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Code out DTC for post cat - what bytes do I change?

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    Code out DTC for post cat - what bytes do I change?

    Here is a bit of context - advice regarding the context also appreciated.

    I have an HPDE weekend coming up, one of the last this season. It's next week, and my car decided to tell me just now about bad post-cat O2 sensors (I get 92 Nachkatsonde 1 Spannungsueberw using INPA). I don't want to fuss around trying to get the parts on time and swap them. A post-cat O2 sensor is just a monitor for the cats, who cares?

    I could go with the check engine light on, but I'd like to avoid that as it could hide a more serious DTC (if some popped up during the event) and I would not bother scanning it (assuming there's just the post-cat code).

    I have BMWFlash and a HEX editor, how easy is it to code-out the DTC? Can anyone point me to the sequence of bytes to look for ? I would flash the original parameters once I get a chance to fix the O2 sensors.

    Another question I have is how do I set the checksum after manually editing the binary file?
    Last edited by E46m3zcp; 09-08-2024, 07:34 PM.

    TunerPro with the correct XDF for your ECU is an easier DIY tool than using a standard Hex editor. ECUWorks is the paid option and it has an easy interface with check boxes.

    Related links:

    Anyone know what values or maps need to be modified to “turn down” the rear O2 sensors? My SSv1 cats are not strong enough to not trigger the catalyst efficiency codes when combined with CSL software (they were fine with stock US more emissions friendly software). I looked for a while in XDFs and couldn’t narrow it down,

    MSS54 and MSS54HP XDFs . Contribute to saildot4k/MSS54-XDFs development by creating an account on GitHub.


      Thanks for the info. I feel comfortable with modifying binary files, I was wondering if anyone knew the bytes that need to be changed.

      That ECU Worx tool is a bit expensive for a user-friendly way to flip bytes (unless you want to change maps, which can get a bit tricky - but disabling a DTC can't be that complicated, or can it?)

      From your link I found this DTC Deletion Strategies · saildot4k/MSS54-XDFs Wiki · GitHub
      There's also a link to a spreadsheet mapping the DTCs to their hex string (I think!) so all I should be missing is how to fix the checksum
      Last edited by E46m3zcp; 09-09-2024, 04:34 AM.


        There are 4 methods, I can't remember which one still sets readiness, I remember it being one of them, maybe someone else can confirm:

        Example DTC String: AA 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 03 28 01 FF

        METHOD 1: The first method to suppress a DTC, and coincidentally also the easiest, requires only a simple modification of the DTC string by replacing the 13th byte with '00':

        String:AA 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 03 28 00 FF

        METHOD 2: The second method is to actually zero out the entire 14-byte string:

        String:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

        METHOD 3 (untested): The third method is to perform a hybridization of the previous two by zeroing out the first and 13th bytes of the 14-byte string:

        String:00 01 01 01 01 01 01 00 01 02 03 28 00 FF

        METHOD 4 : The fourth method is to substitute the following string for the entirety of the original string, exactly as has been done within other OEM binaries for OEM suppressed codes:

        String:00 28 28 03 02 03 02 00 01 02 03 28 00 FF​
        Build Thread:


          Thanks, I got what I was looking for, except how to correct the checksum, that's all I'm missing (I think!)


            Originally posted by E46m3zcp View Post
            Thanks, I got what I was looking for, except how to correct the checksum, that's all I'm missing (I think!)
            BMWFlash - "The checksum is automatically corrected on MSS52, MSS54, and MSS54HP before a flash occurs."


              ahhh, ok! Good to know. Thanks. Sorry I missed that

