Terra posted this over on another forum a while back:
Byte 0
Bit 0 - unused
Bit 1 - Check Engine light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Bit 3 - Cruise Control Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Bit 4 - EML Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Bit 7 - Check Gas Cap light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Byte 1 - Fuel Consumption LSB
Byte 2 - Fuel Consumption MSB (Values just cycle from 0 to FFFF then start over at zero. Fuel consumiption is the rate of change.)
Byte 3
bit 0 - Oil level error if motortype = S62
bit 1 - Oil Level Warning
bit 2 - Oil Level Error
bit 3 - Overheat Light
bit 4, 5, 6 - M3/M5 RPM Warning Field (refer to tables below)
Byte 4 - Oil Temperature (ºC = X - 48)
Byte 5 - Charge Light (0 = off, 1 = on; only used on some DMEs)
Byte 6 - CSL Oil Level (format unclear)
Byte 7 - Possibly MSS54 TPM Trigger
RPM Warning Field Table (E46 M3 Cluster)
LED Value (dec) Value (bin) Left shift
7500 0 0 #000####
7000 1 1 #001####
6500 2 10 #010####
6000 3 11 #011####
5500 4 100 #100####
5000 5 101 #101####
4500 6 110 #110####
4000 7 111 #111####
Byte 0
Bit 0 - unused
Bit 1 - Check Engine light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Bit 3 - Cruise Control Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Bit 4 - EML Light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Bit 7 - Check Gas Cap light (0 = off, 1 = on)
Byte 1 - Fuel Consumption LSB
Byte 2 - Fuel Consumption MSB (Values just cycle from 0 to FFFF then start over at zero. Fuel consumiption is the rate of change.)
Byte 3
bit 0 - Oil level error if motortype = S62
bit 1 - Oil Level Warning
bit 2 - Oil Level Error
bit 3 - Overheat Light
bit 4, 5, 6 - M3/M5 RPM Warning Field (refer to tables below)
Byte 4 - Oil Temperature (ºC = X - 48)
Byte 5 - Charge Light (0 = off, 1 = on; only used on some DMEs)
Byte 6 - CSL Oil Level (format unclear)
Byte 7 - Possibly MSS54 TPM Trigger
RPM Warning Field Table (E46 M3 Cluster)
LED Value (dec) Value (bin) Left shift
7500 0 0 #000####
7000 1 1 #001####
6500 2 10 #010####
6000 3 11 #011####
5500 4 100 #100####
5000 5 101 #101####
4500 6 110 #110####
4000 7 111 #111####