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MSS6x Flasher - Now released!

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    Hello fam,
    I have a friend who bricked the DME by flashing the DME using MSS6x Flasher with a wrong cable. And seems like it is bricked. He is going to get a used DME. He has the back up from the previous DME with EWS file. Can the used DME be flashed with MSS6x using his previous back up to recover the mess or needs special tool to inject the EWS on the "used" DME?

    My theory was that we can flash the used DME with his VIN using winkfp then use MSS6x to flash with old back up.


    After carefully reading the entire post, i realize i need BDM flash with the original back up!. Thank you. Now i need to ask one other thing. I just done another RSA by pass on my MSS60 with the existing back up file and after the process done, i was able to flash the tune file and i realize the tune file i have actually had cold start off. Do i have to do the RSA by pass again before i inject the edited tune file? Or i can just do the tune flash without RSA By pass? (I already remove the laptop from the vehicle to test the cold start then realize cold start still off)

    To answer my own question for the future reference : i have a modified tune file (128kb) and also have edited full bin file for the cold start, SAP, Speed limit etc. My edited full bin file now edited for the second time with cold start and SAP activated again. I never did another full read since the first one like years ago, i am playing around with the existing bin file since then.

    I first loaded the edited full bin file to the flasher. Then did RSA bypass. It is accepted and went smooth for the second time today. Then was ready to flash the tune file. I then loaded the same edited binary file with the cold start and SAP ON and flashed it. After flashing done,it said tune flashed succesfully, i then loaded my tune file which is 128kb, I clicked the Flash Tune and that one also went smooth. So i am assuming now my Cold Start and SAP is ON . I cant start the vehicle at 1am but will confirm tomorrow. The reason i did 2 different flash is, the tune file contains xpipe correction for the bimmerworld and i didnt write that one. So this showing me that you can flash the MSS60 Tune file (128kb) without RSA ByPass. If i am wrong please correct me! But Thank you for this software Terra!
    Last edited by sangria; 02-16-2023, 09:28 PM.


      For each ECU you do 1 time RSA bypass and then use the Tune to modify.
      If ECU is updated by dealer or original tool (WinKFP) you will need to do the RSA bypass again.

      I don't know the location of the ISN (EWS code) and I don't know if you can copy the ISN and paste it in your 2nd hand ECU file and flash it by OBD. Some others here might know it.


        Originally posted by Tomba View Post
        For each ECU you do 1 time RSA bypass and then use the Tune to modify.
        If ECU is updated by dealer or original tool (WinKFP) you will need to do the RSA bypass again.

        I don't know the location of the ISN (EWS code) and I don't know if you can copy the ISN and paste it in your 2nd hand ECU file and flash it by OBD. Some others here might know it.
        Yeah i didnt know that. I was doing RSA bypass per flash with the existing bin files regardless of full or tune. Now i know, i can easily make the change and just flash without bypass. I dont think i will ever go to dealer since it has been 9 years without it and i dont think anyting better coming from the 241E either Thank u brother!


          Thanks to terra and Martyn as well as everyone else who had a hand in this project. I just successfully deleted EWS on an MSS65 and the process was so painless. I'm really looking forward to the avenues this opens up in the future.​

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            Hello everyone,
            First of amazing work. Great program. I have a question regarding flashing back to stock. I did my tune 2 years ago and saved full backup file 5mb size. Flashed my m3 with tune and drove it for 2 years. Now selling the car and putting it back stock. So I load up my saved full backup and click flash tune or flash programm ? I did rsa bypass when I flashed it first time .



              I'm running into a weird issue where the full read by MSS6XFlasher is considered outdated/unsupported by the Binary Modification Tool. My DME is already on 241E. Please see the attached images. This full image was read as one of the steps detailed here: . There were no errors/issues while executing all the steps in that article. Any insight?

              Click image for larger version  Name:	MSS60_Bin_Outdated.png Views:	0 Size:	21.5 KB ID:	221124
              Click image for larger version  Name:	MSSFlasher-Ident.png Views:	0 Size:	6.1 KB ID:	221123

              Attached Files
              Last edited by MPowerZ32; 06-08-2023, 05:18 PM.


                You get this issue when the DME has been updated but the AIF hasnt. Easy fix is just to reflash with WinKFP again ensuring AIF updates are ticked in the options.


                  Originally posted by Martyn View Post
                  You get this issue when the DME has been updated but the AIF hasnt. Easy fix is just to reflash with WinKFP again ensuring AIF updates are ticked in the options.
                  Thanks for the quick response. This is clearly a learning opportunity as I have not used WinKFP before. A tuner had updated my DME to 241E years ago. I will try to reflash soon.


                    I am pretty inexperienced with all this but have spent the last 30 straight hours doing research. Here is my dilemma: My DME incurred water damage so a friend sent me a virginized one matching mine. Somewhere along the way, the CAS never got synced to the "new" DME. Now, when I try to sync them, whether in ISTA, INPA or whatever, I am hiut with a message saying starting value is incorrect. I happened to stumble onto a checkbox in the binary modification tool reading "EWS delete-swapping DME's" (I'm paraphrasing lol) so I ticked the box and flashed the tune onto the DME. I again atrtempted to sync the modules using INPA, ISTA, and even BimmerGeeks ProTool with my THOR dongle, all to no avail. I am on an MSS65 running 160E in a 2007 M5 SMG. Has anyone else tried to erase the EWS with any success? Am I missing a step somewhere? Finally, would it just be easier if I went another route to 'wipe' the virgin DME with WinKFP, Tool32, or something like that? Please bear in mind that the bulk of my experience lies in ISTA and ProTool. I am a coding guy, not a programming guy... I appreciate AL of this irreplaceable and amazing software, expertise and feedback! You guys RULE!

                    ALSO - I read earlier in this thread that with an older (non-LCI) MSS65 that I would not need an RSA bypaa in order to obtain my ISN. However, when I click the option in the program, it requires me to use an RSA bypass. I am trying to avoid that for fear of bricking a SECOND DME in this car...

                    UPDATE: I just did the full read from the advanced menu, after that I tried to read my ISN butit still says I need an RSA. I tried to flash an RSA bypass but the button was greyed out. So I clicked on read tune and again tried for an RSA bypass but the button was still greyed out. Can somebody PLEASE tell me what I am missing/doing wrong?? Many thanks...

                    Last edited by GottaEvilM5; 06-26-2023, 08:57 AM.


                      If you've disabled the EWS with my software then the car should start and CAS sync isnt required.


                        Originally posted by Martyn View Post
                        If you've disabled the EWS with my software then the car should start and CAS sync isnt required.
                        Thanks for replying to my post Martyn. After posting that, I decided to start over. So I flashed the entire tune again and the car is now running. I am getting a few error codes but I have not yet had time to work through them. Just want to say - a thousand thanks to everyone who contributed and spent time on this software. It is absolutely invaluable and I greatly appreciate you all...


                          Ugh I screwed this up.

                          I use this software flasher and Martyn's tool on my M5's no issue. I have screwed up my M3 bigly though I think. I tried to do the RSA bypass, but it ran for like 50 minutes and would not complete. So I stopped it. Uhoh.

                          Car would not start would just crank. Was able to get basic info out of it in INPA, and eventually flashed it with WinKFP.

                          It's a manual E92, so I flashed 7854376 ZUSB. Car now will start, but gives 4500 redline and 27A0, 2B54 fault codes (control unit internal fault). I'd really like to get the car going with Martyn's tool ECU changes in it and could really use some help.

                          Any of you guys ( terra , Martyn ) have any ideas? Did I brick the damn thing??
                          Oh, and I'm using a bimmergeeks cable I got a few years back.
                          Last edited by desmo01; 07-11-2023, 09:21 PM.


                            Try to do a full read of your ecu with mss6xflasher and upload it here. We will check it.
                            Last edited by MpowerE36; 07-11-2023, 09:58 PM.


                              This is the original full read I used to start the RSA bypass. I will do another tonight and upload as well. Just change attachment back to bin.
                              Attached Files


                                ALRIGHT. As I am not a TOTAL idiot, I did originally read the ECU program/tune out when I started. This will come up later.

                                So I did a full read after reflashing with WinKFP (errors present). Went to load this read into the flasher and no dice.

                                SO, I then loaded up the original full program file (1st read if you will), and it loaded fine into the flasher. It loaded in no problem, so went ahead and flashed the RSA bypass, and flashed the original program file/tune into the ECU.
                                Success! No errors, normal redline, car started fine.

                                So then I loaded up the program file I originally modified with Martyn's tool (on 1st read file) and flashed that.
                                Again, success (god it's nice the cold start is gone).

                                Much happier.

                                Terra and Martyn thank you all so much for coming out with these tools, I have 2 85s and now an S65 and I would not do so without your tools being out there. Again thank you.
                                If you all find yourselves in Ohio please advise so I can buy the beer!

                                When executing the RSA bypass (and all the other work) this time I did it with a different computer (same cable). I think the root cause to my original issue was something fucghky with my software setup in my other computer.

                                Turns out garbage in, garbage a thing....

                                Regards to all.

