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Will miss the combustion engine..

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    Do people really believe EVs are simple? Its not "just" a battery pack and motors, these are very complex pieces of engineering. There is a reason parking garages don't allow Bolts in.

    I am actually can't wait to get a new GR86, advertised as 228hp vs previous generation which had 205hp but dyno numbers are showing a 50hp difference between previous gen and 2022 model.

    Addition to previous post.

    I know a few people that are going back from EVs to ICE vehicles, having a fight with your wife because she forgot to plug-in the car overnight is annoying. I would entertain a hybrid, 50 mile EV range, this would cover 90% of the commute but without the drama of forgetting to plug-in the car or worrying about range.


      Originally posted by pawa_k2001 View Post
      Do people really believe EVs are simple? Its not "just" a battery pack and motors, these are very complex pieces of engineering. There is a reason parking garages don't allow Bolts in.

      I am actually can't wait to get a new GR86, advertised as 228hp vs previous generation which had 205hp but dyno numbers are showing a 50hp difference between previous gen and 2022 model.

      Addition to previous post.

      I know a few people that are going back from EVs to ICE vehicles, having a fight with your wife because she forgot to plug-in the car overnight is annoying. I would entertain a hybrid, 50 mile EV range, this would cover 90% of the commute but without the drama of forgetting to plug-in the car or worrying about range.
      EVs *are* simple. The quantity of moving parts is an order of magnitude lower. In 70,000 miles so far on ours, we've replaced windshield washer fluid and tires. Zero maintenance, zero repairs, zero emissions testing.

      Chevy Bolts are having an issues, but they're not the normal any more that ferrari's catching on fire means all ICEVs catch on fire. There's a reason they're getting recalled for that.

      Worrying about range is what you do before you have an EV. Once you have one, you realize it's actually a non issue. If your wife can't remember to plug in the car when the battery is low, it's an issue with the wife, not the car. I have a friend who's wife does that exact thing with his gas cars (drives them till they have single digit range, then switches cars)... not an issue with the car. Well, other than the constant fuel pump failures he enjoys

      Plug in hybrids have some allure, but they're also kind of the worst of both worlds-- all of the issues of ICEVs PLUS all of the issues with EVs... and you have to lug around both powertrains with you all the time. And they're internal space to exterior size ratio tends to be crappy, because they need two complete powertrains.

      The new GR86 looks to be pretty great. I look forward to trying one out.

      ... last one was way overrated, IMO. Steering feel was terrible, clutch feel was terrible, and the power dip ruined the driving experience. It also sounded great prior to driving one.

      2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
      2012 LMB/Black 128i
      2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


        Originally posted by Obioban View Post
        Worrying about range is what you do before you have an EV. Once you have one, you realize it's actually a non issue. If your wife can't remember to plug in the car when the battery is low, it's an issue with the wife, not the car. I have a friend who's wife does that exact thing with his gas cars (drives them till they have single digit range, then switches cars)... not an issue with the car. Well, other than the constant fuel pump failures he enjoys
        Humans are humans, we will run our cars to empty and forget to charge them, it all comes down to convenience. It is convenient to charge at home but it is convenient to stop by a gas station for a 3 minute fuel up instead of having an argument that someone forgot to charge the car.

        I will probably get an EV at some point but it will come with inconveniences(also would be 2nd car). I park in the garage 90% of the time so charger would be in the garage, in a corner where the EV would park. The problem is that my daily needs to live outside for a week right now because the M3 exploded all over the garage, for me to charge an EV, I would need a stupid long extension cord to charge the car which would also mean a slower charge. It is also 25f outside so range would be a bit more limited and with the holidays, I am always taking time off to either go somewhere with friends, see family or go mountain biking. On my current daily it means 5 minutes of fuel every 380-400 miles and I don't have to forget to plug-in or run extension cords.

        It all comes down how active a person is and also how much miles a person drives.


          Originally posted by pawa_k2001 View Post

          Humans are humans, we will run our cars to empty and forget to charge them, it all comes down to convenience. It is convenient to charge at home but it is convenient to stop by a gas station for a 3 minute fuel up instead of having an argument that someone forgot to charge the car.

          I will probably get an EV at some point but it will come with inconveniences(also would be 2nd car). I park in the garage 90% of the time so charger would be in the garage, in a corner where the EV would park. The problem is that my daily needs to live outside for a week right now because the M3 exploded all over the garage, for me to charge an EV, I would need a stupid long extension cord to charge the car which would also mean a slower charge. It is also 25f outside so range would be a bit more limited and with the holidays, I am always taking time off to either go somewhere with friends, see family or go mountain biking. On my current daily it means 5 minutes of fuel every 380-400 miles and I don't have to forget to plug-in or run extension cords.

          It all comes down how active a person is and also how much miles a person drives.
          Since we've gotten the EV, I've been annoyed every time I had to get gas in a gas car and never been annoyed by the car not being charged. Getting gas becomes hugely annoying once it's not "normal". And feels like you're being robbed every time you do it :P.

          10 minutes of getting gas once a week is 9 hours a year spent getting gas.

          While we're building our new house, I only have two garage bays. We're using those bays for the M3 and M5. That means the i3 is outside. We're already into days in the mid 20s. We set the departure time in the iDrive-- it preheats the cabin and the battery to be at optimum temp when we roll out. No range hit. You can also precondition the car via the remote or the app, if you want to do it when it's not scheduled.

          Most EV chargers have pretty long cables. It wasn't a factor at all in the decision process for which one I bought, and it reaches the car easily in the driveway. AKA I doubt you'd need an extension cable. Especially since you know your use case-- unlike me, you could select for one with a long cable.

          Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2135.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	214.5 KB ID:	138607

          ^Tesla solar roof pictured above, which we're also getting on the house we're building

          2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
          2012 LMB/Black 128i
          2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


            Originally posted by Obioban View Post
            ^Tesla solar roof pictured above, when we're also getting on the house we're building
            Very nice. I live in one of the sunniest places on the planet and solar panels are everywhere here in southern AZ, from open spaces, commercial buildings, and many home's roofs. You sell your power back to the electric company in some form or fashion. I spent 20 years living in PA an OH and am familiar with the climate. If you don't mind me asking, what will your roof power when it does see sun and do you store it off the grid or sell it back if you can't use it all or...?


              Originally posted by Jimbo's M View Post
              Very nice. I live in one of the sunniest places on the planet and solar panels are everywhere here in southern AZ, from open spaces, commercial buildings, and many home's roofs. You sell your power back to the electric company in some form or fashion. I spent 20 years living in PA an OH and am familiar with the climate. If you don't mind me asking, what will your roof power when it does see sun and do you store it off the grid or sell it back if you can't use it all or...?
              So, we’re doing both the house and detached garage in Tesla solar roof, so it’s going to be a fairly large array. We’re doing 4 Tesla powerwalls, as well (54kwh). My goal is to be able to use it in place of a generator ~indefinitely, though in an extended outage in the winter I’d expect to switch over to our ICEVs (as solar in PA winter generates ~half of what solar in PA summer generates). When the grid is online, we will use grid power when it’s cheaper and Solar power when grid power is expensive, and sell back any excess (which the Tesla software automates).

              All of our house utilities are going to electric, but they’re reasonably efficient electric utilities— geothermal, ground sourced heat pump, heat pump clothes dryer, inductive stove, hybrid heat pump clothes dryer, and a stupidly air tight and insulated house, with an ERV. ICF construction (which happily also makes it basically an above ground bunker) :P

              Additionally, as another level of winter backup, we will have a wood fire stove. We will have this in place of a fireplace, as it lets you have a real (wood) fire experience without the air leaks of a fire place, but in an extreme sunless extended winter blackout we can also use it to heat the house and/or cook on as a stove. With the size of the array, dropping the EVs and outsourcing home heating to wood, I'm pretty sure we will be able to generate enough power for everything else even if there's a week long eclipse .

              Going after this with dual goals— cheap running costs, and indefinitely online if society breaks down and we lose power for extended periods… in a house that looks normal. I'm hoping that, in grid functional times, it'll net generate all the power we need over the course of a year, including two DD EVs (the array under producing in the winter, over producing in the summer, washing out to covering everything).

              Oh, and I’m using a smart breaker panel which has several benefits (monitoring power that goes to each circuit, to easily spot leaks), but one of them is setting the circuit for the car charger(s) to only charge the car(s) once the house batteries have been fully charged, if/when the grid is down. That should allow us to still someone utilize the EVs during an extended outage.

              ​​​​​… and we’re setting the roof angle closer to the angle optimal for winter solar production rather than overall yearly production.

              … and we’re going to have a generator hook up point where I can hook up my old 7kw propane generator to top up the batteries, if all of the above fails. I’ll still have propane tanks around for grilling, so minimal extra stuff needed to make the feasible. I’m pretty sure I’ll never actually need to use that.

              Probably more answer than you wanted :P

              2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
              2012 LMB/Black 128i
              2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


                Originally posted by Obioban View Post

                indefinitely online if society breaks down and we lose power for extended periods… in a house that looks normal.
                Indeed, unfortunately not nearly as far fetched as some may think. Wonderful setup, thanks for the reply.


                  EVs are great. If only they were not all ugly as shit, maybe I would have gotten one.
                  BMW / E46M Interior & Trim Restoration.


                    People who are panicking forget that we are still in the infancy of EV's. When you consider how quickly they've caught up in only 10+ years, the future is isn't that scary. Every business targets the biggest pool of buyers first; surely the enthusiast demands will eventually be addressed. At the very least it's a new experience, and even if millennials are the 'last' generation to grow up conditioned to enjoy ICE cars, there are probably enough cars around to sustain the hobby. Values might go up due to scarcity, or down due to running costs. We just have to wait and see. Enjoy what we have and maybe hang onto one or two.. can still aspire to own some of the legendary cars one has yet to own.

                    As more fleets are converted to EV's, there will be some cool choices for new cars and they will become more fun to drive. Having options is never a bad thing and once range anxiety is no longer a thing, everyone may prefer dailying an EV for it's merits. The throttle response on an EV is pretty great as it is. I'm actually excited for restomods and reinvented conversions. The modularity of the drivetrains could even make alot of classics interesting/relevant again.


                      For the ICE camp, Mercedes Petronas achieved a thermal efficiency of over 50%. Yeah, it’s F1 but many technologies make their way into road cars. Technology will continue to improve thermal efficiency and reduce waste and emissions.

                      Call me an old man but haven’t found a modern car that really excites me outside of a Porsche. ICE, EV or hybrid.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                        Each EV has a big battery, and when we have hundreds millions of EV parked around the country, the power companies don't need to own a massive battery storage system (big investment cost) to store the energy from solar or wind power sources, but they could tap into all of the EV's batteries, including when cars parked at shopping or at work parking lots. During power generating cycle (strong wind or bright sun light) the power grids charge your battery, and during power shortage cycle (no wind and night time), the power grid borrow power from your EV (when it has more than 80% of charge, for example). Each EV will have a power account, and each month you receive a bill or a refund check based on the energy flowing direction and storage rental time. Each parking space equipped with induction charging/discharging circuit (like electric toothbrush charger) for current to flow both direction. No need to pull the cable and plug to the car (a little less efficient than direct plug in with cable at home but automatic).
                        Last edited by sapote; 11-23-2021, 08:30 PM.


                          Originally posted by Obioban View Post

                          Click image for larger version Name:	IMG_2135.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	214.5 KB ID:	138607

                          ^Tesla solar roof pictured above, when we're also getting on the house we're building
                          Great aesthetic, that roof looks killer on that garage barn. Is that a local builder or??

                          Just sent this link to my wife yesterday:
                          Download plans to build your outhouse to pair with your A-frame or cabin, at an affordable price (PDF & CAD files). Includes blueprints, floor plans, material lists, designs, & more!

                          I'm a sucker for good design. With Scandinavian influences in my life, I find simple clean lines hard to beat.

                          Thread hijack over.
                          Build thread: Topaz Blue to Shark Blue


                            Originally posted by Jimbo's M View Post
                            Indeed, unfortunately not nearly as far fetched as some may think. Wonderful setup, thanks for the reply.
                            I edited in some more details of things we’re doing to optimize for winter that I forgot about in my initial reply to you.

                            2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
                            2012 LMB/Black 128i
                            2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


                              Originally posted by Casa de Mesa View Post

                              Great aesthetic, that roof looks killer on that garage barn. Is that a local builder or??

                              Just sent this link to my wife yesterday:
                              Download plans to build your outhouse to pair with your A-frame or cabin, at an affordable price (PDF & CAD files). Includes blueprints, floor plans, material lists, designs, & more!

                              I'm a sucker for good design. With Scandinavian influences in my life, I find simple clean lines hard to beat.

                              Thread hijack over.
                              Ha, that is a local builder, and is actually the builder we’re using… but it’s just my parent’s storage building/tractor shed.

                              2005 IR/IR M3 Coupe
                              2012 LMB/Black 128i
                              2008 Black/Black M5 Sedan


                                Originally posted by Obioban View Post

                                Ha, that is a local builder, and is actually the builder we’re using… but it’s just my parent’s storage building/tractor shed.
                                Ha! Well I like it regardless!

                                My folks are in PA as well, west-ish of Philly by about an hour. Beautiful spaces up there...
                                Build thread: Topaz Blue to Shark Blue

