Originally posted by pnvhome
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It will do that, that is ok. The value size allocation allows for a finite number of significant digits, so TunerPro will simply round off (its insignificant).
I would stay away from doing short runs, you want nice long drives or at least high hit counts for the cells or area you are targeting. I am also a bit skeptical of any cell that has a strange value at quantity 2 or 5 hits or something, manually replace it with 1. If you are seeing high corrections (stock limits in many cars are 1.1 to 0.9) then do short drives to get them closer before you spend a lot of time in these areas.
This is sort of when the LTFT become important, Lambda Integrator is applied as an instant correction OVER the longer term fuel trim. This is partially why I disabled it, after long periods of time cruising at high speeds (4k+ rpm for example) the fuel trim would apply to everything and then car would hunt during idle when I stop afterwards. Without a MAF I don't really see a point to long term fuel trims, unless you have a significant drop in fuel pressure there isn't a whole lot that it can help with.