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The Official Bring A Trailer (BaT) Thread

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  • discoelk
    Car looks nice, unique spec. Maybe the owner gets their asking price. Who cares?

    The comments here feel a little disconnected sometimes. Pretty much everyone already owns an E46M and isn't looking to buy so I'm not sure opinions matter much. Money talks.

    Unrelated, I like grey interiors but grey/purple is bad IMO.
    Last edited by discoelk; 06-11-2024, 12:21 PM.

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  • Interlagos
    Based off the VIN the original interior was black leather, not grey. That M-Tex interior is clearly from the BMW Restored Seats guy seeing the same black pleather pieces he always uses on the sides of the front seats adjustable thigh bolsters — it’s a dead giveaway that it’s his work.

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  • PetrolM3
    Originally posted by BlueBimmers View Post
    If we're looking for ambitious pricing here's one that's sat on Hagerty's marketplace for a couple of months. Very clean, but the Hagerty valuations have gone to his head:
    Clean specimen but asking price is too high with respect to spec and mileage.

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  • jet_dogg
    There never was a dove grey for e46 not sure why this misinformation keeps being perpetuated on this forum.

    Dove was an e36 interior color.

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  • PetrolM3
    Originally posted by 9kracing View Post
    If the original interior was Dove Grey, then I would think the M-Texture would be worth quite a bit more, despite not being original.

    Still, pre-LCI car with 135k miles, I also think it's about 30K too high.
    I meant if the M-Texture was original to the car as factory spec... not if the car still had its actual original interior, especially if it was grey
    Last edited by PetrolM3; 06-11-2024, 12:29 PM.

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  • BlueBimmers
    If we're looking for ambitious pricing here's one that's sat on Hagerty's marketplace for a couple of months. Very clean, but the Hagerty valuations have gone to his head:

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  • 9kracing
    If the original interior was Dove Grey, then I would think the M-Texture would be worth quite a bit more, despite not being original.

    Still, pre-LCI car with 135k miles, I also think it's about 30K too high.

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  • PetrolM3
    Originally posted by maw1124 View Post

    Are you implying an E46M is a $40k car -- specifically this one despite special color and Big3 and "rare spec"? Shocking! Aghast! That's heresy!

    It's closer to being a $40K car than the asking price because of such high mileage and non-original interior, not because all E46 cars are worth $40K regardless of miles and spec as per your analogy. If this car was LCI, had less than 60K miles and the interior was original, it would easily fetch even more than the asking price.
    Last edited by PetrolM3; 06-11-2024, 09:19 AM.

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  • jet_dogg
    That's a 25-30k car.

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  • maw1124
    Originally posted by oceansize View Post

    IMO the owner is off by $30k to $40k... Again, really nice looking car.
    Are you implying an E46M is a $40k car -- specifically this one despite special color and Big3 and "rare spec"? Shocking! Aghast! That's heresy!


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  • Slideways
    Originally posted by oceansize View Post

    1. Great color
    2. Interior looks fantastic with the exterior
    3. Big three done (I'd still want top side but close enough)
    4. Newish clutch/pp
    5. Lots of new OE parts, nicely done.
    1. Pre LCI so MK20
    2. 135k miles (con since the asking price)
    3. Those photos are enhanced and taken under lighting conditions that yield the best presentation. Smart, but I know that isn't what it really looks like on the outside.
    IMO the owner is off by $30k to $40k. Maybe someone who is dying for purple, doesn't DIY, and has money to burn will buy. Owner wants their money back, but I'm not giving it to them. Again, really nice looking car.
    You sir, are good. This apparently was listed (not sold) in NY in 2021 for 50k.

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  • oceansize
    Originally posted by Interlagos View Post
    Has anyone else seen this 135k mile ‘02 Techno Violet/M-Texture on eBay for $80k…? lol

    Awesome spec but that price makes absolutely zero sense, especially considering that’s not even the original M-Tex interior.
    1. Great color
    2. Interior looks fantastic with the exterior
    3. Big three done (I'd still want top side but close enough)
    4. Newish clutch/pp
    5. Lots of new OE parts, nicely done.
    1. Pre LCI so MK20
    2. 135k miles (con since the asking price)
    3. Those photos are enhanced and taken under lighting conditions that yield the best presentation. Smart, but I know that isn't what it really looks like on the outside.
    IMO the owner is off by $30k to $40k. Maybe someone who is dying for purple, doesn't DIY, and has money to burn will buy. Owner wants their money back, but I'm not giving it to them. Again, really nice looking car.

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  • 0-60motorsports
    Originally posted by Interlagos View Post R_ i&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

    Has anyone else seen this 135k mile ‘02 Techno Violet/M-Texture on eBay for $80k…? lol

    Awesome spec but that price makes absolutely zero sense, especially considering that’s not even the original M-Tex interior.
    The only thing finding that ad did was renew my love for Techno Violet. I have decided i'll be doing a full color change from JB to TV on my M3 in the future.

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  • Interlagos
    replied R_ i&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

    Has anyone else seen this 135k mile ‘02 Techno Violet/M-Texture on eBay for $80k…? lol

    Awesome spec but that price makes absolutely zero sense, especially considering that’s not even the original M-Tex interior.
    Last edited by Interlagos; 06-10-2024, 06:42 PM.

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  • BlueBimmers
    That is a car I don't understand. All the value, every single penny is tied to mileage because on the rarity scale it is at zero (with 10 being most rare). Meaning that car can never be driven more than a few hundred or so miles per year unless the new owner simply has so much money they don't care (and that is possible).
    Was thinking exactly the same re this auction. But my brand of enthusiasm isn't necessarily the new owner's.

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