When searching Google/Youtube people are mainly pulling the shifter out to replace with a short shifter, I'm trying to just change the 330d to a 545i shifter. How do I get the c-clip back on once I remove it? Is the c-clip accessible from the underside without having to remove the section 1 exhaust? I can't see it from the topside without moving the shifter towards the left. I don't feel like I could blindly use pliers from the topside as there isn't a lot of room.
Second question, is the boot supposed to be difficult to remove and insert? I ended up cutting my hands up and just got frustrated and cut it with a box cutter. I ordered a new one, but in the meantime I practiced replacing the torn one and I can't get it to fit back in without it bunching up on one edge (shown in the last photo).
Thank you for any advice!
Second question, is the boot supposed to be difficult to remove and insert? I ended up cutting my hands up and just got frustrated and cut it with a box cutter. I ordered a new one, but in the meantime I practiced replacing the torn one and I can't get it to fit back in without it bunching up on one edge (shown in the last photo).
Thank you for any advice!