Could really use a sanity check to make sure I'm doing things right:
This week I converted to CSL airbox and euro headers. I swapped to running Terra's modified CSL base tune with the airbox and everything ran great. But then after installing the headers, things started to go south pretty hard and I'm having serious problems with my primary O2 sensors (thread here:
To determine whether my problem has anything to do with how I was flashing/modifying binaries/partials, I'm going to re-do the binary and partial from scratch and just want to double check the sequence of steps I should perform so that I can absolutely be sure that the problems I'm experiencing aren't due to user error on my part (won't be shocked to learn if they are, though).
I want to run Terra's modified CSL binary on my stock MSS54HP so that I can still read error codes. Binary found here:
1. I open MSSFlasher, file->open Fullbinary, and open Full 211323000401PD11_TERRA.bin , then click "Flash prg", wait until it's done.
2. Flashing a fullbinary with MSSFlasher does not replace the "tune"/partial currently the DME. So in order to start with a fresh tune I also have to flash the tune from Terra's fullbinary. Open MSSFlasher, file-> open Fullbinary, and open Full 211323000401PD11_TERRA.bin , then check "use Fullbin" box underneath the "Flash tune" button, then click "Flash tune". Now after this step my DME is just running Terra's modified CSL full binary and the accompanying compatible base CSL tune. This base CSL tune must now be modified to work properly with my car's intake, cam, and header setup.
3. I now need to read off my partial/tune so that I can make the appropriate modifications. I open MSSFlasher and click "Read tune", and then save the file.
4. I open the partial I just read off of my DME using MSSFlasher in the ECUWORX tool. Incidentally: The ECUWORX tool classifies the DME version of the partial as "211323000401-PD31". Note that this conflicts with the name of the Terra fullbin file which says that it's 211323000401-PD11. I suspect that this was just a typo by whoever put Terra's file in the github repository, and that Terra's CSL binary is an 0401PD31 file just like the ECUWORX tool says. ( terra , R3Z3N , can you confirm this?)
5. I use the ECUWORX tool to switch transmission to 6MT, IAT scaling to "Stock M3 IAT" and check the following options: (photo attached)
-Disable SAP / Cat Heating Sequence
-Disable SAP DTCs (SAP hardware removed)
-Disable CSL intake flap DTCs
-Disable "151" DTCS (For CSL Clones)
-Disable Cat Protection (Disables enrichment)
-Disable EGT Monitoring
-Disable Cat Efficiency DTCs
-Disable Rear O2 DTCs (Hardware Removed)
then click Apply Changes, then Write Changes and save the file.

6. Since I don't have CSL cams, I need to modify the partial in TunerPro to have non-CSL cam offsets. I open TunerPro, select XDF->hw0401_V4_complete.xdf (found in the github repository here). Then file->open bin and open my partial from step 5. Then I find K_EVAN1_OFFSET and K_AVAN1_OFFSET in the list of parameters and change them from 3.0 and -2.0 respectively to -2.0 and 1.0 respectively (photo attached *edit: getting an error when I try to upload photo*). Hit save on both parameters. Then file-> Save Bin As...

7. Finally I take the tune/partial from step 6 and flash it in MSSFlasher.
If I follow these steps exactly, I should be able to certify that any problems that I am experiencing with my primary O2 sensors are not tune related. Is that correct?
Thanks a lot for anyone who is able to help me with this, and sorry if this is extremely remedial, but, it's becoming hard to pin down the exact cause of the problems I'm having, so, I need to be super clear about every aspect of what I'm doing to rule out possibilities.
I've attached the final tune that is created from the above list of steps.
This week I converted to CSL airbox and euro headers. I swapped to running Terra's modified CSL base tune with the airbox and everything ran great. But then after installing the headers, things started to go south pretty hard and I'm having serious problems with my primary O2 sensors (thread here:
To determine whether my problem has anything to do with how I was flashing/modifying binaries/partials, I'm going to re-do the binary and partial from scratch and just want to double check the sequence of steps I should perform so that I can absolutely be sure that the problems I'm experiencing aren't due to user error on my part (won't be shocked to learn if they are, though).
I want to run Terra's modified CSL binary on my stock MSS54HP so that I can still read error codes. Binary found here:
1. I open MSSFlasher, file->open Fullbinary, and open Full 211323000401PD11_TERRA.bin , then click "Flash prg", wait until it's done.
2. Flashing a fullbinary with MSSFlasher does not replace the "tune"/partial currently the DME. So in order to start with a fresh tune I also have to flash the tune from Terra's fullbinary. Open MSSFlasher, file-> open Fullbinary, and open Full 211323000401PD11_TERRA.bin , then check "use Fullbin" box underneath the "Flash tune" button, then click "Flash tune". Now after this step my DME is just running Terra's modified CSL full binary and the accompanying compatible base CSL tune. This base CSL tune must now be modified to work properly with my car's intake, cam, and header setup.
3. I now need to read off my partial/tune so that I can make the appropriate modifications. I open MSSFlasher and click "Read tune", and then save the file.
4. I open the partial I just read off of my DME using MSSFlasher in the ECUWORX tool. Incidentally: The ECUWORX tool classifies the DME version of the partial as "211323000401-PD31". Note that this conflicts with the name of the Terra fullbin file which says that it's 211323000401-PD11. I suspect that this was just a typo by whoever put Terra's file in the github repository, and that Terra's CSL binary is an 0401PD31 file just like the ECUWORX tool says. ( terra , R3Z3N , can you confirm this?)
5. I use the ECUWORX tool to switch transmission to 6MT, IAT scaling to "Stock M3 IAT" and check the following options: (photo attached)
-Disable SAP / Cat Heating Sequence
-Disable SAP DTCs (SAP hardware removed)
-Disable CSL intake flap DTCs
-Disable "151" DTCS (For CSL Clones)
-Disable Cat Protection (Disables enrichment)
-Disable EGT Monitoring
-Disable Cat Efficiency DTCs
-Disable Rear O2 DTCs (Hardware Removed)
then click Apply Changes, then Write Changes and save the file.
6. Since I don't have CSL cams, I need to modify the partial in TunerPro to have non-CSL cam offsets. I open TunerPro, select XDF->hw0401_V4_complete.xdf (found in the github repository here). Then file->open bin and open my partial from step 5. Then I find K_EVAN1_OFFSET and K_AVAN1_OFFSET in the list of parameters and change them from 3.0 and -2.0 respectively to -2.0 and 1.0 respectively (photo attached *edit: getting an error when I try to upload photo*). Hit save on both parameters. Then file-> Save Bin As...
7. Finally I take the tune/partial from step 6 and flash it in MSSFlasher.
If I follow these steps exactly, I should be able to certify that any problems that I am experiencing with my primary O2 sensors are not tune related. Is that correct?
Thanks a lot for anyone who is able to help me with this, and sorry if this is extremely remedial, but, it's becoming hard to pin down the exact cause of the problems I'm having, so, I need to be super clear about every aspect of what I'm doing to rule out possibilities.
I've attached the final tune that is created from the above list of steps.