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Immediate help needed please. Early SMG tranny refurbishing issues

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    Immediate help needed please. Early SMG tranny refurbishing issues

    My E46 M3's body is a 2005 Cabrio SMG. My motor and tranny are NOT. They are from an early 2000's SMG coupe....2002? 2003? Long story.

    At considerable expense I bought every part on the tranny schematic here:

    My mobile mechanic (my car is home up on four six ton jack stands) says he cant see where ANY of the above parts go. Do we have to remove the tranny mounts and support it with a jack and TILT it down? The exhaust, drive shaft, guibo have ALL been removed, so far. Huge job!

    Are ALL years of the SMG trannies the same? Attached are two photos my mechanic took on MY SMG tranny from a different SMG M3 somewhere in the early 2000's

    One photo is of the drivers side tranny and a crappy one of the passenger side tranny. The kit to replace all those parts on the passenger side (in the schematic I referenced from realoem) was quite expensive and not returnable since we opened the blister pack.

    He replaced the GPS(gear position sensor) with a guaranteed used one. But things are not quite right yet. I want to figure out what to do next. I dont want to keep driving my half wrecked Lexus beater to work while my daily driver M3 is up on jack stands.

    EDIT: We also plan to replace these parts on advice from robgill: 12142296184 Crankshaft speed sensor and new o-ring.
    13621433076 Temperature sensor coolant / oil
    Only thing is that I see these on THIS schematic:

    Is THAT the tranny I have???? Sure looks different than this one.... the one that I based ALL my parts list from:

    Attached Files
    Last edited by BigDave; 01-21-2023, 07:58 PM.

    Transmission is the same all years.
    why do you need to replace these parts? What’s problem?
    The kit parts are correct for your smg
    Last edited by sapote; 01-22-2023, 01:10 PM.


      Originally posted by sapote View Post
      Transmission is the same all years.
      why do you need to replace these parts? What’s probably?
      The kit parts are correct for your smg
      Oh thanks so much. That is a relief.

      More than one (SEVERAL) members on this forum highly suggested replacing these 120,000+ mile, 20 year old parts. The springs are known to shatter, BTW. The work area is just so damn tight that I think we need to TILT the tranny down supported by a jack of course.
      HOW do we do that? Just take out the tranny rubber mounts?

      THIS GUY (professional mechanic)l looks like he tilted his client's SMG tranny down. BTW, He actually found a broken spring under the friction fit plug, which we just cant seem to locate...yet.
      Part Uncategorized Groups Compression spring 23311228397

      He put the new/used GPS in which was a real PITA he told me. Horrific access to the hex socket bolts even with special tools.

      I need to help him this morning after being up since 730 PM YESTERDAY on a long 12 hour overnight shift. I can onlyn get him on SAT or Sunday. Good wrench but NOT a professional. I have a better eye, its just that I am 66 with an amputated leg and 30lbs overweight. Doesnt matter, Ill have to figure out what to tell him to do, or do the work myself. I have ANOTHER 12 hour shift Sunday night! Inflation sux so bad I have to work 60 hours a week just to pay for car parts and $20/hour friend labor.

      ANY help out their, let us know.
      We have not even begun to code for gear adaptations. I have FAILED to find that page in my IPNA software which I barely know how to use. I cant even BLEED MY CLUTCH. Very frustrating. I have this huge bundle of BMW software that I have almost no idea how to use it properly. I cant even FIND the commands!!!

      I know we have to run adaptations because the new GPS is acting all funky. Not working properly. If I switch from S to D, the car goes from gear 1 to N. Thats not right. Also, I can NOT shift into 2nd gear while up on blocks. I am supposed to be able to do that. I always could do a 1-2 shift while sitting static. Not now, with the new GPS>


        I've never done this job, but I would think the gearbox needs to come out for this.
        BMW / E46M Interior & Trim Restoration.



          THIS GUY (professional mechanic)l looks like he tilted his client's SMG tranny down. BTW, He actually found a broken spring under the friction fit plug, which we just cant seem to locate...yet.[/QUOTE]
          So you don’t actually have a problem but want to replace parts for maintenance.
          I watch the video; the guy was talking about the main shift rod detent between neutral and engaged gears. This spring and the roller pin is under the plug at the rear left side of transmission.
          The GPS should be at the tail of the transmission; should be not difficult to replace.
          There are 3 detent at the rear, upper right side which is hard to get to, for: 1/2; 3/4; reverse.
          The 4/5 detent is on the left side , less difficult to get to.​


            remove the transmission brace and lightly jack the front of the engine up. it’ll be hard to see the stuff on the passanger side. but if you feel around, you’ll eventually touch the two 10mm bolts for that kit. the actuator might be in the way but you’re very close. its doable
            Last edited by Eazy__m3; 01-22-2023, 05:40 PM.


              Originally posted by Eazy__m3 View Post
              remove the transmission brace and lightly jack the front of the engine up. it’ll be hard to see the stuff on the passanger side. but if you feel around, you’ll eventually touch the two 10mm bolts for that kit. the actuator might be in the way but you’re very close. its doable
              Thanks! We did that just to do everything on the drivers side. We PASSED doing the passenger side kit. Just too damn tight. Ill replace that when we replace the clutch etc later this year.

