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Need help doing vanos test with INPA

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    Need help doing vanos test with INPA

    I'm trying to do a vanos test using INPA but it seems like it's missing that and some other functions. I can connect to the car and get error codes and engine data like rpm, temperature, etc. but it doesn't appear to be fully functional. I've tried two different DCAN cables with the same results. I've reinstalled INPA several times from Mike's BMW Easy Tools but still can't seem to get it to work right. Attached are some screenshots. The YouTube videos I've watched have a vanos button in the status screen but mine doesn't. My car is a 2004 M3 and I'm using a Windows 10 64-bit computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Attached Files

    You can't do a vanos test with INPA, you need DIS or ISTA-D.

    From memory, Analog 3 will give you current vanos postions


      Yeah I'm not aware of VANOS test being available on inpa. I have ISTA+ and am having a hard time finding the VANOS test. Youtube videos don't have the same options I do


        you will need an icom device for ista+. if you don't have one, stop trying, you won't be able to perform the test.

        k+dcan -> DIS
        icom -> ISTA+
        2003 AW/BLK 6MT - Instagram


          Originally posted by Dash1 View Post
          Yeah I'm not aware of VANOS test being available on inpa. I have ISTA+ and am having a hard time finding the VANOS test. Youtube videos don't have the same options I do
          Yeah, I wasted several days trying to get ISTA to work with a dcan cable before someone told me I needed an icom cable to make it fully functional. I could read codes and some other general functions but none of the testing I wanted to do. I did a little research on ICOM cables and it looks like there are several different kinds and are much more expensive than a DCAN cable. Not sure if I want to spend several hundred dollars on another cable. Does anyone have a recommendation for an ICOM cable?


            I'm really confused about INPA. I see videos like the ones below where INPA provides many functions for non M E46's. The attached screenshot from one of these videos I guess is not an actual vanos test but does provide some vanos data for a non M E46. Other functions I've seen include bleeding the brakes. I reinstalled INPA one more time using the Bimmergeeks download but still can't do any of these things. Under chassis the only thing I can get to work is the steering angle sensor (second screenshot). No brake or ABS function. Like I said I've tried with two different DCAN cables with the same results. Can someone confirm if INPA will not provide these functions for an E46 M3 or if I may have some other problem? Don't know if it would matter but I do have a custom tune. Thanks for any help as I'm really getting tired of trying to figure this out.

            how check my engine:e46 engine ms 42f5 statusf2 analogtotal air consumption kg/hmaf sensor check how workingf5 lambda probe before kat.f6 adaption is af

            Attached Files


              I always use Tool32, Seems the ipo file for the M3 was not covered with these functions.
              - open (F3) [mss54ds0.prg]
              - select [STEUERN_EVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT]
              - hit the [1=>] button on top. Idle speed will be increased and your engine may sound a bit wierd during the operation
              - If OK, you will see a time in miliseconds, for EVANOS (Einlas VANOS = intake) I would say reaction time needs to be below <300ms. For exhaust (AVANOS) times may be a bit less as it has a angle to cover <250ms

              with, [STEUERN_EVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG] you can force the end points of the VANOS. It will demand for instance 70 degrees while it should do a maximum of 60 +/-2 degrees.
              Run [STEUERN_EVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG] and it will run the opposite direction. Target -10 while 0 +/-2 degrees should be reached.
              Intake 0-60
              Exhaust 0-45
              with [STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT] you can see if the current position is maintained (leak free).

              I can make a *.tst file for you if you prefer that. You just load in that file and run it (F8). It will do things more automatic and prints the results in the Results screen.


                Originally posted by Tomba View Post
                I always use Tool32, Seems the ipo file for the M3 was not covered with these functions.
                - open (F3) [mss54ds0.prg]
                - select [STEUERN_EVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT]
                - hit the [1=>] button on top. Idle speed will be increased and your engine may sound a bit wierd during the operation
                - If OK, you will see a time in miliseconds, for EVANOS (Einlas VANOS = intake) I would say reaction time needs to be below <300ms. For exhaust (AVANOS) times may be a bit less as it has a angle to cover <250ms

                with, [STEUERN_EVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG] you can force the end points of the VANOS. It will demand for instance 70 degrees while it should do a maximum of 60 +/-2 degrees.
                Run [STEUERN_EVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG] and it will run the opposite direction. Target -10 while 0 +/-2 degrees should be reached.
                Intake 0-60
                Exhaust 0-45
                with [STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT] you can see if the current position is maintained (leak free).

                I can make a *.tst file for you if you prefer that. You just load in that file and run it (F8). It will do things more automatic and prints the results in the Results screen.
                Awesome! Thanks! That file would be great and it would help a lot of people here.
                2003 AW/BLK 6MT - Instagram


                  Originally posted by Tomba View Post
                  I always use Tool32, Seems the ipo file for the M3 was not covered with these functions.
                  - open (F3) [mss54ds0.prg]
                  - select [STEUERN_EVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT]
                  - hit the [1=>] button on top. Idle speed will be increased and your engine may sound a bit wierd during the operation
                  - If OK, you will see a time in miliseconds, for EVANOS (Einlas VANOS = intake) I would say reaction time needs to be below <300ms. For exhaust (AVANOS) times may be a bit less as it has a angle to cover <250ms

                  with, [STEUERN_EVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG] you can force the end points of the VANOS. It will demand for instance 70 degrees while it should do a maximum of 60 +/-2 degrees.
                  Run [STEUERN_EVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG] and it will run the opposite direction. Target -10 while 0 +/-2 degrees should be reached.
                  Intake 0-60
                  Exhaust 0-45
                  with [STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT] you can see if the current position is maintained (leak free).

                  I can make a *.tst file for you if you prefer that. You just load in that file and run it (F8). It will do things more automatic and prints the results in the Results screen.
                  Thank you. That worked. I really do appreciate it. I've spent way too much time trying to figure out what I thought would be a pretty simple vanos test. It obviously is if you know what you're doing. I've never used Tool32 and didn't even know what it could do. Especially since its in German. I'm assuming there's not an English version?

                  I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to these kind of things. I didn't understand what the second and third tests would do so I didn't try those two. I did do the STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT test and is says okay so I guess it passed but I'm not sure what the baseline should be. There were two numbers but I don't know what they represent. One was 40 and the other was 45. Do you know how this compares to a typical reading like reaction times should preferably be <300ms?

                  I still don't understand if something is wrong with my INPA or if it just has very limited functions for E46 M3's. For example, I'm unable to do the brake bleeding where it activates the ABS and I'm pretty sure it's not operator error. I've searched all over the program and it's just not there on mine. Can anyone else confirm that they are able to do brake bleeding and many other functions with INPA on an E46 M3 that I know people with non M E46's can do?
                  Attached Files


                    Originally posted by boadly View Post

                    Thank you. That worked. I really do appreciate it. I've spent way too much time trying to figure out what I thought would be a pretty simple vanos test. It obviously is if you know what you're doing. I've never used Tool32 and didn't even know what it could do. Especially since its in German. I'm assuming there's not an English version?
                    You can select English from the settings menu I believe, but doubt it will work. The *.prg file might only have german language in it.

                    Originally posted by boadly View Post
                    I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to these kind of things. I didn't understand what the second and third tests would do so I didn't try those two. I did do the STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT test and is says okay so I guess it passed but I'm not sure what the baseline should be. There were two numbers but I don't know what they represent. One was 40 and the other was 45.
                    SOLL is Sollwert = desired
                    IST is Istwert = actual

                    I believe the camshaft position is moved to 45° from the beginning of the test and then for xx seconds no actuation from the VANOS solenoids is performed to observe if the camshaft angle drifts away. In your case 5°.
                    Once one of the seals of the VANOS control shaft is worn, oil and thus pressure might escape. This would result in a drift and in my opinion the ECU needs to continuously activate the solenoids to keep its desired position. From OEM perspective this was not how the system was design to be operated.

                    Originally posted by boadly View Post
                    Do you know how this compares to a typical reading like reaction times should preferably be <300ms?
                    Sorry I don't know what you mean with this. Please explain it.

                    Originally posted by boadly View Post
                    I still don't understand if something is wrong with my INPA or if it just has very limited functions for E46 M3's. For example, I'm unable to do the brake bleeding where it activates the ABS and I'm pretty sure it's not operator error. I've searched all over the program and it's just not there on mine. Can anyone else confirm that they are able to do brake bleeding and many other functions with INPA on an E46 M3 that I know people with non M E46's can do?
                    You might be able to perform such tasks in Tool32 as well. From my understanding BMW makes *.ipo files which are (correct me if I am wrong) generated from *.prg files. *.ipo files can only be handled with INPA -> more user friendly version for the end user over tool32.
                    If you enter the ABS/DSC module and press F1, F2 or F3 from memory in INPA there should be somewhere listed which *.prg file is used. Let me know and we will look through it.

                    Unfortunately I am currently not able to create my own *.ipo files otherwise I would implement the VANOS function my self.


                      I was just wondering what the desired result should be. I guess the closer to 45 the better. Don't know what an acceptable range would be. I guess the test has certain built in parameters and when it shows okay it means you are within those parameters. If not, would it say fail or the German equivalent?


                        Originally posted by boadly View Post
                        I was just wondering what the desired result should be. I guess the closer to 45 the better. Don't know what an acceptable range would be. I guess the test has certain built in parameters and when it shows okay it means you are within those parameters. If not, would it say fail or the German equivalent?
                        The desired result would be that the actual position keeps constant with the desired while not activating the VANOS solenoids. I suspect 1 or 2 degree error is acceptable but I don't know for sure. Just like you said its built in to the program, I suspect the diagnostic tester monitors the actual position and observes the position for xx seconds and based on its actual position after xx seconds decides if its acceptable or not.


                          Unzip the attachment,
                          place it in C:\EDIABAS\ECU
                          start Tool32
                          Click the 2nd [OPEN] icon
                          open MSS54_VANOS_Test.tst
                          Press F8 to run all tests
                          A result screen similar to the quoted code text below should appear *tested only with bench set up! Not with a running engine
                          Test file : C:\EDIABAS\ECU\MSS54_VANOS_TESTS.TST
                          Start : 18.06.2020 19:57:00.5
                          Nr 1( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:00.6
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG", "","")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          EVAN_ISTWERT = 60 00 3C .<
                          EVAN_SOLLWERT = 52 00 34 .4
                          EVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          EVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          Nr 2( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:06.0
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG", "","")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          EVAN_ISTWERT = 60 00 3C .<
                          EVAN_SOLLWERT = 52 00 34 .4
                          EVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          EVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          Nr 3( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:11.3
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT"," ","")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH = 0 00 00 ..
                          EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET = 0 00 00 ..
                          EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH_EINH = ms
                          EVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET_EINH = ms
                          Nr 4( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:17.5
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_EVANOS1_DICHTHEIT",""," ")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          EVAN_STATUS = EVANOS-1-Einheit vorzeitig weggedriftet
                          Nr 5( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:32.0
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_FRUEHANSCHLAG", "","")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          AVAN_ISTWERT = 0 00 00 ..
                          AVAN_SOLLWERT = 0 00 00 ..
                          AVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          AVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          Nr 6( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:37.3
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_SPAETANSCHLAG", "","")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          AVAN_ISTWERT = 0 00 00 ..
                          AVAN_SOLLWERT = 0 00 00 ..
                          AVAN_ISTWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          AVAN_SOLLWERT_EINH = Grad KW
                          Nr 7( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:42.5
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_VERSTELLZEIT"," ","")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH = 0 00 00 ..
                          AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET = 0 00 00 ..
                          AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_FRUEH_EINH = ms
                          AVAN_VERSTELLZEIT_SPAET_EINH = ms
                          Nr 8( 1) : 18.06.2020 19:57:48.9
                          apiJob("mss54ds0","STEUERN_AVANOS1_DICHTHEIT",""," ")
                          JOB_STATUS = OKAY
                          AVAN_STATUS = AVANOS-1-Einheit vorzeitig weggedriftet
                          Stop : 18.06.2020 19:58:03.3
                          Dauer : 62.9 s
                          Attached Files


                            Originally posted by boadly View Post
                            I guess the test has certain built in parameters and when it shows okay it means you are within those parameters. If not, would it say fail or the German equivalent?
                            I'm pretty sure JOB_STATUS is referring to the routine having been completed successfully (i.e. the program on your computer ran through all the tests it had to perform) and not to the test having passed. If you just want to find an okay or not okay then you probably want to be looking at E/AVAN_STATUS instead. E is for intake and A is for exhaust (comes from the German words).

                            For example, if you look at AVAN_STATUS from Tomba's bench setup results, it says "AVANOS-1-Einheit vorzeitig weggedriftet". Plugging into Google translate gives "AVANOS-1 unit drifted away prematurely", meaning that the actual position was not inline with the desired position after the allotted amount of time had passed (of course none of this makes sense on a bench setup but you get the point).
                            2002 Topasblau M3 - Coupe - 6MT - Karbonius CSL Airbox - MSS54HP Conversion - Kassel MAP - SSV1 - HJS - PCS Tune - Beisan - MK60 Swap - ZCP Rack - Nogaros - AutoSolutions - 996 Brembos - Slon - CMP - VinceBar - Koni - Eibach - BlueBus - Journal

                            2012 Alpinweiss 128i - Coupe - 6AT - Slicktop - Manual Seats - Daily - Journal


                              Thanks Tomba. I appreciate you putting the test file together as that kind of stuff goes way over my head. Nice to have a simple point and click way to do multiple vanos tests. My test is attached below. I still don't really understand the dichtheit test. If, as heinzboehmer suggests, the okay doesn't refer to a pass or fail determination I'm wondering how do you make that determination. Using Tomba's tst file my test indicated, using google translate, that the unit drifted away prematurely for both the intake and exhaust test. Does that mean the vanos actually failed the leak test? When I did the individual dichtheit test it showed my intake had a 4 degree change from the setpoint to the actual value and the exhaust had a 1 degree difference. I guess ideally the setpoint and actual values would be the same but at what point does the difference become a problem and what would that problem be?
                              Attached Files
                              Last edited by boadly; 06-26-2020, 08:37 PM.

