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Cluster Display project

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    Terra posted this over on another forum a while back:


    Byte 0
    Bit 0 - unused
    Bit 1 - Check Engine light (0 = off, 1 = on)
    Bit 3 - Cruise Control Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
    Bit 4 - EML Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
    Bit 7 - Check Gas Cap light (0 = off, 1 = on)
    Byte 1 - Fuel Consumption LSB
    Byte 2 - Fuel Consumption MSB (Values just cycle from 0 to FFFF then start over at zero. Fuel consumiption is the rate of change.)
    Byte 3
    bit 0 - Oil level error if motortype = S62
    bit 1 - Oil Level Warning
    bit 2 - Oil Level Error
    bit 3 - Overheat Light
    bit 4, 5, 6 - M3/M5 RPM Warning Field (refer to tables below)
    Byte 4 - Oil Temperature (ºC = X - 48)
    Byte 5 - Charge Light (0 = off, 1 = on; only used on some DMEs)
    Byte 6 - CSL Oil Level (format unclear)
    Byte 7 - Possibly MSS54 TPM Trigger

    RPM Warning Field Table (E46 M3 Cluster)
    LED Value (dec) Value (bin) Left shift
    7500 0 0 #000####
    7000 1 1 #001####
    6500 2 10 #010####
    6000 3 11 #011####
    5500 4 100 #100####
    5000 5 101 #101####
    4500 6 110 #110####
    4000 7 111 #111####


      Such a cool idea. Totally in support of it becoming a product. Subscribing and can't wait to see this developing!
      BMW M340i G20 '21
      BMW M3e46 '04
      exBMW 120i f20 '16
      exBMW 328i Convertible e36 '96
      exBMW 628Csi e24 '87
      ex BMW 328i Coupé e36 '98
      ex BMW 530i e34 '89
      ex BMW 735i e23 '81


        Originally posted by Martyn View Post
        Terra posted this over on another forum a while back:


        Byte 0
        Bit 0 - unused
        Bit 1 - Check Engine light (0 = off, 1 = on)
        Bit 3 - Cruise Control Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
        Bit 4 - EML Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
        Bit 7 - Check Gas Cap light (0 = off, 1 = on)
        Byte 1 - Fuel Consumption LSB
        Byte 2 - Fuel Consumption MSB (Values just cycle from 0 to FFFF then start over at zero. Fuel consumiption is the rate of change.)
        Byte 3
        bit 0 - Oil level error if motortype = S62
        bit 1 - Oil Level Warning
        bit 2 - Oil Level Error
        bit 3 - Overheat Light
        bit 4, 5, 6 - M3/M5 RPM Warning Field (refer to tables below)
        Byte 4 - Oil Temperature (ºC = X - 48)
        Byte 5 - Charge Light (0 = off, 1 = on; only used on some DMEs)
        Byte 6 - CSL Oil Level (format unclear)
        Byte 7 - Possibly MSS54 TPM Trigger

        RPM Warning Field Table (E46 M3 Cluster)
        LED Value (dec) Value (bin) Left shift
        7500 0 0 #000####
        7000 1 1 #001####
        6500 2 10 #010####
        6000 3 11 #011####
        5500 4 100 #100####
        5000 5 101 #101####
        4500 6 110 #110####
        4000 7 111 #111####

        So since I've written that, I figured out a little more detail for the fuel consumption. The DME tracks the sum of the injector duration, does some bit shifting, and sends the 2 least significant bytes. The cluster figures out the fuel consumption based on the change in injector duration sum between messages.


          Printed out the first PCB Layout for fitment check. Plan to install it in the backcover of the Cluster. It would be possible to wire the complete Voltage supply and Can inside cluster, but that requires not bad soldering skills. So i will made like in the print the connector complete accessible from outside, so the wiring will be more easy.
          Still have to tidy up the Layout a bit and correct the componentlabels on PCB.
          …under construction.


            Decided yesterday to order a set of 10 PCB‘s and a ton of smd parts. This will take 2-3 weeks for arrival. I hope I made everything correct on the layout, was not very easy to made the MCU as stand-alone. I think more than 30h has go in the layout and „pre troubleshooting“. But it would not surprise me, if I need to order a v1.1 oder v1.2 PCB, because something doesn‘t work as aspected

            Because I hate waiting, i have ordered an interesting oilsensor for around 35$. It can measure temp and pressure with only 1 sensor and transmit on only 1 line via PWM. It’s from N20 engines. As shown in datasheet it even transmit a little selfdiagnostic like tempfailure etc.pp. ! And it would take place in the blindplug from the Oilfilter housing next to the Oilpressureswitch. I will see if I can write a code for it, that no will slow down my Canbus data capturing.
            …under construction.


              in for one as well! great work!


                I searched a way, to display the exhausttemp from the built in E46 m3 exhausttempsensor. But there is no way to do it over Canbus.

                Maybe i will add in a v2.0 ClusterDisplay a ISO1941 compatible interface (aka "K-Line") to emulate diagnostic request from Inpa/Tool32. That way, it would be possible to display every value that is Inpa or Tool32 capable of. Like IAT, IGN° or Exhausttemp. If i remember right, the awron vent gauge works in a similar way. As it's only plugged into OBD, and on E46 OBD is no CAN available.

                Made a quick test today with Interface on breadboard connected to my PC (serial console). And yes, the ECU is responsive if i request a specific diagnostic address. So it's possible this way. The only downside of this, is the refresh rate is not even close to the CAN.
                Very much programming is needed and different Hardware than the current PCB design. Still have to think about this, if its worth that amount of work.

                Hoping for the current PCBs to arrive next Week, mail from Asia is so unbelievable slow!
                …under construction.


                  Little Update.

                  First PCBs arrived, soldered one prototype but had some problems with design and used a wrong Pinout on a IC. Spend hours on this to find the problem, really annoying and not happy to throw all of them in the bin.
                  But anyway, ordered today again new design and this time with L9637D IC to communicate over K-line to get IAT, ignition angle, Exhausttemp etc. like Inpa, tool32 and Testo. So near unlimited possibilities.

                  here is a picture of the v1.0 PCB.
                  …under construction.


                    This is awesome I'm really excited to see this. I only have the single button mtrack mode steering wheel so I don't have the cruise control button to flip through pages if I got this and I really want this 🤣


                      Originally posted by nextelbuddy View Post
                      This is awesome I'm really excited to see this. I only have the single button mtrack mode steering wheel so I don't have the cruise control button to flip through pages if I got this and I really want this 🤣
                      As soon as I find a (affordable) real ZCP/CSL Mk60 to get the „short press“ DSC off and Short press track mode, I’m in the same boat. But these units are very rare here!
                      If I find one, I will use the e38/39 wiper stalk. It have a additional button (on E38/39 for „special“ window cleaning mode) looks similar to BC button the indicator stalk. But any (additional) button will work (must be connected to ground) to switch the pages, only have to wire it to the connector.
                      …under construction.


                        I will keep an eye out for you for one. I found Obioban one here in the states for $270 from a local part out person. i found mine for $100 from another part out. the e38 wiper stalk is a good call i forgot about that option. Im definitely interested in one of your setups. love the programming and screen layout with pages in your setup more. i wonder if it can work with my boost solenoid that I use with the zada tech as well as the innovate LC-2 controller for AFRs


                          100$ for ZCP Mk60 is a real steal! PM me, if you see/have one again.
                          It can accept any kind of sensor, as long it have a 0-1V or 0-5V, pwm or square output (maybe serial is also possible). Only need a valid datasheet of the sensor. The rest is only programming. For AFR in use AEM, bit different scaling but 0-5V analog output too.
                          so in short: yes it will work!
                          …under construction.



                            Some updates on progress.

                            New PCB design is working so far, only missed two connections (the 2 black wires on PCB) for new K-Line interface. So this Board only works for Can and analog sensors. Before I order final PCB for both (k-line and can), I will finish programming and test it a bit in car (EMC wise for example).

                            Currently stuck at 2 problems, because when I implement more and more functions, they influence each other. One is freezing randomly the display with K-Line read‘s after some time. And the other is the refresh rate from PWM oil pressure+temp sensor.

                            So what would working in „general“? (Will not implement everything, because not all are useful values and display is small.

                            -Splash screen with Logo or Text when powering it up
                            -Gear and gear mode SMG
                            -Water and Oiltemp from ECU
                            -RPM, KMh
                            -wheel speeds etc.
                            -3 wire Analog 0-5V or 0-1V sensors and 2 wire temp Sensors
                            -Over K-Line:
                            Throttle angle
                            Exhaust Temp
                            Engine temp
                            Ambient temp
                            Batt voltage
                            Airmass in Kg/h
                            Ambient pressure
                            Vmax from ecu memory
                            Rpmmax from ecu memory
                            Ignition angle zyl 1-6
                            Average ignition angle
                            Lambda integrators
                            Ignition retard adaptions (thinked about reset these adaptions with a button)
                            some smg values like pressure in system

                            What’s not working in the moment/issues:

                            -When capturing K-line values with diagsystem emulation, MCU freezes after some time. Maybe have a overflow here and running out of ram. (programming related)

                            -refresh rate from pwm oil/temp sensor is bad, it influence the display code (programming related)

                            -have rarely randomly little „fragments“ on display when updating it (programming related, maybe hardware related->decoupling capacitor)

                            -I found a amber/red film in a e30 clock, and it gives a very nice color. Currently searching for a transparent film like this to color match with amber Interieur design.
                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by S54B32; 12-02-2020, 08:02 AM.
                            …under construction.


                              Very cool! I would be interested in Gear indicator for DCT, so 7 gears.
                              '09 HP2S, '12 R12GSA, '00 Black 323iT, '02 Alpine 325iT (Track Wagon), '02 Alpine 330iT
                              Instagram @HillPerformanceBimmers
                              Email to


                                Originally posted by George Hill View Post
                                Very cool! I would be interested in Gear indicator for DCT, so 7 gears.

                                Someone else asked me also for a OEM style version gear indicator for 7 gears DCT. Here is how it came out. Not final, but ok for now.
                                …under construction.

