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Whats your start up ritual?

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    Whats your start up ritual?

    Just want to know what people do in regards to get their car to optimal running temps?

    As this is my fun car, I don't use this car for commuting. If I did, it would be a headache and planning would be a must. I got this car 6 months ago and did a lot research in regards to the proper operations for this fickle/amazing engine. Let me know if you guys have any tips.

    Before I leave for anywhere, I go to my garage and start the car. Then I spend a couple of minutes getting ready to leave (put shoes on etc). Then I drive around my block a couple of time with the RPMs under 2k until it gets past the first dot of the oil temp gauge. After the first dot, til it gets closer to the middle, I won't go past 3k. I also row through the gears often so I can get the transmission oil warmed up too. The transmission is pretty notchy until its warmed up. This process takes about 10 minutes or so depending on traffic and after that, I feel more comfortable driving it a bit more aggressive. Also, anytime I drive this car, I make sure that I drive longer than 45 mins so I can properly stretch her legs out.

    Thoughts? Am I being too precious? I don't think so because once shes warmed up, I let er rip! =)

    Generally I start it and go, I try to a keep it between 2-3k until above the first oil temp dot.

    Once it's past that I'll let it go to 5k, no 7/8k revs til it's near the middle, I really don't go that high much fwiw.

    I don't like borderline lugging the engine during warmup, with 4.10 rear end gears it can be a bit of a trick keeping the RPMs up while not getting them too high.
    Eventually those will go.
    2004 Silbergrau Metallic 6MT
    Karbonius/OEM Snorkel/Flap/HTE Tuned
    Ssv1/Catted Sec. 1/SS 2.5" Sec. 2/SCZA

    OE CSL Bootlid/AS SSK/BC Coils/4.10 Gears/ Sportline 8S Wheels/Cobra Nogaros
    RACP Plates/Vincebar/CMP/Turner RTAB/Beisan

    2006 M6 Black Saphire SMG


      Page 63 of your Owner's Manual tells you what to do. PDF copies available on the web for download.

      Click image for larger version

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        This has been discussed previously (see the link for the thread - it's quite useful) - you should be driving off moderately pretty much right away. The idea being that you don't want to be hard on the engine, but you don't want it to take too long to warm up as with 10W60 if the engine runs cold for too long you'll cause unnecessary wear. As others have said the owners manual is pretty clear on this :-)

        How long do you guys usually warm up your car before you drive? I feel like I hear mixed opinions where some guys let their cars fully warm up before driving and some who just keep it under 3k until it’s fully warmed up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        2005 ///M3 SMG Coupe Silbergrau Metallic/CSL bucket seats
        Build Thread:


          I turned the key ON to prime the fuel pump, then crank it and drive away.


            Damn. I daily mine. Longest I'll let it idle in the garage is if I forgot to take the trash out on Thursdays. So maybe a minute. Then it's straight out onto the street.

            10-15 minute commute to work. Keep it under 4k RPM and try to keep throttle opening low-ish until oil hits the first dot. Beyond that, nothin' special. Sure the S54 is special, but it's not an F1 engine.


              I start it up, wait 10 seconds for the oil to flow around before loading it.

              Drive easy, between 2-3.5k. I think too low is just as bad as too high of RPMs.

              Once it's to the first dot of oil temperature anything goes.


                Idling it whilst you get dressed will do more harm if anything. You want it to warm up quicker if anything. Driving around the block is pointless. And lugging it in higher gears is not the best IMO.

                Get in car
                Start it
                Drive moderately until warmed up (BMW spec is oil temp just >50C from memory).

                Basically don't fang it until properly warmed up.


                  1) Turn the key on to prime the fuel pump for a few seconds

                  2) Turn on car and let idle for a good 30 seconds

                  3) Drive out and keep revs under 4K rpm until oil is fully warmed up


                    Thanks for the info guys! When I bought the car it didn’t come with a manual but I remember reading in my F80 manual that the best thing was to just drive it right away but keep the Revs low to warn up the car. Glad the recommendation hasn’t changed.

                    good to see everyone’s response though. Priming the fuel is a new one. I should do that!


                      Speaking of priming the fuel pump for a few seconds...could you guys take a listen to the video and let me know if this is normal? The HVAC is turned off before placing ignition to position 2.

                      /// 2004 SG/IR - Build Thread


                        Priming the fuel by letting it run the pump for the 5 or 10 seconds is also a waste of time if you ask me. If your pump isnt capable of getting up to pressure in 1 or 2 seconds there's something wrong.



                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by Shonky View Post
                            Priming the fuel by letting it run the pump for the 5 or 10 seconds is also a waste of time if you ask me. If your pump isnt capable of getting up to pressure in 1 or 2 seconds there's something wrong.
                            I think the pump priming is less than 5 sec, maybe 2sec only then it turns off if engine not running. So I turn the key on, listen to the pump priming for 2sec then crank it. This help to shorten then cranking time and save the starter.


                              Originally posted by ugaexploder View Post
                              Speaking of priming the fuel pump for a few seconds...could you guys take a listen to the video and let me know if this is normal? The HVAC is turned off before placing ignition to position 2.

                              Can't hear the pump priming at all as the noise from the AC/heating flaps moving or whatever was overpowered the priming noise. You said the HVAC is turned off (blower fan turned off) then I don't know why all of these noise going on.

