Not sure I would personally ship my DME all the way to the UK for this. Surface mount soldering is not the easiest thing to do, but also not something that only a select few can do. If you're decent at through hole stuff, chances are you can do surface mount as well. Any competent electronics shop should be able to do it easily, especially since there's no BGA components to deal with (those are actually a pain to do).
OP, you could also just source the parts yourself and take it to an electronics shop. Just need two EEPROMs, a couple resistors and BDM headers. This thread has the parts list somewhere:
After that, you'd need to find a shop that can do the BDM flash to get software onto the new chips. It's possible that some BMW specialty shop near you can do it. Or you could just buy the programmer and do it yourself:
OP, you could also just source the parts yourself and take it to an electronics shop. Just need two EEPROMs, a couple resistors and BDM headers. This thread has the parts list somewhere:
After that, you'd need to find a shop that can do the BDM flash to get software onto the new chips. It's possible that some BMW specialty shop near you can do it. Or you could just buy the programmer and do it yourself: