed like this was taken a step further than the other conversions I've seen. I can't speak to Lang Racing though. If they are known for hack jobs, I feel like maybe there would be more people chiming in on that in the BaT listing.

    Do you have any links to other builds by chance? I want to understand from a comparison standpoint where this BaT one cut corners. I know there's some guy on IG in Europe who has been converting wagons and it sounds like he does a lot of the work himself. For me, I have a ton of interest in a swapped/converted wagon, but I don't have the time to take on the project, don't really want to pay for a build from the ground up, and would rather just have a turn-key example (for the most part) that can be enjoyed immediately.

    I believe this BaT car was listed on consignment a year or so ago for $110K or something wild. Wasn't up long so not sure what the deal was there. Will be interesting to watch for sure.
    Now that the BaT auction has ended, here is my build as a comparison. My conversion was done by the guy in Europe I believe you are referencing. His name is Attila owner/operator of M3Projekts out of Hungary. Note I have not kept up with as many post updates as I would like. I have over 2000 pictures w/videos as well from the builder during the entire build. I did post many more pics, but not all 2000 pics, in my dedicated IG profile for this car.

    Yet another e46 M3 Touring conversion but with a slight twist which I believe is a little unique in the approach. I decided to transport two cars, a 2003 BMW e46 325iT Touring and a 2003 BMW e46 M3 Convertible from the USA to Europe to get an e46 M3 Touring conversion done. The goal, like many others before this one, build an

    3,662 Followers, 427 Following, 475 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from e46M3 Touring (@e46m3teurotrip)

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  • EthanolTurbo
    Originally posted by oceansize View Post
    Well the wagon didn't hit reserve. Bid to $59,250. The market has spoken, not as valuable as the owner thinks it is.
    Haha. The owner is delusional as to its value. Even 59k is crackpot pricing for this rice-a-roni build. 🙂

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  • EthanolTurbo
    Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post

    Post your IG up bro 😅 I didn't know you were in the business of wagon conversions.

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  • nextelbuddy
    Originally posted by EthanolTurbo View Post

    @noble.craft.usa here in San Diego can build you a turnkey wagon. He does very high quality builds. kaiv (also here in San Diego) builds beautiful OEM quality E39 M5 and E46 M3 wagons as well.

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  • oceansize
    Well the wagon didn't hit reserve. Bid to $59,250. The market has spoken, not as valuable as the owner thinks it is.

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  • Nate047
    Originally posted by BlueBimmers View Post

    Isn't this BMW's version of the famous Ferrari combo? No louder than Imola/Imola in my book, which I've seen up close and it works somehow.
    I have an E36 M3 in Hell Rot with Sand Beige, pretty Ferrari esque I guess lol. The interior is not as loud visually as Modena (the more yellow/neon one) and is much more rare being a '99 only option. And it's not that terrible all beige like the non M E36s, it's mostly black with beige door card inserts and of course seats.

    E46 Cinnamon interior clashes with any red exterior. Imola exterior only works with black or matching Imola interior.

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  • EthanolTurbo
    Originally posted by Duck360198 View Post

    I 100% agree with the underbody, steering wheel, the fact it wasn't properly cleaned up. Wheels don't bother me much, but do agree ZCP's would be much better. The wrap that was on before and the lights, agreed, wasn't a fan. Felt like a sponsor show car. But all of those things can be taken care of quite easily. I'm more concerned about the execution of it all from an engine, transmission, wiring, etc. standpoint. From my perspective, it seemed like this was taken a step further than the other conversions I've seen. I can't speak to Lang Racing though. If they are known for hack jobs, I feel like maybe there would be more people chiming in on that in the BaT listing.

    Do you have any links to other builds by chance? I want to understand from a comparison standpoint where this BaT one cut corners. I know there's some guy on IG in Europe who has been converting wagons and it sounds like he does a lot of the work himself. For me, I have a ton of interest in a swapped/converted wagon, but I don't have the time to take on the project, don't really want to pay for a build from the ground up, and would rather just have a turn-key example (for the most part) that can be enjoyed immediately.

    I believe this BaT car was listed on consignment a year or so ago for $110K or something wild. Wasn't up long so not sure what the deal was there. Will be interesting to watch for sure.
    @noble.craft.usa here in San Diego can build you a turnkey wagon. He does very high quality builds. kaiv (also here in San Diego) builds beautiful OEM quality E39 M5 and E46 M3 wagons as well.

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  • EthanolTurbo
    Originally posted by George Hill View Post

    I think at the end of the day it all comes down to what someone wants. The fact of the matter is you cannot go buy an S54 widebody touring from BMW so if you want one you have to make one and that makes the comparison a stock M3 (or any production car for that matter) a bit silly IMO.

    I don't know this car from anything other than its online presence so I don't know how well the swap was done but it COULD be a good starting point for someone who doesn't want a perfect car but wants the look and then can tweak to their liking down the road. OR maybe someone loves it the way it is, the seller likely did so the reality of someone else is highly possible.

    Personally I put more value in proper execution of the mechanicals than most, but I am also scared of body work I can't see. IMO if this or a car like it is something a person is interested in I would want to know:
    • Can you trust the body work was done properly and will hold up for years to come or is it going to start cracked, paint peeling, etc
    • Can you trust the engine work was done properly
    • Is it actually a sorted car or are there odds and ends that need to be fixed to fully sort it
    • And in this particular car I would want to know how well the DSC works, being AWD the Bosch ABS doesn't really play nicely with the MSS54 DME. It might be ok for a persons needs but if not, it could be a lot of work to correct.
    At the end of the day right now its a running and driving S54 widebody conversion and IMO it would be pretty tough to pay someone to build a duplicate for $40k and it be nice. Could you build a better version of this car for $100k, absolutely but then you have to wait and commission it and it might take years.

    Years ago I had a client come in with a widebody converted S54 sedan that he had bought and it was so far from where he wanted it to be that it would have been cheaper for him to sell the car and start over. But the timeline would have been so much longer he stayed the course and fixed the current car and he was happy with the outcome. YMMV good luck with the auction if you bid.​
    Thank you. You said this perfectly.

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  • Epsilon
    Originally posted by oceansize View Post
    For me, with respect to the wagon, this isn't something I would buy sight unseen. I'd have to drive it (or at least be driven around in it), get it on a lift, evaluate the paint/body work as best I can, scan for current codes, test every function, etc. I couldn't bring myself to spend this type of money on a youtuber's "maybe" ok job. This will likely end somewhere around $50k to $70k.
    The owner of the wagon had camios with the DDE Youtube channel folks and they are about burnouts and shenanigans. Definitely, sight unseen would be a risky move.

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