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Steering Rack Rebuild ??

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    I'll take one as well.PM sent


      Hi all -

      First - sorry, I've been traveling a bit for work and should be back in LA early next week. I'll get to the DMs and work out shipping there! (I originally joined the boards thinking I'd move back to NYC after moving to LA for work but haven't, so the name stuck).

      Second - I went through my emails (I ordered a lot of different bearings for different projects) and the F208801.4 that I had sourced are actually genuine INA (the NTN bearings I have from Japan are for the pinion shaft, but that's another conversation).

      Third - someone asked what I used to pull the inner seal and I actually bought a tool to remove the inner seal from PST which is labeled as an steering rack inner oil seal extractor... it was about $300 give or take with shipping. I bought it because I'm very meticulous, OCD and didn't want to damange any part of the tube. I'll get a chance to use it again since I've decided to help a neighbor on my street rebuild another yellow tag for his E46 M3.

      Which leads me to my fourth point - if anyone wants, I think I can probably rebuild these racks pretty quickly now without any damage to the pinion, rack, enclosure, piping, etc. because I've spent money buying the tools to do so. If anyone is up for it, I'm happy to do it (my wife will hate me but I enjoy these types of things). I have no idea what Rack Doctor used to charge (see that name come up a ton on the boards) but there is a local steering rack rebuild company (where I got the bearings from, who got them from a distributor) that charges $850 for an already rebuilt rack and $650 to rebuild yellow tag rack.

      Last edited by davidinnyc; 01-24-2024, 12:15 PM.


        Originally posted by davidinnyc View Post
        Hi all -

        First - sorry, I've been traveling a bit for work and should be back in LA early next week. I'll get to the DMs and work out shipping there! (I originally joined the boards thinking I'd move back to NYC after moving to LA for work but haven't, so the name stuck).

        Second - I went through my emails (I ordered a lot of different bearings for different projects) and the F208801.4 that I had sourced are actually genuine INA (the NTN bearings I have from Japan are for the pinion shaft, but that's another conversation).

        Third - someone asked what I used to pull the inner seal and I actually bought a tool to remove the inner seal from PST which is labeled as an steering rack inner oil seal extractor... it was about $300 give or take with shipping. I bought it because I'm very meticulous, OCD and didn't want to damange any part of the tube. I'll get a chance to use it again since I've decided to help a neighbor on my street rebuild another yellow tag for his E46 M3.

        Which leads me to my fourth point - if anyone wants, I think I can probably rebuild these racks pretty quickly now without any damage to the pinion, rack, enclosure, piping, etc. because I've spent money buying the tools to do so. If anyone is up for it, I'm happy to do it (my wife will hate me but I enjoy these types of things). I have no idea what Rack Doctor used to charge (see that name come up a ton on the boards) but there is a local steering rack rebuild company (where I got the bearings from, who got them from a distributor) that charges $850 for an already rebuilt rack and $650 to rebuild yellow tag rack.

        I'm curious as to what you'll charge for a rack refresh? I was planning on just buying a used rack and refreshing it but after reading some of the materials, it may be out of my league especially without the correct tools. I have so many special tools for this specific car it's not even funny anymore, I can't fathom buying a $300 tool for a one time job and I'm crazy enough to just do that.

        Let me know if it ever pans out for you in terms of rebuilding/refreshing, I'd likely be one of your first customers.


          I need to read this whole thread, but I just wanted to post that I have been waiting since November for a BMW rack from FCP. Have not been able to drive the car at all.

          Insane. They”ve had almost $3k for over 2 months.


            Anyone have any experience with the rebuilt racks from Ireland Engineering?


              Originally posted by R1pilot View Post
              I need to read this whole thread, but I just wanted to post that I have been waiting since November for a BMW rack from FCP. Have not been able to drive the car at all.

              Insane. They”ve had almost $3k for over 2 months.
              This sounds pretty miserable… you can (and should) probably get a rebuilt rack for far less. I know FCP has their lifetime warranty provision but if you’re stuck waiting around, that might be problematic!


                Originally posted by davidinnyc View Post
                Which leads me to my fourth point - if anyone wants, I think I can probably rebuild these racks pretty quickly now without any damage to the pinion, rack, enclosure, piping, etc. because I've spent money buying the tools to do so. If anyone is up for it, I'm happy to do it (my wife will hate me but I enjoy these types of things). I have no idea what Rack Doctor used to charge (see that name come up a ton on the boards) but there is a local steering rack rebuild company (where I got the bearings from, who got them from a distributor) that charges $850 for an already rebuilt rack and $650 to rebuild yellow tag rack.

                Go for it. I think most would rather deal with a forum member. Especially if it’s something that you enjoy. Sourcing parts and doing the rebuild…that’s adding value!


                  Originally posted by elbert View Post

                  I contacted a company called Rollakin/Bearinger (, as they had a listing for the needle bearing. It looks like it is made by INA, but unfortunately none of their suppliers has it.
                  The Other Bearing, known as F-208801-4-INA INA, has an inner diameter of 20 mm, an outer diameter of 30 mm and a thickness of 7.5 mm.

                  They did have the other two bearings. For SKF, it is around $4 for the 6001 and $40 for the 363215B. I'm not sure if these prices are competitive.
                  One of each of the above three? Thanks.


                    Can someone remind me which cars and/or steering ratios correlate with the different colored tags? I used to know but have forgotten over the years. I know E46 M3 ZCP and Z4M coupe racks were highly sought after.
                    1. Green is Z4M coupe, correct?
                    2. Purple?
                    3. Blue?
                    4. Yellow is E46 330, correct?

                    Side note, this is an interesting thread related to the subject. Comprehensive Steering Information Thread


                      Blue is e46 M3 competition

                      I think purple was a lower trim 3 series.
                      2004 Dinan S3-R M3
                      2023 X3M Competition


                        Originally posted by bimmerfan08 View Post
                        Can someone remind me which cars and/or steering ratios correlate with the different colored tags? I used to know but have forgotten over the years. I know E46 M3 ZCP and Z4M coupe racks were highly sought after.
                        1. Green is Z4M coupe, correct?
                        2. Purple?
                        3. Blue?
                        4. Yellow is E46 330, correct?

                        Side note, this is an interesting thread related to the subject. Comprehensive Steering Information Thread
                        I think green is e46 m3


                          davidinnyc how much are you into this for so far excluding tools? I’m interested in giving this a shot soon as my POS rack doctor rebuild seems to be on its way out.


                            Originally posted by R1pilot View Post
                            I need to read this whole thread, but I just wanted to post that I have been waiting since November for a BMW rack from FCP. Have not been able to drive the car at all.

                            Insane. They”ve had almost $3k for over 2 months.
                            sorry to hear the situation you're in...i ordered one of those reman racks from FCP Euro last summer...didn't know they are not available anymore or "backordered" now. The rack was sent to me in a box that was absolutely destroyed so I threw it away thinking I could just return it in a secured box. They gave me shit about if you ever do get yours in, make sure to keep that box or at minimum take pictures of it. I learned my lesson about FCP that day.
                            /// 2004 SG/IR - Build Thread


                              Originally posted by ugaexploder View Post
                              The rack was sent to me in a box that was absolutely destroyed so I threw it away thinking I could just return it in a secured box. They gave me shit about if you ever do get yours in, make sure to keep that box or at minimum take pictures of it. I learned my lesson about FCP that day.
                              That's going to be true for any vendor. They need proof to make a claim to the shipping company.


                                Originally posted by 0-60motorsports View Post

                                One of each of the above three? Thanks.
                                You'll have to ask heinzboehmer -- I was just looking for part numbers based on what he posted.

