In early November I ordered a Vorsteiner V-CSL diffuser with a lead time of 8-10 weeks. I went with Vorsteiner for a few reasons, mainly being the design. It seems to be the only replica of the CSL diffuser that includes the ridge that lands between painted and unpainted portion. The upper left and right corners are far less rounded than most replicas, and that should eliminate that unsightly gap that most replicas have. Vorsteiner is 30 minutes away from my house and I was able to pick it up to avoid shipping costs and see the product in person. I do want to mention the customer service I received both online and in person was outstanding.
I haven’t had time to do a test fit, but my initial impressions are really positive. The weave is perfect, there doesn’t seem to be any weird misaligned patches near the exhaust tip area like you see on other replicas. The clarity of the finish is great. There was a tiny bit of leftover polish residue but I’d rather do a little bit of cleanup than receive a part that wasn’t properly corrected. The mounting tabs look really solid and beefy. It almost looks like they put a bit of extra epoxy/resin on the tabs so that they could shape the tab for better fitment. There is a metal badge with Vorsteiner's logo double sided taped to the diffuser. It's a really nice little badge, but I'm not sure why anyone would want that on their diffuser. Luckily it looks to be easily removable. It is really a non issue but I thought someone might ask about it. Hardware is included, and weight is 1lb 4.8oz
Here are some photos.

big greasy taco
Of course, BMW Part No. 61318383366
It is black plastic, it does not have any paint, coatings, or finish on it as far as I can tell. If you need a visual reference, i'd say its about the same as your the plastic on inner door handle. Satin black with a tiny bit of texture.
I haven’t had time to do a test fit, but my initial impressions are really positive. The weave is perfect, there doesn’t seem to be any weird misaligned patches near the exhaust tip area like you see on other replicas. The clarity of the finish is great. There was a tiny bit of leftover polish residue but I’d rather do a little bit of cleanup than receive a part that wasn’t properly corrected. The mounting tabs look really solid and beefy. It almost looks like they put a bit of extra epoxy/resin on the tabs so that they could shape the tab for better fitment. There is a metal badge with Vorsteiner's logo double sided taped to the diffuser. It's a really nice little badge, but I'm not sure why anyone would want that on their diffuser. Luckily it looks to be easily removable. It is really a non issue but I thought someone might ask about it. Hardware is included, and weight is 1lb 4.8oz
Here are some photos.
Originally posted by big greasy taco
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Of course, BMW Part No. 61318383366
It is black plastic, it does not have any paint, coatings, or finish on it as far as I can tell. If you need a visual reference, i'd say its about the same as your the plastic on inner door handle. Satin black with a tiny bit of texture.