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Bavsound Review

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    If you went from a faulty unit to a working one, of course it's going to sound better - your memory will always be clouded by the most recent experience.

    BTW: HK is completely separate from BM53


      Originally posted by Shonky View Post
      If you went from a faulty unit to a working one, of course it's going to sound better - your memory will always be clouded by the most recent experience.

      BTW: HK is completely separate from BM53
      Not sure why I get the feeling you're trying to discredit the work done when you in fact stated you're doing the same thing.

      The symptoms you're experiencing with your car, sound on one side going out doesn't' really cloud your memory does it? If memory serves me, there's still the other side playing sound.

      Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk


        This is said TechnicPnP harness I purchased in 2020. It's a replacement for the HK amp in the trunk. No cutting or splicing, it allows you to run an aftermarket amp.

        The maker of said harness can be found here posting about what it's capabilities are.

        Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk


          Originally posted by WestBankM4 View Post
          Not sure why I get the feeling you're trying to discredit the work done when you in fact stated you're doing the same thing.

          The symptoms you're experiencing with your car, sound on one side going out doesn't' really cloud your memory does it? If memory serves me, there's still the other side playing sound.

          Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
          Not trying to discredit, but trying to understand where this apparent improvement in sound quality comes from and then some kind extra improvement for paying for "Stage 2" which is essentially the same thing as a "Stage 1" really. Audio is very subjective and as such people often report improvements that aren't really there.

          Yes I am fixing my unit because it's absolutely broken. That doesn't necessarily make it sound better than it did before it failed. What I was going to do will actually allow an A-B (your memory is excellent) and I'll be sure to report here any difference in sound. I'm not expecting anything signficant apart from the right side working again.


            Originally posted by WestBankM4 View Post
            I ended up sending it to Baris and went straight for the Stage-2, from OEM to his upgrade it's 100% noticeable, at least for me. Made the 21 year old speakers actually sound semi decent.
            My experience as well, 100% noticeable difference and well worth the upgrade. My BM53 wasn't failing I upgraded it because the BAVSOUND speakers weren't living up to my expectations. I emailed Baris beforehand and he recommended the Stage 2 and said it would improve the sound quality of the BAV speakers. He was 100% correct!
            TTFS Engine/SMG Tune - CSL 255 - SGT Headers/Sect 1/SCZA
            Brembo 996 - ARC-8's - BWS 500S 9k/11k - Valentine 1 - BlueBus - Orion V4's
            Evolve Eventuri
            - VIS XTS CF Hood - CF Lip/Console/Diffuser/CSL Trunk


              WestBankM4 I sent you some amp suggestions to go with your Dynavin, both with or without a subwoofer. For a coupe, I'm not sure a subwoofer is necessary. I'd use the 6x9 in the rear deck as "subwoofers". Just get some beefy enough to reproduce the Bass you want to hear, and get a 4 channel amp large enough to power it. Should sound great, TBH. This is a very small cabin for the amplifier wattages I'm suggesting (80WpC to 100WpC). The BavSound can handle those loads.


              EDIT... I see no benefit to either (a) staying with 20 year old amps and speakers and trying to make them sound better; or (b) upgrading the head unit and not upgrading the amp and speakers too. But I'm sure the carphonics work is an actual upgrade (just not enough of an upgrade given the relatively straightforward exercise of replacing head unit, amp and speakers, for me). I mean, Dynavin and BavSound have figured it all out for you, all you need to do is pick an amplifier and pay for it.
              Last edited by maw1124; 06-28-2024, 08:39 AM.


                I have a Carphonics upgraded CD54 and can verify it makes a noticeable difference coming from a CD53 but it’s not earth shattering.


                  Folks should play this on their systems as part of an A/B test... listen, then run the Cardas sweep, then listen again... this, FOR FREE, will impart a greater than 20% improvement on ANY system, in my estimation. Thank me later.

                  TLDR, there's electrostatic "gunk" on any 20+ year old system that this clears out. It's like "clearing the voice" of your system. Run it everywhere.

                  Other than a free hookup for you guys because I appreciate this community, the point is I'm only interested in stereo improvements that are GREATLY in excess of this that I have for free and use all the time. For this discussion, that means BavSound speakers, a new head unit and amp, at a MINIMUM.

                  Listen for yourselves. Corded or BT, doesn't matter... it cleans up whatever signal path you use, so I use it on both although as a practical matter I never use BT unless a corded connection isn't available.

                  Last edited by maw1124; 06-28-2024, 01:48 PM.


                    Originally posted by maw1124 View Post

                    Folks should play this on their systems as part of an A/B test... listen, then run the Cardas sweep, then listen again... this, FOR FREE, will impart a greater than 20% improvement on ANY system, in my estimation. Thank me later.

                    TLDR, there's electrostatic "gunk" on any 20+ year old system that this clears out. It's like "clearing the voice" of your system. Run it everywhere.

                    Other than a free hookup for you guys because I appreciate this community, the point is I'm only interested in stereo improvements that are GREATLY in excess of this that I have for free and use all the time. For this discussion, that means BavSound speakers, a new head unit and amp, at a MINIMUM.

                    Listen for yourselves. Corded or BT, doesn't matter... it cleans up whatever signal path you use, so I use it on both although as a practical matter I never use BT unless a corded connection isn't available.

                    Are you seriously suggesting that playing a crackly frequency sweep improves the sound?

                    How does it clean a signal path? What is being cleaned? "Electrostatic gunk"? This is proper audiophile nonsense.


                      Originally posted by WOLFN8TR View Post

                      My experience as well, 100% noticeable difference and well worth the upgrade. My BM53 wasn't failing I upgraded it because the BAVSOUND speakers weren't living up to my expectations. I emailed Baris beforehand and he recommended the Stage 2 and said it would improve the sound quality of the BAV speakers. He was 100% correct!
                      Do you have Harman Kardon?


                        Originally posted by E11even View Post

                        Just installed CDT audio 6x9 subs into the rear basket. They are an easy direct fitment into the basket. Definitely sounds better and more bass than HK.

                        But now I’m thinking I need an amp upgrade. Are any of the aftermarket amps plug in play? I’m an audio simpleton.

                        Which model of CDT Audio 6x9's did you go with? And did you choose the 4 Ohm or the 2 Ohm version?



                          CDT HD slim 6x9 or CL slim 6x9.

                          I got the 2 ohm version.

                          Originally posted by Kazmoto View Post

                          Which model of CDT Audio 6x9's did you go with? And did you choose the 4 Ohm or the 2 Ohm version?



                            I've finally completed my black interior swap and just waiting on my Sporster CS's to arrive. Thought I'd chime in since I've completed the following,

                            - Dynavin 9
                            - BavSound Stage-1 speakers
                            - Rockford Fosgate 6x9's in the OEM HK box
                            - Choice location of sound deadening in the doors and rear deck, 3"x3" squares w/ 1" gaps along with Melamime foam sitting on top of them.

                            My initial impression coming from a stock HK/Nav car is that I'm fairly impressed, actually quite blown away. I think the car feels a lot more modern with the very quick Dynavin (sans the "in your face" logo) head and the output is much better than the OEM Nav could ever be, even with my upgraded BM53 from Baris. The BavSound speakers sound great all around, mids will do, the highs are great and the lows/bass is there now with a nice punch. I didn't go super high on the volume but it seems they can take quite a bit of juice, they're sturdy and good build quality. The RF 6x9's contrary to some of the reports I've read on here are amazing. Nice bass from them, definitely rattling the OEM plastic box and adding the much needed lows.

                            I'll probably do what MAW suggests in terms of amps, I went ahead and pre-ran all the RCA cables to the rear so in the future if I decide to go aftermarket amp it's ready. So far though, I'm impressed. Will probably give it a go and play around with the equalizer in the mean time. I cannot comment on a factory OEM unit with the RF 6x9's, but with the Dynavin they sound much better than the factory HK subs, if you can even call them subs.

                            Hope this helped.


                              Originally posted by WestBankM4 View Post
                              I've finally completed my black interior swap and just waiting on my Sporster CS's to arrive. Thought I'd chime in since I've completed the following,

                              - Dynavin 9
                              - BavSound Stage-1 speakers
                              - Rockford Fosgate 6x9's in the OEM HK box
                              - Choice location of sound deadening in the doors and rear deck, 3"x3" squares w/ 1" gaps along with Melamime foam sitting on top of them.

                              My initial impression coming from a stock HK/Nav car is that I'm fairly impressed, actually quite blown away. I think the car feels a lot more modern with the very quick Dynavin (sans the "in your face" logo) head and the output is much better than the OEM Nav could ever be, even with my upgraded BM53 from Baris. The BavSound speakers sound great all around, mids will do, the highs are great and the lows/bass is there now with a nice punch. I didn't go super high on the volume but it seems they can take quite a bit of juice, they're sturdy and good build quality. The RF 6x9's contrary to some of the reports I've read on here are amazing. Nice bass from them, definitely rattling the OEM plastic box and adding the much needed lows.

                              I'll probably do what MAW suggests in terms of amps, I went ahead and pre-ran all the RCA cables to the rear so in the future if I decide to go aftermarket amp it's ready. So far though, I'm impressed. Will probably give it a go and play around with the equalizer in the mean time. I cannot comment on a factory OEM unit with the RF 6x9's, but with the Dynavin they sound much better than the factory HK subs, if you can even call them subs.

                              Hope this helped.
                              Having had factory H/K, (non nav), I upgraded the "subs" to RF 6x9's, but didn't really find the sound after to be that much better. I think the factory sub amp is basically a toy, not enough juice to power the speakers properly (but I do rate the Rockfords as a decent alternative for the price). You probably had a much better setup than me with the Baris upgrade and the head unit so it's not really a comparison per se.



                                Originally posted by Mr.wReckless View Post
                                I think the factory sub amp is basically a toy, not enough juice to power the speakers properly
                                That part!!

                                The factory head unit is a toy by today's standards. The factory speakers are toys. And the factory amps are toys. Why anyone would work to save any of it is beyond me.

                                But I'm the guy here (among many guys everywhere) who believes the Cardas Sweep actually does something and that sound deadening and better wires are worth the money. How could I possibly believe that?



